Friday, August 31, 2007

Tarots Cards Reading Based on My Name and Birthday

I have always been interested in all those tarot cards reading because they always sound so fun and enigmatic. Some say they are very accurate whilst others totally discard their readings. In any case, I took one and the following are some of my cards. Just to share with everyone because I myself is also not very sure what all these cards meant but oh well, for the fun of it! =P

My Power Cards - Represent strengths I am born with.

The Wheel of Fortune represents that aspect of life that is directed by forces and events we may not understand or even be aware of. In short, The Wheel deals with chance. Those occurrences that manage to alter even the most structured of lives. While the effects of The Wheel are unpredictable, the outcome is always change; sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse. Our path through life is never a ride down a perfectly straight highway. Sometimes, we may even experience hairpin turns or complete reversals of direction. The Wheel of Fortune is strong reminder that despite our plans, the Universe has its own agenda from which we cannot escape participation.When The World or The Fool are among your personal cards, the influence of The Wheel of Fortune may be increased. Having The Hierophant or The Emperor in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Wheel of Fortune.

The Magus is the physical embodiment of decisive action based upon knowledge and aimed squarely at specific goals. While firmly set in the material world, he none-the-less has a powerful spiritual connection as well. His knowledge, wisdom and skill are all encompassing. He is complete. His power as a creator is unmatched on our earthly plane. He is self-aware and unafraid to act. His enormous strength gives him the freedom to act as he chooses. However, responsibility comes with that freedom. Because he is not bound to the restraints of others, he must choose how to act. The question that always lies before him is should he act morally, or forsake ethics for personal gain?When The Chariot is among your personal cards, the influence of The Magus may be increased. Having The Empress or Hanged Man in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Magus.

My Desire Cards - Focus on my ambitions and dreams.

She embodies all that is nurturing, clean and wholesome. Her powers resonate from her drive to create and care for life on a grand scale. She is in tune with Nature’s rhythm and realizes that life’s most pleasurable moments often stem from the simplest things. She is not afraid to enjoy herself and let loose, even to the point of being lavish. Abundance and luxury are important to her. The Empress is completely comfortable with her femininity and her sexuality. She is sensual, earthy, generous and likes the good life. Still, her driving force is a need to create and nurture, and fulfilling this need overrides everything else.When The Lover or The Star are among your personal cards, the influence of The Empress may be increased. Having the Emperor or Death in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Empress.

The Chariot is the representation of victory and the personality traits required to attain victory. The Chariot indicates self-awareness and control. Courage, the ability to overcome fear and confront the unknown head on, is a primary ingredient of any victorious campaign and is denoted by the Chariot. So too is force of will. Often, success is as much the product of will power and a refusal to surrender as it is anything else. The Chariot represents the healthy personality of someone who believes in themselves; someone who can take control of the situation and bring events to a positive end. Success comes in competition with others.When The Magus is among your personal cards, the influence of The Chariot may be increased. Having The Hanged Man or The Tower in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Chariot.

My Lucky Cards - Represent elements that favor me.

The Hanged Man is the most enigmatic card of the Tarot. Even Tarot giants like Waite, Crowley and Levi had trouble deciphering The Hanged Man’s true meaning. Generally, The Hanged Man is thought to represent the value of surrender and selfless acts. The Hanged Man embodies the notion that sometimes to lose is to win. Unlike the aggressive Chariot, The Hanged Man creates his fate through inaction and accepts his fortune passively, without resistance. He does not struggle to control the path his life takes, but rather allows events to sweep him where they will, even if he is called upon to sacrifice himself. He is so at ease with the Fate the Universe chose for him that even hanging upside down from a tree does not ruffle him.When The High Priestess or Strength is among your personal cards, the influence of The Hanged Man may be increased. Having The Magus or Chariot in your personal cards may diminish the influence of The Hanged Man.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Visit at Music Dreamer Cafe and Li Fei Hui in Concert

Visit at Music Dreamer Cafe on 29 August 2007 Wednesday:

I noticed that Geraldine See of Campus Superstar Season 1 was singing on that night, which I happened to be free so I decided to pop over and have a look myself. I know Khim Ng sings at the Ark Lounge so I may pop over and see her sing when I am free too. Moreover, I needed to see more people singing live so I can improve on my singing skills too. Gaining experience during k-boxing sessions will not be sufficient if I am to raise the bar for myself - observation of others singing live is also needed so off I went to Music Dreamer Cafe at around 7.30pm.

