Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day 2009

Happy Valentine's Day to all my blog readers!

It's another supposed non-official holiday to celebrate romantic love on this planet so for those readers who continue to find meaning in romantic love - my congratulations and well-wishes to you all!!!

I always mused to my friends around me that romantic love is like a game with no definite rules, no definite rewards and no definite penalties. I would like to think of it as a chessboard located on a constantly-moving rubics cube. There are no fixed pieces on the chessboard and there are no fixed black and white squares for the players to move their pieces. Whenever the players turn the rubics cube shaped chessboard, the game takes on a new perspective and the rules change again for the better or for the worse. That is why nobody in the world can say they have it all set in the realm of romantic love because people, issues and circumstances change constantly.

Nevertheless, romantic love is still such an important aspect of human existence because it is one of the differentiating emotions that separates us from the beasts and the non-animated objects on this planet. It drives human beings to say words, do things, perform heroic deeds, make a fool of themselves for the sake of their loved ones and if it affects them deep enough, they would do all those things again and again willingly.

Some people in our lives would have encountered multiple episodes of romantic love; some would have continued one single episode, some relived their memories of old episodes in their minds; some may undergo positive or negative transformations from previous episodes of romantic love while others may continue to crave for new episodes to happen.

Whatever your individual situation or perspective of romantic love is, let's make today a happy or at least a peaceful day over whoever or whatever activity you choose to spend this day over.

Once again, Happy Valentine's Day to all! ^__^

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