Teresa appeared onstage together with Zhiyang at around 1.22pm after the performances by Nat, Carrie, Alejandro, Khim, Yiyua, Adriano, and Yuyang. She sang the solo song 原来你一直都在 by 张惠春,Saya and the duet song of 珊瑚海 by 周杰伦, Jay and Lara with Zhiyang and left the premises at around 1.45pm.
Teresa was dressed in a beautiful pink floral-patterned top and a pair of navy blue jeans. And I think she was still the best dressed amongst all the Superstars who performed today because her top was the prettiest in my humble fashion opinion.
When the mcees asked what were keeping Zhiyang and Teresa busy, Teresa only answered with a short reply “Schoolwork” and proceeded to start her solo song. I was pretty worried for Teresa because her reply to the mcees sounded really weak and almost inaudible. Faithful supporters of Teresa can probably from the photographs provided by alan_is_not_great that Teresa looked frail and lethargic today. Teresa’s less-than-normal condition onstage was further confirmed when she started singing a song which was different from what Thomas had emailed me on Friday night.
The song was supposed to be 想念你的歌 but it turned out to be原来你一直都在instead. I was quite shocked because the new solo song was not really what Teresa had prepared for and in the end Teresa seemed to have done a less than average job with the new solo song. In my humble opinion, the song was way too low for Teresa’s competent vocal range and our dear Teresa sounded as if she was trying to struggle to reach the low notes throughout the solo performance, resulting in the lapse of interest by the listening audience as they started to fidget during her solo performance.
After Zhiyang had performed his two shortened solo songs, Teresa sang a duet with Zhiyang using the popular珊瑚海 and it sounded much better because the song was more suitable for her vocal range and capabilities. The second duet was responded with a much louder round of applause and cheering because both Zhiyang and Teresa sounded quite good together even though their harmonization within the song still have room for improvements (Teresa sounded a little too sharp at certain parts when she re-entered the song whilst Zhiyang’s voice projection was a little too loud).
I am also using this report as an opportunity because according to Thomas’ email on Friday night, I had always thought Teresa was just going to perform one solo song just like the rest of the Campus Superstars and instructed the idollic.com/teresa administrator so. When Teresa went onstage for the duet, the administrator was caught surprised and did not manage to record the duet with Zhiyang in time. I hereby apologize to the rest of the faithful supporters of Teresa for causing the loss of the video recording of the duet song. I hope alan_is_not_great, who was supposedly there as well, managed to take photographs of that duet performance to make up for the loss.
To Teresa: I know you are now probably feeling upset that the solo song was not really sung up to your expectations but I hope you don’t take it too hard upon yourself. Everyone misses the mark during performances once in a while and suffers a few hiccups here and there along the way. I hope you can stay cheery and happy for there will most certainly be another chance to perform and show what you are actually truly capable of with singing.
The grades below serve merely as a guide for your self-improvement and feedback so please don’t take those marks as my personal admonishments to your performance today because I was already informed of the reason why you are not your usual self today. If I was not wrong, I believe you were looking in my direction during certain portions of the solo song performance but I was not really smiling back at you but pursing my lips in worry because I was more worried about you than the performance itself. Hope you don’t find me less friendly because I did not flash my usual smile back at you today.
In the meantime, hope you can recover completely and I hope to see you beaming and shining again at your next performance.
My personal grading for our dear Teresa for her performance (solo song only) is as follows:
1.0) Singing Capability (Subtotal: 16.5 out of 25 marks)
1.1) Lyrics accuracy (3 out 5 marks) - includes lyrics memorization
Reason: I could not hear at least eight to twelve words of the solo song (especially the middle parts of the solo song) so I considered that as only partial success of this portion by Teresa because if I could not hear the lyrics, I could not tell if the song was sung accurately.
1.2) Tempo accuracy (4.5 out 5 marks) - includes synchronization to the tempo of song
Reason: Although Teresa seemed to be struggling with her feeble-sounding voice, she still managed to keep up with the tempo of the song so I still award her the points for this segment of TEV.
1.3) Breath control (3.5 out 5 marks) - includes breathing techniques and song pausesReason: Not as well managed as tempo, Teresa looked a little strained during her solo song and could just manage to hit the high endnotes at the end parts of the song.