The crowd was sparse that night - probably because it was a midweek evening and most of the students are still struggling with their examinations. The location of the cafe was not exactly ideal either and most people at the new Marina Square will miss it because it is actually located at the overhead linkway to Millenia Walk (near the Burger King at Millenia Walk). Nevertheless, there was still a few tables of people with a bunch of girls celebrating some belated birthdays amongst themselves.

Geraldine See was partnered with a guitarist singer, Youbin and an organ player, Weibin that night and did her best to entertain the audience with about 6 songs on her own. Although she looked not completely comfortable onstage yet (probably she just joined them recently), Geraldine made a brave attempt to overcome her fear of singing Ji De By Zhang Hui Mei and another brave impromptu attempt at singing Bu Neng Shou De Mi Mi by Jay Chou.

After Geraldine's group session ended around 9pm, I was pleasantly surprised again because my favourite singers happened to sing that night - Junxin, the organ player, Zhongwei, one of the top male vocalist there, and Yiling, one of the top female vocalists there (who made a guest appearance that night because Zhongwei was still recovering from a bad bout of flu and sore throat). The trio serenaded all the way until 10.20pm before I headed home.

For those who have never heard of the place, it would be one of those places that I would recommend you to visit. Not many places in Singapore offer live performances of contemporary Mandarin pop songs at a relaxed and comfortable setting (the waiters were polite and attentive too) and although there is a rotation of vocalists, and musicians every night, most of them have a measurable standard of performance, which makes it value for money. Listen and learn - something that I preach, and that night, I did exactly that, bringing home new songs to learn (which I will add on the blog's main playlist, new techniques to practise on (which I will quietly practise at home).

News for Singing Enthusiasts -
Late Nite @ Esplanade Li Fei Hui in Concert

I don't know Li Fei Hui in person and I am very sure he has not met me before either but I suppose somewhere along the line - we share a similiarity in promoting music and singing in Singapore so when I came across news about his mini-concert, I think it's right for me to inform readers of my blog who are interested in listening to him and his disciples sing some very good songs to know about the event.

Details are inside the URL link so feel free to browse and see if you want to go. Tickets are selling fast though if you hesitate too long. Most unfortunately, I have work which clashed with the concert so I won't be able to go but do tag and tell me how it went if anyone of you is going! =)

Have a good weekend ahead everyone! =D

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Updates and Modifications On The Blog 28 Aug 2007

For those of you who hope to see more photographs of Teresa during the CSS 2 Grand Finals...

The highly-anticipated and highly-acclaimed opening item by Zhiyang and Teresa. I believe nobody would mind if they had sung the entire song instead of just a few lines that night.

The fondly-remembered Campus Superstars Season 1 Top 10 posing after their group opening item. I heard they wanted to sing live but organizers insisted on pre-recording their singing, which in my opinion, was not really necessary.

Very interesting and stylistic postures by the five ladies of CSS 1. I remembered it was quite nice to hear their voices blend into the song then. Enjoyable performance.

Brilliant Superstar smiles from Zhiyang, Clara, Teresa and Khim with a mischievous pout. Haha...

Let me guess - this is most probably taken backstage after their successful opening performances on the Grand Finals night. They definitely looked very high that night.

(Images source:,

New Photos Added On The Blog's Main Slideshow:

Two photos of Teresa Tseng during CSS 2 Grand Finals

New Songs Added On The Blog's Main Playlist:

26. 苏慧伦, Tarcy - 我一个人住 (New Addition)
32. Energy - 某年某月某一天 (New Addition)
38. 张惠妹 - 如果你也听说 (New Addition)
41. 刘畊宏 - 彩虹天堂 (New Addition)

New Links Added On The Blog's BlogRoll:

新动网 Info-Entertainment Website
爱琴海民歌餐厅 Music Dreamer Cafe Website

Let me have...
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
the strength to do the necessary,
the love to give to the deserving,
the wisdom to perceive such differences.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Photographs of Teresa Tseng 曾咏霖 At The Campus Superstars 2 Grand Finals

Teresa radiating superstar power (at front row, first from left) with Khim, Zhiyang, Geraldine, Yuyang, Adriano, Renfred, Yiyuan, Clara and Yvonne of Campus Superstars Season 1. This photograph was taken by MediaCorp photographers immediately after the crowning of Campus Superstar Season 2 Overall Champion.
Teresa in a friendly headbump photograph with well-known MediaCorp compere Xu Zhengrong. This photograph, most probably taken oustide a MediaCorp studio area was discovered by Blanket, a fanclub photographer of TFC.
Teresa and singing a duet song with Shawn during the CSS 2 Grand Finals duet segment. This photograph was taken by a MediaCorp photographer during the actual event night itself.
Teresa posing with a group of her friends from Katong Convent after the CSS 2 Grand Finals. The photograph was taken by Jinfu, a fanclub photographer of TFC who was covering the CSS 2 Grand Finals event that night. Teresa, beaming in another photograph together with the fun-loving Campus Superstars Season 1. This photograph was taken by a MediaCorp photographer, most likely at the backstage area during the CSS 2 Grand Finals night.

