Thoughts at the beginning:
I just realized that I have very few photographs or images to make my personal blog attractive or eye-catching. Hmm...perhaps I have to work on that. In the meantime, I need to find some alternative ways to present my blog entries so that they would not look too dull. I surfed through some of the blogs and I found that writing about one's personal deeds and thoughts of the day is the most commonplace and easiest types of format for my blog entries so this will be my first attempt to do so.How the day moved on:
Today is my rest day. It's one of those rare days that I can actually wake up later than usual and it was really enjoyable just to have one entire day to do the things I wanted. I have been busy giving tuition to my students for the past few months and I barely get a full' days (24 hours) worth of rest and today happens to be the day.
Woke up at 0850hrs and I realized I was going to be late for my online appointment to play maple story. Yeah, I play maple story at this age for quite a number of reasons but primarily, I just like to play MS because it's simple, bloodless and funny at times.
Took my breakfast after an hour's play and it was the same fare - roti prata. I liked it because it's filling and it tastes great, especially the cheese prata and washed all of that down with a glass of iced milo. Not exactly the healthiest of breakfast, but enough to see me through the gym session 2 hours later after breakfast.
Gym was good today because nobody was inside when I went in. I had the whole gym to myself and I started straight with the treadmill because it was usually hogged by the ladies who would jogged or walked for nearly an hour even though the stipulated duration was no more than 20mins. The 2.4km run ended well though it could be better and I reminded myself to push that little bit harder the next time I do my "lab rat run".
Lunch was a simple meal of shredded chicken porridge because I was hoping to eat healthily after a good gym session. The porridge tasted great and the warmth it gave was welcoming as I sat at the coffee shop watching the heavy downpour. Ah...the joys of a simple meal.
Home again and it was Titan Quest's time! The game was as dangerous as the gameplay because it can crash anytime and reset my desktop computer at will. I had to save and backup manually everytime I go a rebirth fountain but so far, no disastrous consequences on my character who is slowly but steadily moving through the maps in the game.
Dinner was odd. Ham and salad sandwiches was prepared for dinner and I gobbled two of those. Of course, those two sandwiches could not fill me up so I ended up cooking instant mee goreng noodles to eat. I realized that I cannot cook two of those packets together because the flavouring and sauces would be diluted by the excessive water retained in the noodles so I cooked two packets separately and this time, they tasted much better. Cooking skill +1 ~~~~
Haven't really thought of what to do tonight. Most probably, I have to prepare notes for one of my students because she could not find a printer to print her lesson notes for tomorrow's lesson. Well, there is always contingency for that so I don't really foresee it to be a problem.
Well, it's a rest day so I'll just idle around and maybe practice a few songs on the Internet before wrapping up the day in a few hours' time.
In a Nutshell at the end:
It's a strange feeling to be writing down my thoughts because I have never had a habit to do a diary, let alone a personal blog on the Internet. Yet, the blog probably does what it has done for so many across the world - to act as a channel or even a vent for people to write and express their thoughts and feelings for others to read. Everything for my blog is still at a nascent stage but I hope it will eventually grow into something that I like as well. I must put a reminder to exchange blog addresses with my friends who are more regular bloggers and perhaps I shall share this blog with many others more when I feel that it is more presentable.
(Image Source: jayhall92, 2006, Photobucket)
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