Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Performance Previews of CSS 2 Grand Finals

Okay, I am following BB's blog very carefully to do the CSS 2 Grand Finals Performance Previews but it seems that the contestants have not decided on their finale songs yet so that portion is still empty. BB did wrote that either one of the CSS 2 Male Grand Finalists will sing Cao Ge's "Whole World Only You" but I could not find the song online and thus unable to do a preview at the moment of publishing. I will, of course, update this blogpost when BB and MediaCorp announced their song choices but here's what I have finished for the rest of the Grand Finals' segments.

Personally, I felt that the song choices for the Grand Finals so far have been rather limited. I see songs predominantly coming from Cao Ge, JJ Lin, Jolin, of which I have already heard of their singing styles at many earlier stages of the competition. No doubt they are probably the currently popular singers in Mandarin contemporary songs but I was hoping for more challenging songs from a more varied selection of singers and singing genres to sort of raise the difficulty level of the Grand Finals. Oh well, it isn't my competition so I hope everyone have fun at the Grand Finals anyway.

Round 1:Part 1 ‘SAME SONG’

Boys: 西界 (林俊杰)

JJ Lin's song...I felt that this song is appropriately for both of them since they have been singing JJ Lin's songs for quite some part of the competition but there is actually very little difficulty, other than a couple of falsetto portions, within the song to truly bring out or stretch the singing capabilities of both the CSS 2 Male Grand Finalists. Anyway, I don't suppose there is much to really worry here. To me, this segment is just a matter of whoever makes more mistakes or cannot emote the song completely.

Girls: 我们的纪念日 (范玮琪)

I actually disagreed with BB about the difficulty of this song. Emoting this song is not easy because of the lyrical content. Given the youthfulness of both Keely and Zhengning, they must put some effort into emoting the song appropriately, finding a good balance between sounding sad and tough at the different portions of the song. Fortunately, the song is of a low key so it should not be too straining on the voices of the two CSS 2 Female Grand Finalists. I do agree though that Keely must do extremely well in this song in order to offset the dancing segment, which is a strategic strongpoint of Zhengning.

Round 1: Part 2 ‘DANCE’

Shawn: 终结孤单 (五月天)

A very fast rock and roll song in which the performer must be able to stir the audience in order for the song to be extremely successful. This should not be a problem for Shawn since his supporters are there to do the cheering. Given Shawn's singing capabilities, I won't be expecting much of a problem singing and performing this song but there is a danger of neglect in singing if the performer is too engrossed in engaging the audience rather than singing. Shawn will also have to fit into the rock and roll image (this is not a cute song) and thus appropriate stage attire will be necessary to look the part.

Benjamin: 3-7-21(曹格)

A jazzy song is always a challenge for many performers because the performer must be able to balance the jazz and semi-Broadway feel within the song. Benjamin did not really dance much during the previous dance segment of the Quarter Finals but I believe he must do so convincingly with this song. I will expect Benjamin to do a lot of audience interaction and a lot of attitude to carry this song off. It can be quite an impressive performance if he knows when to place his poses and his gesticulation amidst the performance.

Keely: MR Q (蔡依林)

A very bold attempt by Keely but very worrying because from the last known dance segment of CSS 2, Keely's sensitivity to dance moves and groove is still not well-developed enough to bring the wild-ness of the song here. The tempo of the song will also mean a necessarily fast dance routine to pull off the feel of the song. The background voice-over within the song and the relatively simple lyrical content will mean Keely has very little to showcase her known strengths unless she manages to brush up her dancing skills in the short space of two weeks. I believe

Zhengning: 唯舞独尊(蔡依林)

This is a very high-energy song, which is a little bit dangerous for Zhengning unless she has enough stamina to pull it off without sounding breathless in her singing. However, there is a lot of opportunities for Zhengning to show off her dance moves and many will expect her to excel in this segment of the competition. I am still very strict with my expectations of singing so I really hope Zhengning don't neglect the singing portions of this song and find the right balance between looking sensual and yet impressive on the stage. I remember Renfred Ng of CSS 1. Imagine if both of them paired up for a dance duet onstage, I believe it would have been fantastic.

Round 2: Part 1 ‘DUET’

Boy Champion + CSS1 Female Champion Teresa Tseng 梁山伯与茱丽叶 (卓文萱/曹格)

Personally, this is one part I will be paying the most attention to because the singing capabilities and stage skills will be put to good test since they will be paired up with one of the best female Campus Superstars that I have known to date- Teresa Tseng. Although the recent love duet is not exactly an extremely difficult song in the vocal techniques' section, it has its own set of challenging because its chorus requires careful harmonizing of both voices in order to sound good. The song is meant to be sung light and in a relaxed tone, which may prove difficult if the CSS 2 Male Champion is too tense and tired at that juncture of the competition. I would also expect the song to be a breeze for Teresa because she is a natural soprano and given her extensive singing and stage experience over the past two years. BB is right to say that Teresa is a very shy girl but I will not underestimate her professionalism if she is needed to "play-act" but it will surely look awkward between a big sister and a younger brother onstage.

Girl Champion + CSS1 Male Champion Zhiyang 今天你要嫁给我 陶喆/蔡依林

The song carries a more vibrant and livelier feel than the previous duet but has a lot of lownotes, which the CSS 2 Female Champion must take note, especially avoiding the swallowing of the low-sounding endnotes at certain parts. There is also a special rap part within the song and as universally known, rap must be carried with an appropriate attitude in order to sound convincing. The song's chorus, however, is not very attention-grabbing vocally so both the performers in this segment must definitely use audience interaction to cover the weakness within the song.

Round 2: Part 2 ‘BRING DOWN THE HOUSE’

No song titles yet.

Let me have...

the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
the strength to do the necessary,
the love to give to the deserving,
the wisdom to perceive such differences.

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