For all of those who missed Teresa and want to know about her through recent photographs...

For all those who wondered who the beautiful female singer was at the opening unplugged item of the CSS 2 Grand Finals night...

I have decided to collated the most recent photographs of Teresa Tseng, Female Champion of CSS 1. For those who want to see more photographs of Teresa and the fondly remembered CSS 1 Superstars, you can visit the Teresa Tseng Official Fanclub Forum Photo Gallery or visit Khim Ng's blog where she posted exclusive photographs of them having fun during one of their costume fits sessions at MediaCorp.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Afterthoughts On CSS 2 Grand Finals 25 August 2007

I am aware that some of the people following my blog, especially the CSS 2 series, are waiting for my performance reviews of the Grand Finals. I would like to thank them for their support of my humble blog series thus far but I will not be doing any detailed performance reviews for the four CSS 2 Grand Finalists.

The reason - it's already the Grand Finals and they are already champions of the competition. I want to give them and their supporters a break, especially since some of my performance reviews are sharp and without any sugar-coating.

However, in order not to disappoint these people completely, I'll just post my honest afterthoughts on the CSS 2 Grand Finals, which was held on 25 August 2007 Saturday from 7.30pm to 11.00pm.

It was in a word - disappointing.

Without naming specific contestants (because I don't feel like hurting the pride of these young singers), I saw some sharp declines in not just performance standards, but also the finalists' attitudes towards performances onstage. Although I have zero preferences over any of the four CSS 2 Grand Finalists, I personally had high hopes that they could have at least improved a bit since they have had garnered quite some experience through the various stages of the competition, listened to the judges' comments and even mulled over some of my singing tips and reviews throughout the entire competition (I have received confirmations that my humble blog entries on the competition actually reached some of the contestants - which fulfilled my objective of outreach to help aspiring young singers).

Yet, what I saw during the CSS 2 Grand Finals on Saturday night were mostly disappointing performances. It felt as if some of the contestants did not put in visible nor significant effort in giving their best on such an important night for local singing and that in itself, to me personally, is a form of disdain and disrespect for all the judges, audience and viewers who probably would want to see the birth of genuinely talented Superstars, because it was something that these people would want to be proud of to witness.

Instead, it was a night of superficial emoting, listless expressions, forgetting of lyrics, poor dancing routines and rude chuckling whenever judges were commenting. I won't name names here because I believe the contestants know who they are and what terrible mistakes that they had committed that night.

I know some of the people reading this will start to think - who is this arrogant Sean Ho to comment on their godly idols of Campus Superstar 2? I'll answer that question here as plainly as I can - Who I am and what I am capable of is not important but why I am admonishing these Grand Finalists (in as polite a way I can manage with my English) is.

There is simply no compromise when it comes to good singing, sincere performance standards and respectful conduct whilst onstage.

If some of the CSS 2 Grand Finalists have had demonstrated these, I would gladly compliment them. If they lacked these, I won't hesitate for even a heartbeat to bring these to their attention.

Why? Because they supposedly represent our best amongst the younger generations of aspiring singers in 2007. If they set poor examples of their performances and conduct now and then, it would lead to future assumptions that such standards are acceptable when they are otherwise.

Now that they are already champions in the official word- I would expect initiative of them to continue to improve themselves, should they re-appear onstage for post-competition events and performances. My advice to them, should they choose to listen: Be humble, listen more, learn more and keep striving for excellent singing and performances. It's not just about having respect for music, for others but also for themselves as well.

Good luck in their future endeavours! And long live good music!

"Music clears the mind, fills the heart, moves the soul."

Friday, August 24, 2007

K-boxing 22 August 2007 and Clarifying about Impersonator on BB's blog

K-boxing on 22 August 2007 Wednesday:

不知因何事而苦恼的Changed Man 突然在星期三晚上要吃宵夜唱歌。





眼底星空 (李圣杰)
我不难过 (孙燕姿)
触摸 (陈伟联)
记得 (张惠妹)
路 (梁静茹)
不能说的秘密 (周杰伦)
了解 (孙燕姿)
情意浓 (张学友)
一首简单的歌 (王力宏)
丝路 (梁静茹)
我总是听你说 (叶良俊)
新鲜 (梁咏琪)
流沙 (陶哲)
你那么爱她 〔林隆璇)
随爱而飞 (彭羚)
Love Story (范逸臣)
一个人住 (苏慧伦)