1.4) Voice clarity (2 out 5 marks) - includes pronunciation of lyrics and notes
Reason: I failed our dear Teresa (sadly) in this segment of the TEV because her voice was really weak amidst the music accompaniment and that also caused the attention of the audience to lapse whilst she was singing. This is a big no-no for any performer so voice clarity was a major flaw in this particular performance of Teresa.
1.5) Singing techniques (3.5 out 5 marks) - includes voicing platforms and bass use, rapping, etcReason: She did her best on this segment as she seemed to attempt to use the bass voicing platform for the low-key solo song but Teresa’s low notes are still a problem even up till today. If only I could speak directly to her, I think I know how to help her low-notes.
2. 0) Song Delivery (Subtotal: 14 out of 20 marks)
2.1) Facial expression of performer (2.5 out 5 marks)
Reason: I could tell that Teresa was looking quite weak physically because she could not flash her megawatt smile properly and her face returned to a solemn expression after she left the stage. I took quite a big deduction of points off this segment of TEV because her smile was one of her major attractions, which was seriously missing before she sang her songs and after she finished singing them.
2.2) Body language of performer (3.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa’s body language was relatively better because she managed to gesticulate at the right moments of the song but it could have been better because the solo song was pretty dull in content and hard to have a wide variety of gesticulation.
2.3) Emotion management of performer (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Emotion management of the song was done quite to the job and I have had no complaints with how well Teresa sank into the song’s mood.
2.4) Creativity of song deliverance (4 out 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa knew that the solo ballad was meant as a romantic song for a specific person so she took time on stage to focus on key groups of audience to sang to them instead of continuously moving across the stage and doing excessive waving and smiling whilst singing. Bright girl indeed.
3.0) Stage Presentation (Subtotal: 17 out of 25 marks)
3.1) Stage posture (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa did not slouch and she had learnt to put her free arm at the respectable position when standing and talking to the mcees. I find nothing to fault her in this segment of the TEV.
3.2) Stage movement (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa had good experience in making full use of the stage and she did quite well in this segment of the TEV.
3.3) Audience interaction (3.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa was trying to smile and wave a little at the audience but she seemed to lack the energy to make the effort work out well.
3.4) Camera interaction (3.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: After a number of performances, Teresa finally had a grasp of the positions of cameras and photographs in the crowd and did her best to pose and face them whenever the song allows her to. Of course, one can see that she barely had enough energy to smile at the cameras though after remembering to face them.
3.5) Mcee interaction (2 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa did badly for this segment of the TEV because her reply was way too short and sketchy to stir interest and quench the curiosity of the audience because many would have wanted to know how she had been doing recently in her life. She did not make good use of the mcee question to develop interest on her and that waste of a good opportunity to showcase her life as a celebrity and I failed her on the wastage.
4.0) Stage Attire (Subtotal: 20.5 out of 25 marks)
4.1) Fashion appeal and impression (4.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Elegant plus gentleness. Teresa’s choice of attire got better and better. The flower-print pink top and blue jeans brought the casualness without the loss of formality for the event’s dress code and I awarded her highly in this segment of TEV. One of the Campus Superstars dressed a little too formal while two others were way too casual to show that appropriate level of respect for the event.
4.2) Suitability for song genre (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Both the solo and the duet song are ballads and thus Teresa’s attire suited the songs’ genre. Her attire focused on soft colors and tones to portray the “softness” of the ballads.
4.3) Suitability for stage movement (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Jeans are easier to move around on that small audition stage and the clothing was much lighter for the temperature at HDB Hub and hence looked more comfortable for stage movement.
4.4) Suitability for lighting effects (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: HUB Hub Atrium has natural light and given that the backdrop of the stage was greenish and bluish in color tones. Teresa stood reasonably out with the attire of pinkish top and dark blue jeans. I liked Teresa’s experiments with different colored clothes compared to some of the other Campus Superstars who seemed to be always spotted with white, black or green.
4.5) Suitability for image of performer (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa currently still portrays the image of the gentle schoolgirl and hence her stage attire suited her image as a Campus Superstar. Of course, Teresa can experiment with other images if she wishes to but I think her current image is more acceptable to the public because there are already many hip-hype Superstars in the current market.
