Saturday, June 14, 2008

Nice Game Music Videos From Kingdom Hearts and Coldplay Latest Song "Violet Hill"

I received these videos from a friend on Facebook and thought they are quite nice so I put them up to share with the readers of my blog.

Kingdom Hearts - Viva la Vida

Kingdom Hearts looks like quite a nice game but I already have Sims 2 and Imperial Ages which are keeping my hands full during my gaming time but for those interested, you can go ahead and try the game. It's quite challenging and yet fun to play.

Coldplay - Violet Hill - FULL OFFICIAL VIDEO

I am not a English music lover but the song sounds quite well-made and an occasional English song does broaden one's music horizon. Any reader out there with more exposure to Coldplay and go ahead and tag what you know about this song.

My apologies for not updating my blog as often as I would like to. I promise to update as much as possible in June because I think I scheduled too much work this month and ended up neither resting properly nor blogging regularly.

I went for a badminton session with a few of my friends and because of the resulting fatigue, ended up with a calf cramp after two hours of badminton. It's really hilarious because I usually don't have cramps so I think it's a sign for to rest more. I think I will sleep earlier before midnight tonight.

I haven't bought my USB cable replacement so there are many photos which are not uploaded yet but I will promise to do that as soon as I can.

Take care everyone and stay tuned. I will push for another post as soon as time allows. Don't worry, I will be ablet to blog more once I survive this two weeks. Jia you~~~

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