Clarifying about Impersonator on BB's blog:




Jia Mei - 不知道我在哪里的演出批评错误了,若肯指点,必定感激。忠言逆耳,但是我希望你不要以有色的眼镜,去狠批一个你从未认识过的人。

Keke - 我承认咏霖是我所见的后辈中,一名很努力,出色的歌手,所以得以我的扶持。我也相信人外有人,天外有天,而咏霖也知道这点 - 天下没有取代不了的歌或歌手,所以要不断进取,学习上进。如果我真的瞧不起任何一位后辈歌手,也不会张嘴在我博客站上给贴士了,对吗?

我坚信 - 只要我行得正,站得直,自然不畏惧无师之名的指责辱骂了。

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Blog Quiz To Add Some Fun

I was invited to do the following quiz from a friend, Cuiping, and as promised her. Here is part of it:

Answer the following questions:

1) Who is the person who tagged you?

I don't know most of them so I'll just assume this question to be the person who got me the quiz, which is Cuiping.

2) Your relationship with him/her is...

A friend I got to know from the Internet. She is a singing enthusiast who asks me about things on singing.

3) Your five impressions of him/her are...

She seems fun-loving, friendly, playful, loves to camwhore, loves to k-box.

4) The most memorable thing he/she has done for you is?

She stood by me during one of the tagboard shoot-outs on my blog.

5) The most memorable words he/she has said to you is?

Not that I can remember of.

6) If he/she becomes your lover, you will...

Never thought of it. She is a beautiful girl and I am sure she is swarmed by suitors. Haha.

7) If he/she becomes your lover, he/she will have to improve on will be...

I suppose if that really, really happens, she needs a little more self-confidence ba.

8) If he/she becomes your enemy, you will...

I treat my enemies quite harshly. Pray that that won't happen to us then.

9) If he/she becomes your enemy, the reason will be...

I don't know. She hasn't done anything to irritate me thus far.

10) The most desired thing you want to do for him/her now is...

Make her smile when she sees me doing this quiz as promised?

11) Your overall impression of him/her is...

Modest and fun-seeking girl.

12) How you will think people around you will feel about you?

Frightening, especially for complete strangers. I have a strange aura that frightens people.

13) The character trait you love of yourself is...

I am deeply aware of what I can and cannot do.

14) The character trait you hate of yourself is...

Thus I appear a little arrogant at times even when I don't mean it at all.

15) The most ideal person you want to be is...

None that I can think of. A better me?

16) Pass this quiz to 10 persons.

I won't continue the rest of the quiz because most of my 10 selected friends have opted not to reveal their identities, let alone let me gossip about possibilities amongst them openly on the Internet. Hope questions 1 to 15 is fun enough for those reading this right now. =P

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Performance Previews of CSS 2 Grand Finals

Okay, I am following BB's blog very carefully to do the CSS 2 Grand Finals Performance Previews but it seems that the contestants have not decided on their finale songs yet so that portion is still empty. BB did wrote that either one of the CSS 2 Male Grand Finalists will sing Cao Ge's "Whole World Only You" but I could not find the song online and thus unable to do a preview at the moment of publishing. I will, of course, update this blogpost when BB and MediaCorp announced their song choices but here's what I have finished for the rest of the Grand Finals' segments.

Personally, I felt that the song choices for the Grand Finals so far have been rather limited. I see songs predominantly coming from Cao Ge, JJ Lin, Jolin, of which I have already heard of their singing styles at many earlier stages of the competition. No doubt they are probably the currently popular singers in Mandarin contemporary songs but I was hoping for more challenging songs from a more varied selection of singers and singing genres to sort of raise the difficulty level of the Grand Finals. Oh well, it isn't my competition so I hope everyone have fun at the Grand Finals anyway.

Round 1:Part 1 ‘SAME SONG’

Boys: 西界 (林俊杰)

JJ Lin's song...I felt that this song is appropriately for both of them since they have been singing JJ Lin's songs for quite some part of the competition but there is actually very little difficulty, other than a couple of falsetto portions, within the song to truly bring out or stretch the singing capabilities of both the CSS 2 Male Grand Finalists. Anyway, I don't suppose there is much to really worry here. To me, this segment is just a matter of whoever makes more mistakes or cannot emote the song completely.

