Sunday, May 13, 2007

Breathing & Vocalization Patterns while singing <自己> By 李玟

I have received fairly positive feedback on my previous post about breathing and falsetto patterns on singing so I am encouraged by it to write another one. This time, I choose a classic song from Coco Lee, another highly accomplished female singer with recognized talents.

This post will be slightly different from the previous one because Coco Lee did not really employ much falsetto in this particular song as her original voice range is very broad and rich but she uses different singing voices (vocalization) to bring our the various depths of the song and I will colour-code them for the convenient learning of the interested readers and singing enthusiasts.

(B-easy) = Breathe easy
(B) = Breathe
(Red) = High Voice (not falsetto)
(Green) = Falsetto

自己 By 李玟 Coco Lee

仔细的 (B)看着波光中清晰的倒影 (B)是另一个自己
(B)它属于 (B)我最真实的表情
(B)愿意 生活中掩饰真心敷衍了 (B)爱我的人的眼睛~~~

(B)我 心中的自己 (B)每一秒 都愿意
(B)爱放去追寻 (B)用心去珍惜~~~

隐藏在 (B)心中每一个真实的心情 (B)现在释放出去
(B)我想要 呈现世界前更有力量的 (B)更有勇气的生命~~~

(B)我 眼中的自己 (B)每一天 都相信
(B)活的越像我爱的 自己~~~
(B)我 心中的自己 (B)每一秒 都愿意
(B)爱放去追寻 (B)用心去珍惜

(B)只有爱里才拥有 (B)自由气息
(B)诚实 面对自己才 (B)有爱的决心~~~

(B)我 眼中的自己 (B)每一天 都相信
(B)活的越来越像我爱的 自己~~~
(B)我 心中的自己 (B)每一秒 都愿意
(B)爱放去追寻 (B)去珍惜 (B)去爱~~~~~~

(B)为爱放手 去追寻 (B)用心去 珍惜 Hey~~~~

Have fun reading, learning and singing! Hope you enjoyed the song too! ^_^

(Video source: apple17, 02 May 2006, YouTube)

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