Friday, March 30, 2007

29 March 2007 End of the Day Post

Okay, I think the visitors on my blog are bored with just my blog posts on the Campus Superstars 2 competition so I'll write more about what I am currently doing right now.


Received lots of phone calls wanting me to teach more students but I am already full so I have to turn down many offers, including some with very good rates. Oh well, one cannot possibly earn all the money in the world. Doing what one loves may not necessarily make one a millionaire in the dollars sense, but I really think it can make up for in the satisfaction sense.

Maple Story:

I have been waking up early in the mornings and mapling for the past two weeks, not because I am a crazy gamer, but because I have a dateline to hit a certain character level in preparation for the return of a particular guild member who has been away from so long. With the strength of the new character levels, it will mean much better deterrence against hostile players who may jump on this non-aggressive and passive-playing guild member. Online gaming worlds can be comparably dangerous as the real world in their own ways. Just check out the deviousness of those hackers, scammers, and cheaters in maple story...

Identity versus Knowledge:

My recent appearances in certain forums and tagboards have sparked an equal amount of interest and detest amongst the bloggers and posters on the Internet. It is because I have been taking the initiative to share some of my music knowledge with people who seemed keen to learn. However, it has incurred curiosity, as well as some disgust, about my identity to be speaking about such things. I really wonder - does it take a certificate to speak up one's mind on a particular subject like music? Maybe Singapore is so hooked up about credentials and qualifications that the moment nothing flashy and important-looking is displayed on a signboard, people start to doubt that one is not qualified to say anything about anything at all...Maybe people are more interested in checking up on identities & qualifications than gleaming and applying the knowledge in front of them. To me - it's like inspecting that miniscule crack on the window pane and missing the view outside the window altogether. Such a strange world this is.

The Sims 2:

I have been spending quite some time in front of computer games recently due to bad weather, recovery from sore throat and fatigue from recent workload. So I dug up The Sims 2 and started playing it again. My main kick comes from designing houses and I had the fortunate imaginative streak to come up with a Club-Med style house with lots of pool area surrounded by oasises of luxuriant trees. The Club-Med house has been under construction for nearly a week but I am not complaining at all because it is my best designed house to date. Once I completed it, I will find some way to post it up for everyone to see. The more I look at it, the more I think it's worth showing off to on my blog..haha

That's all for now. Time to sleep and get energy for Friday, which is another busy gym+gaming+working day for me. Have a good weekend yourself! =)

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