Total Entertainment Value = Singing capability [16.5/25] + Song Delivery [14/20] + Stage Presentation [17/25] +
Stage Attire [20.5/25] = [68/95]
Teresa was dressed in a beautiful pink floral-patterned top and a pair of navy blue jeans. And I think she was still the best dressed amongst all the Superstars who performed today because her top was the prettiest in my humble fashion opinion.
When the mcees asked what were keeping Zhiyang and Teresa busy, Teresa only answered with a short reply “Schoolwork” and proceeded to start her solo song. I was pretty worried for Teresa because her reply to the mcees sounded really weak and almost inaudible. Faithful supporters of Teresa can probably from the photographs provided by alan_is_not_great that Teresa looked frail and lethargic today. Teresa’s less-than-normal condition onstage was further confirmed when she started singing a song which was different from what Thomas had emailed me on Friday night.
The song was supposed to be 想念你的歌 but it turned out to be原来你一直都在instead. I was quite shocked because the new solo song was not really what Teresa had prepared for and in the end Teresa seemed to have done a less than average job with the new solo song. In my humble opinion, the song was way too low for Teresa’s competent vocal range and our dear Teresa sounded as if she was trying to struggle to reach the low notes throughout the solo performance, resulting in the lapse of interest by the listening audience as they started to fidget during her solo performance.
After Zhiyang had performed his two shortened solo songs, Teresa sang a duet with Zhiyang using the popular珊瑚海 and it sounded much better because the song was more suitable for her vocal range and capabilities. The second duet was responded with a much louder round of applause and cheering because both Zhiyang and Teresa sounded quite good together even though their harmonization within the song still have room for improvements (Teresa sounded a little too sharp at certain parts when she re-entered the song whilst Zhiyang’s voice projection was a little too loud).
I am also using this report as an opportunity because according to Thomas’ email on Friday night, I had always thought Teresa was just going to perform one solo song just like the rest of the Campus Superstars and instructed the idollic.com/teresa administrator so. When Teresa went onstage for the duet, the administrator was caught surprised and did not manage to record the duet with Zhiyang in time. I hereby apologize to the rest of the faithful supporters of Teresa for causing the loss of the video recording of the duet song. I hope alan_is_not_great, who was supposedly there as well, managed to take photographs of that duet performance to make up for the loss.
To Teresa: I know you are now probably feeling upset that the solo song was not really sung up to your expectations but I hope you don’t take it too hard upon yourself. Everyone misses the mark during performances once in a while and suffers a few hiccups here and there along the way. I hope you can stay cheery and happy for there will most certainly be another chance to perform and show what you are actually truly capable of with singing.
The grades below serve merely as a guide for your self-improvement and feedback so please don’t take those marks as my personal admonishments to your performance today because I was already informed of the reason why you are not your usual self today. If I was not wrong, I believe you were looking in my direction during certain portions of the solo song performance but I was not really smiling back at you but pursing my lips in worry because I was more worried about you than the performance itself. Hope you don’t find me less friendly because I did not flash my usual smile back at you today.
In the meantime, hope you can recover completely and I hope to see you beaming and shining again at your next performance.
My personal grading for our dear Teresa for her performance (solo song only) is as follows:
1.0) Singing Capability (Subtotal: 16.5 out of 25 marks)
1.1) Lyrics accuracy (3 out 5 marks) - includes lyrics memorization
Reason: I could not hear at least eight to twelve words of the solo song (especially the middle parts of the solo song) so I considered that as only partial success of this portion by Teresa because if I could not hear the lyrics, I could not tell if the song was sung accurately.
1.2) Tempo accuracy (4.5 out 5 marks) - includes synchronization to the tempo of song
Reason: Although Teresa seemed to be struggling with her feeble-sounding voice, she still managed to keep up with the tempo of the song so I still award her the points for this segment of TEV.
1.3) Breath control (3.5 out 5 marks) - includes breathing techniques and song pausesReason: Not as well managed as tempo, Teresa looked a little strained during her solo song and could just manage to hit the high endnotes at the end parts of the song.
1.4) Voice clarity (2 out 5 marks) - includes pronunciation of lyrics and notes
Reason: I failed our dear Teresa (sadly) in this segment of the TEV because her voice was really weak amidst the music accompaniment and that also caused the attention of the audience to lapse whilst she was singing. This is a big no-no for any performer so voice clarity was a major flaw in this particular performance of Teresa.
