Saturday, April 28, 2007

Report on Teresa’s Peformance on 28 Apr @ CSS 2 Top 20 Handing Over Ceremony

As a supporter of Teresa, I am obviously giving Teresa the privilege of her performance report first before I start commenting on the other celebrities and the CSS 2 who appeared today at the Bishan Junction 8 handing over concert and ceremony. Well, you can read the performance report I gave her before I start on the other celebrities.

Teresa appeared in a white short-sleeved top, blue jeans and black high heels. She appeared comfortably casual but elegant and I have always liked that kind of plain fashion, which looks great on her especially for this event since the whole event venue was quite hot and stuffy. Teresa then proceeded to sing an F.I.R song 把爱放开 and gave a very good and stable performance onstage. Although Teresa did not deliberately try to stir the audience to a high, her excellent singing skills shone out without a doubt and the CSS 2 Top 20 contestants were enthusiastically clapping in appreciation immediately after her performance.

My personal grading for our dear Teresa for her performance (solo song only) is as follows:

1.0) Singing Capability (Subtotal: 21.5 out of 25 marks)

1.1) Lyrics accuracy (4.5 out 5 marks) - includes lyrics memorization
Reason: I could hear the entire song that Teresa sang but there was a problem with the stereo sound system at the event venue – it was too loud and was painful to my very sensitive ears, so it somewhat affected the overall enjoyment of the performance. But Teresa’s pronunciation of the lyrics was still clear amidst the blasting music and I was impressed with that.

1.2) Tempo accuracy (4.5 out 5 marks) - includes synchronization to the tempo of song
Reason: F.I.R is one of Teresa’s favourite bands and I believe she had put in a lot of preparation so as to sing her favourite singer’s songs properly. Straining my ears for any flaws in Teresa’s grasp of the song’s tempo, I found none.

1.3) Breath control (4.0 out 5 marks) - includes breathing techniques and song pausesReason: I believe Teresa knows the requirements of her chosen song and was doing well to hit the requirements in the breathing section but because she looked as if she needed to “look up” (one of the singing techniques) to clear her airway for a segment of the endnotes, I deducted some marks because it did not look very good from the audience angle.

1.4) Voice clarity (4.0 out 5 marks) - includes pronunciation of lyrics and notes
Reason: Voice clarity was actually good even though the stereo system was wrecking havoc on my ears. I believed Teresa had read my previous report and made sure that this time round, she projected her voice as clear as she could. I deducted some marks because her humming during two sections of the song was not really audible enough though.

1.5) Singing techniques (4.5 out 5 marks) - includes voicing platforms and bass use, rapping, etcReason: Teresa had the proper singing techniques for this song and I am like running out of things to teach the girl (haha) because she picks techniques up really fast and uses them wisely. Way to go, Teresa!

2. 0) Song Delivery (Subtotal: 14.5 out of 20 marks)

2.1) Facial expression of performer (3.0 out 5 marks)
Reason: It could be that the chosen song was a hard-rock ballad so Teresa was not smiling as often as I would like her to, but I calculated that it would not hurt the song much if she had smiled more at the CSS 2 Top 20 contestants. An average mark was awarded for this segment of TEV. You have a great smile, so you ought to smile more, Teresa.

2.2) Body language of performer (4.0 out of 5 marks)
Reason: After so many performances onstage, Teresa had gathered enough experience to know when to gesticulate and when not to. I find little fault with how she presents the song onstage today when it comes to the body language section although it could be a little bit more forceful to suit the song genre.

2.3) Emotion management of performer (4.0 out of 5 marks)Reason: Emotion management of the song was done quite to the job and I still don’t have no complaints with how well Teresa sank into the song’s mood.

2.4) Creativity of song deliverance (3.5 out 5 marks)

Reason: I was hoping for a more forceful overall portray of the song just like how she sang Ci Niao by F.I.R but she was a little more reserved and hence only an average mark was awarded to her for not being brave enough to attempt to impress the song harder on the audience who were already fidgety due to the humid weather under the tent.

3.0) Stage Presentation (Subtotal: 16.5 out of 25 marks)

3.1) Stage posture (4.0 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa did not slouch and she had learnt to put her free arm at the respectable position when standing and talking to the mcees. I find nothing to fault her in this segment of the TEV.

3.2) Stage movement (3.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Although I think for this particular performance, there was still room for improvement in this section of Total Entertainment Value, Teresa had done a reasonably good job in making full use of the Bishan Junction 8 stage.

3.3) Audience interaction (2.0 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa did not seem to do particularly well with the audience interaction today because she was not really smiling enough and keeping her gaze on the audience. She was lacking the necessary waves to both the audience and cameras. The worst part was that she was not really interacting with the CSS 2 Top 20 contestants, who were supposedly the “star” audience of the event today. I am a harsh singing critic even though I am a friend of Teresa - failed her for this.

3.4) Camera interaction (3.0 out of 5 marks)
Reason: After a number of performances, Teresa finally had a grasp of the positions of cameras and photographs in the crowd and did her best to pose and face them whenever the song allows her to but she still lacked the genuine beaming needed to capture the attention of all the cameramen at the event. Teresa, if you are reading this now, please work on that some more?

3.5) Emcee interaction (4.0 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa managed to grasp the quick joke by the two emcees today and I was quite pleased with her emcee interaction with the two witty hosts today. She handled the reference to the other CHIJ KC girl (Seah Hui Xian) diplomatically and I am awarding her higher marks for her good management of her words onstage.

4.0) Stage Attire (Subtotal: 19.5 out of 25 marks)

4.1) Fashion appeal and impression (4.0 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Elegant plus gentleness and casual-ness makes up her appearance today and I find no fault in dressing this way. Some find it a bit bland because she has the physical attributes to show off onstage but I suppose today’s star celebrities were supposed to be the CSS 2 Top 20 contestants so I believe dressing down and not overshadowing the star celebrities of the day is a wise and diplomatic choice.

4.2) Suitability for song genre (3.5 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa’s attire was a little dull to portray the hard-rock ballads of F.I.R today and I was thinking that a bit of gypsy-like apparel or accessories would look much more suitable for the song genre and earn more marks in this section of the TEV.

4.3) Suitability for stage movement (4.0 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Jeans are easier to move around on that small audition stage and the clothing was much lighter for the temperature at Bishan Junction 8 event venue and hence looked more comfortable for stage movement. Good choice of clothing.

4.4) Suitability for lighting effects (4.0 out of 5 marks)
Reason: There is a lot of reflected white light at Bishan Junction 8 today and given that the backdrop of the stage was greenish and bluish in color tones. Teresa stood reasonably out with the attire of white top and dark blue jeans. Although I preferred stronger colors on Teresa than her white top but I suppose that would mean competing with the CSS 2 Top 20 contestants in terms of attire clashes.

4.5) Suitability for image of performer (4.0 out of 5 marks)
Reason: Teresa currently still portrays the image of the gentle schoolgirl and hence her stage attire suited her image as a Campus Superstar. Of course, Teresa can experiment with other images if she wishes to but I think her current image is more acceptable to the public because there are already many hip-hype Superstars in the current market.

Total Entertainment Value =Singing capability [21.5/25] + Song Delivery [14.5/20] + Stage Presentation [16.5/25] + Stage Attire [19.5/25] = [72/95]

(Image source: lostloveguild, 28 Apr 2007, Picasa Web Albums)

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