I found the above cartoon strip through Kewei's blog and it's about the quest for love. I thought it was a nice perspective at the things we are looking for in a relationship and maybe we have been looking at the wrong places all these while.
That's my take on the cartoon strip's theme. Don't take my words for it. Why don't you readers click the cartoon above and follow through the next buttons to see if you have your opinions about it?
Have fun! ^__^
Hi! Sean Ho,
My Name is TEH YI FA. I had been viewing Ur blog for the latest updates of the Contestans' songs & Ur Judging for the contestants' performance...
I'm on MSN & FaceBook with CSS3 Shelly Tsai, She told me that there are still 2 more contestants that R going to be eliminated before the Revival Round on 2/3/2009 Monday or 2nd of March & I hoped that this time in QF Round 3A & Round 3B, it will be the Guys who will get Eliminated & compete in the Revival Rd; I hate to see those talented, good performing girls being eliminated; I think the voting system has been unfair for the gals & hope to see 3 guys & 3 girls in Revival Round...
Hi Yifa!
Thank your for supporting my blogging. Ah...I see...so there is another stage 3A and 3B. I have amended my song choices list accordingly from your update. Thanks again.
Voting system is just a system - it's the supporters who made the difference. I suppose young male contestants are usually more popular with the young female supporters unless a female contestant has immense charisma to draw voters from all groups of potential voters. ^__^
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