- Olivia Ong获照顾唱英语歌
- 狮城落选选手 却受邀“指定PK”
台湾《超级星光大道5》上一场PK踢馆赛本月16日举办,日前,参加前一天彩排的陈文杰在博客批节目内定,并指台湾节目工作人员明显对来自新加坡的 “内定人选”有特别的礼遇,不仅彩排时忙着为他们试音,他们彩排的时间更长达一小时,与其他参赛者仅有10分钟彩排时间比较起来,节目明显有差别待遇!
陈文杰指,本地的几位PK参赛者不仅有随行的摄影师,还有节目工作人员跟着忙进忙出。他随后一问才知道,原来新加坡参赛者是确定隔天踢馆的参赛者; 据悉,15日彩排的海内外参赛者一共18人,但隔天正式录影PK的参赛者却只有8人,其中蔡艾珈、黄智阳、王顺达、郑可为和Olivia Ong共5人是本地代表。
特权 1 出场大阵仗
据随行的电台工作人员表示:“除了参赛者和工作人员外,我们也在台湾聘了3名当地的摄影师,帮忙拍一些幕后花絮、访问等,片段经剪接后在本地播出。 包括《星光5》的一名企划宣传,我们一行共约12人。”她解释,外人看上去会认为是“大阵仗”,实际上,陪同“跟进跟出”的台湾工作人员之有一名。
特权 2 工作人员态度落差大
虽然有说制作单位对本地参赛者较“仁慈”,但王顺达说:“没有啊,到我的时候,沟通上出了一些问题,工作人员也有点不耐烦说:‘你既然来到了这里, 就应该做好准备!’”他还指:“像黄智阳是当天第二位上场彩排的人,因为时间很紧,就算他key没对好,如果要再对key,就得等到6点多,这样对其他参 赛者也比较公平。”
特权 3 彩排有礼遇
(Images and Article source: http://showbiz.omy.sg/Showbiz/E-News/Story/OMYStory200908291616-86825/2.html)
My thoughts:
Our PK representatives are just there as guests challengers to add color, flavor and excitement to the Taiwan singing competition and I suppose they are just being polite to accede to the requests of the competition organizers when it comes to the details of rehearsals, song choices and even chances to continue as PK challengers to the competition.
Personally, I thought it would be unwise for any of the PK challengers from our country to try and interfere or even inject their own opinions on how things should be done in any measurement of fairness since I believe our representatives are wise enough to let the organizers decide for the entire group of contestants and PK representatives from all the various countries about what is best for the competition.
In short, 我们是客人,当然只能尊重主人的安排,并给与最大的合作。
With regards to the results of the 5th round of PK for our representatives (http://showbiz.omy.sg/Showbiz/E-News/Story/OMYStory200909010039-87219.html), I am actually not surprised.
劉明湘 《危險情人》/李玟 16 vs Olivia 《Bleeding Love》/Leona Lewis 20 (胜)
Olivia is the most experienced singer amongst them all and relatively still the freshest representative compared to Zhiyang and Aijia.
梁曉珺 《寂寞保齡球》/張惠妹 17 勝 vs 鄭可為 《第一個清晨》/王力宏 16 (败)
Kewei is not experienced enough in competitions and probably had not gotten over her phobia for singing in such contexts.
徐詠琳 《雙棲動物》/蔡健雅 16 vs 蔡艾珈 《飄著》/孫燕姿 16 (和)
Aijia is already tired from all the flying with the burden of schoolwork nagging behind her mind.
楊駿文 《遺失的美好》/張韶涵 17 勝 vs 黃智陽 《如果你也听说》/张惠妹15 (败)
Zhiyang has more or less showcased his intended skills in singing and does not seem to want to venture to impress the competition judges at any other deliberate lengths or platforms.
With regards to the article about Aijia saying no to the invitation to join 超级星光大道 6 in 2010 (http://showbiz.omy.sg/Showbiz/E-News/Story/OMYStory200908311530-87177.html), I think it's a wise decision right now.
For those who are close enough to Aijia to speak to her, here's what I want to relay to her and let her figure out what my thoughts are about this whole thing:
势别用尽, 艺别展尽, 不然缘份必尽.