1.5) Singing techniques (3.5 out 5 marks) - includes voicing platforms and bass use, rapping, etcReason: She did her best on this segment as she seemed to attempt to use the bass voicing platform for the low-key solo song but Teresa’s low notes are still a problem even up till today. If only I could speak directly to her, I think I know how to help her low-notes.
2. 0) Song Delivery (Subtotal: 14 out of 20 marks)
2.1) Facial expression of performer (2.5 out 5 marks)
Reason: I could tell that Teresa was looking quite weak physically because she could not flash her megawatt smile properly and her face returned to a solemn expression after she left the stage. I took quite a big deduction of points off this segment of TEV because her smile was one of her major attractions, which was seriously missing before she sang her songs and after she finished singing them.
2.2) Body language of performer (3.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa’s body language was relatively better because she managed to gesticulate at the right moments of the song but it could have been better because the solo song was pretty dull in content and hard to have a wide variety of gesticulation.
2.3) Emotion management of performer (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Emotion management of the song was done quite to the job and I have had no complaints with how well Teresa sank into the song’s mood.
2.4) Creativity of song deliverance (4 out 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa knew that the solo ballad was meant as a romantic song for a specific person so she took time on stage to focus on key groups of audience to sang to them instead of continuously moving across the stage and doing excessive waving and smiling whilst singing. Bright girl indeed.
3.0) Stage Presentation (Subtotal: 17 out of 25 marks)
3.1) Stage posture (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa did not slouch and she had learnt to put her free arm at the respectable position when standing and talking to the mcees. I find nothing to fault her in this segment of the TEV.
3.2) Stage movement (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa had good experience in making full use of the stage and she did quite well in this segment of the TEV.
3.3) Audience interaction (3.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa was trying to smile and wave a little at the audience but she seemed to lack the energy to make the effort work out well.
3.4) Camera interaction (3.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: After a number of performances, Teresa finally had a grasp of the positions of cameras and photographs in the crowd and did her best to pose and face them whenever the song allows her to. Of course, one can see that she barely had enough energy to smile at the cameras though after remembering to face them.
3.5) Mcee interaction (2 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa did badly for this segment of the TEV because her reply was way too short and sketchy to stir interest and quench the curiosity of the audience because many would have wanted to know how she had been doing recently in her life. She did not make good use of the mcee question to develop interest on her and that waste of a good opportunity to showcase her life as a celebrity and I failed her on the wastage.
4.0) Stage Attire (Subtotal: 20.5 out of 25 marks)
4.1) Fashion appeal and impression (4.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Elegant plus gentleness. Teresa’s choice of attire got better and better. The flower-print pink top and blue jeans brought the casualness without the loss of formality for the event’s dress code and I awarded her highly in this segment of TEV. One of the Campus Superstars dressed a little too formal while two others were way too casual to show that appropriate level of respect for the event.
4.2) Suitability for song genre (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Both the solo and the duet song are ballads and thus Teresa’s attire suited the songs’ genre. Her attire focused on soft colors and tones to portray the “softness” of the ballads.
4.3) Suitability for stage movement (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Jeans are easier to move around on that small audition stage and the clothing was much lighter for the temperature at HDB Hub and hence looked more comfortable for stage movement.
4.4) Suitability for lighting effects (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: HUB Hub Atrium has natural light and given that the backdrop of the stage was greenish and bluish in color tones. Teresa stood reasonably out with the attire of pinkish top and dark blue jeans. I liked Teresa’s experiments with different colored clothes compared to some of the other Campus Superstars who seemed to be always spotted with white, black or green.
4.5) Suitability for image of performer (4 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa currently still portrays the image of the gentle schoolgirl and hence her stage attire suited her image as a Campus Superstar. Of course, Teresa can experiment with other images if she wishes to but I think her current image is more acceptable to the public because there are already many hip-hype Superstars in the current market.
Total Entertainment Value = Singing capability [16.5/25] + Song Delivery [14/20] + Stage Presentation [17/25] +
Stage Attire [20.5/25] = [68/95]
(Image source: courtesy of alan_is_not_great from TFC)
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