Sunday, January 20, 2008

Report on SPOP Songwriters Concert @ Eastpoint Mall 19 Jan 2008 (with exclusive video and photo coverage of Teresa too!)

Exclusive Slideshow of SPOP Songwriters Concert @ Eastpoint Mall:

Hope everyone reading my blog likes the slideshow that I have made for the songwriters and superstars singing at Eastpoint Mall on last Saturday. Remember to credit me if you are going to take anything from the slideshow.

For those observant enough, you may noticed that Teresa's performance photos are not included inside yet because her fanclub photographers have not finished processing those shots yet so I'll add hers in once they are ready.

Alright, since I promised a report so I'll make sure I comment on each of the twelve performances on that day. Here goes:

《谢谢你的好》 By 陈铿百 Nat Tan

Nathaniel's performance was very stable. Nothing extraordinarily memorable or worth negatively commenting on. Good job, Nathaniel!

《Love is Forever》 By 阮诗凯 Keely 曾裕淑 Maxilian 许政宁 Zhengning

The more people onstage, the more my expectations of being entertained is. The three girls did alright for their performance but fell a little bit short of my expectations of them moving around more onstage and maybe doing a little bit of synchronized movements. However, they just swayed and waved, without further explicit attempts to increase the total entertainment value of their performance.

《沙漠》 By 陈迪雅 Diya

Diya's performance was postponed until the second half of the concert and her skills were still there and the song was performed with relative ease for her. I don't know if it was deliberately planned by MediaCorp's artiste or wardrobe department, but I kept seeing Diya in suspenders, which actually shortened her height even more onstage and gave neither a matured nor a youthful look to Diya. Perhaps Diya should consider a wardrobe change or stick to jeans or skirts like the other female performers?

《蚊子咬咬》 By 谢子伟 Jeff Teay 官镜瀚 Jeremy Kwan

Again the same thing happened, both the guys just sang and sang without any significant or memorable planned moves. It was quite a waste because I thought they were already well-trained in their music school to learn about stage movements. This song actually has a lot of potential for very comical moves onstage but neither of the guys seemed keen to entertain the audience. No wonder Spicymac (another celebrity blogger) was complaining the atmosphere then was a bit cold. Half the responsibility laid with the performers.

《雨伞》 By 曾咏霖 Teresa

Teresa's vocal quality was undisputedly par excellence that afternoon and had won quite a few rounds of resounding cheers, applause and whistling. Like most of the abovementioned performers, she knew her song well and I have no much to comment on the vocal aspect of their performances. Teresa did her stage movements as well as she could but my expectations of her are, as usual, higher than normal. There is still some room for improvement for her stage movement and because I am nicer to the girl (obviously), my more detailed advice is given to her at her own official fanclub instead.

《Sunday Evening》 By 杨佳盈 Carrie

I read Carrie's blog yesterday and I was surprised to find her "moody" because her song was not moving up into the leaderboard at all for the past few weeks. Carrie, if you are thinking it was to do with your performance, let me tell you that your performance last Saturday was, in my opinion, was amongst the best three. Good stage movement, good involvement in the song and genuine interaction with the audience there. Excellent work!

《男人香水》 By 林昱志 Leon

Leon seemed very emotionally connected to the songwriter and hence he was hugging and cheering with the songwriter fairly often but I was thinking it was really very disrupting to the overall enjoyment of his performance. He modified the song with a personal rap portion, which was creative and well-done, but it was again disruptive to the audience trying to identify with the song. Imagine first-time listeners were impressed by the rap portion but found to their disappointment that the official version had not such portion, how then is it possible for listeners to stay with the song?

《婚礼》 By 杜蕙甹 Candyce 张乐声 Lesheng

Yet again, very little stage movement that was doing justice to the song. I thought both of them were supposed to be singing a love duet but I sensed zero chemistry between the two singers. With no chemistry or attempts to form it onstage, the song was lost and attention for the performance waned. Lesheng and Candyce, both of you should be able to see from the stage how the audience faltered because there was little commitment to the song from both of you, both vocally and visually.

《不再》 By 孙文海 Wenhai

Perhaps I had high expectations that Wenhai could pull off rock songs without a sweat but I was utterly disappointed when he relied on the deejay to switch vocal ranges in-between the songs. He was supposed to impress the audience with his power but I could tell that he was just waiting for the special effects to hit in when the portions were reached. Wenhai, you have to show your own strengths instead of relying on those special effects to pull your designated song off the ground.

《爱的味道》 By 黄俊辉 Adriano 李俊纬 Marcus

Chemistry was slightly better between the two guys for this song and they were really enjoying themselves onstage. However, there was still much more room for improvement instead of just swaying their bodies to the tune of the song. Both of them must take note of their stretchnotes because I caught both of them going off-key near the end of the song. Considering the relative strengths of the other more senior singers, such a mistake became quite glaring to the trained ears.

《发烧》 By 汤灵伊 Tang Lingyi

Lingyi was as cute as ever and was doing all she could to portray that image throughout her performance, which was absolutely fine since it is a cute-sounding song to begin with. However, her voice projection through the microphone sounded too soft and she did not seem to notice that and compensate for it. With no adjustment and stage moves that were getting rather stale towards the end of her performance, my attention wavered too. I hope she could do better next time round.

《我死了怎么办》 By 潘嗣敬 Sugianto 田铭耀 Mingyao

This group put in the most effort to come up with synchronized stage moves to impress and entertain and I was a lot more pleased with them for their efforts. Yet, more could be done if they had more practice because I could see that they did not really coordinately completely and Sugianto was more like trying to catch up with Mingyao throughout the performance. It may look alright for the general audience at Eastpoint Mall but it would not make the cut if the stage or setting was a notch more formal. Practise! Rehearse!

Teresa performing 《雨伞》at Eastpoint Mall on 19 Jan 2008:

Okay. I admit the video quality dropped considerably from that on my camera/video phone when I uploaded the performance onto Youtube but I hope everyone can still enjoy the song and Teresa's singing beyond all the pixel and static issues in the video. It's actually a beautiful and endurable song once you listen to it a few times.

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