Monday, April 21, 2008

The brutality of fur trade - Findings of animal cruelty investigations in China by

The following video is a shocking reminder of how terrible and cruel fur trade can be if people continue to buy fur products.

Warning: For all readers of my blog who are minors (below 21 years old) and anyone who may not be able to stomach blood and brutal scenes of animals being skinned alive (yes, alive), the following video will not be suitable for you. I am absolutely serious about this warning.

If you insist on watching it, please have your parent(s) or a suitable adult for viewing guidance before viewing or it may leave overwhelmingly disturbing images in your mind.

As I have commented on the comments section of the Youtube video, I think it's not about which animal or which country is doing this. Fur trade can only thrive because of demand and supply. To curb such senseless killings, we have stop buying fur, any fur from any country or animal.

No demand, no supply, no killing - this is what I believe.


Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Sean Ho, yup, that's why i am a vegan.
if you have news of Teresa's performance, could you please kindly inform me? i am quite free right now and would love to see her perform live. please reach me at or im: universal.dreamer.
thanks a lot, best regards
don't mind about those 'haters' -they are kids.

Anonymous said...

Hello Mr Ho - did i make multiple posts? very sorry i am not familiar with posting on blogger. please delete them. best regards.