Girls: 我们的纪念日 (范玮琪)

I actually disagreed with BB about the difficulty of this song. Emoting this song is not easy because of the lyrical content. Given the youthfulness of both Keely and Zhengning, they must put some effort into emoting the song appropriately, finding a good balance between sounding sad and tough at the different portions of the song. Fortunately, the song is of a low key so it should not be too straining on the voices of the two CSS 2 Female Grand Finalists. I do agree though that Keely must do extremely well in this song in order to offset the dancing segment, which is a strategic strongpoint of Zhengning.

Round 1: Part 2 ‘DANCE’

Shawn: 终结孤单 (五月天)

A very fast rock and roll song in which the performer must be able to stir the audience in order for the song to be extremely successful. This should not be a problem for Shawn since his supporters are there to do the cheering. Given Shawn's singing capabilities, I won't be expecting much of a problem singing and performing this song but there is a danger of neglect in singing if the performer is too engrossed in engaging the audience rather than singing. Shawn will also have to fit into the rock and roll image (this is not a cute song) and thus appropriate stage attire will be necessary to look the part.

Benjamin: 3-7-21(曹格)

A jazzy song is always a challenge for many performers because the performer must be able to balance the jazz and semi-Broadway feel within the song. Benjamin did not really dance much during the previous dance segment of the Quarter Finals but I believe he must do so convincingly with this song. I will expect Benjamin to do a lot of audience interaction and a lot of attitude to carry this song off. It can be quite an impressive performance if he knows when to place his poses and his gesticulation amidst the performance.

Keely: MR Q (蔡依林)

A very bold attempt by Keely but very worrying because from the last known dance segment of CSS 2, Keely's sensitivity to dance moves and groove is still not well-developed enough to bring the wild-ness of the song here. The tempo of the song will also mean a necessarily fast dance routine to pull off the feel of the song. The background voice-over within the song and the relatively simple lyrical content will mean Keely has very little to showcase her known strengths unless she manages to brush up her dancing skills in the short space of two weeks. I believe

Zhengning: 唯舞独尊(蔡依林)

This is a very high-energy song, which is a little bit dangerous for Zhengning unless she has enough stamina to pull it off without sounding breathless in her singing. However, there is a lot of opportunities for Zhengning to show off her dance moves and many will expect her to excel in this segment of the competition. I am still very strict with my expectations of singing so I really hope Zhengning don't neglect the singing portions of this song and find the right balance between looking sensual and yet impressive on the stage. I remember Renfred Ng of CSS 1. Imagine if both of them paired up for a dance duet onstage, I believe it would have been fantastic.

Round 2: Part 1 ‘DUET’

Boy Champion + CSS1 Female Champion Teresa Tseng 梁山伯与茱丽叶 (卓文萱/曹格)

Personally, this is one part I will be paying the most attention to because the singing capabilities and stage skills will be put to good test since they will be paired up with one of the best female Campus Superstars that I have known to date- Teresa Tseng. Although the recent love duet is not exactly an extremely difficult song in the vocal techniques' section, it has its own set of challenging because its chorus requires careful harmonizing of both voices in order to sound good. The song is meant to be sung light and in a relaxed tone, which may prove difficult if the CSS 2 Male Champion is too tense and tired at that juncture of the competition. I would also expect the song to be a breeze for Teresa because she is a natural soprano and given her extensive singing and stage experience over the past two years. BB is right to say that Teresa is a very shy girl but I will not underestimate her professionalism if she is needed to "play-act" but it will surely look awkward between a big sister and a younger brother onstage.

Girl Champion + CSS1 Male Champion Zhiyang 今天你要嫁给我 陶喆/蔡依林

The song carries a more vibrant and livelier feel than the previous duet but has a lot of lownotes, which the CSS 2 Female Champion must take note, especially avoiding the swallowing of the low-sounding endnotes at certain parts. There is also a special rap part within the song and as universally known, rap must be carried with an appropriate attitude in order to sound convincing. The song's chorus, however, is not very attention-grabbing vocally so both the performers in this segment must definitely use audience interaction to cover the weakness within the song.

Round 2: Part 2 ‘BRING DOWN THE HOUSE’

No song titles yet.

Let me have...

the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
the strength to do the necessary,
the love to give to the deserving,
the wisdom to perceive such differences.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Computer Downtime, Metaphorical Death of Directionless Girl, Night at Music Dreamer Cafe

So many things happened since last Thursday so I'll blog about it since blogging is also about whatever that had happened to me.

Computer Downtime:

My computer went down with an unexplained error whilst I was enjoying my VCD "Air Force One" on Thursday night. Maybe it's all the explosions in the movie that traumatized my poor computer and in the end, I had to send it for repairs, cleaning and reformatting and I only managed to get it back today after struggling with the Internet connection for an hour.

Lesson learnt: My computer needs more protective programmes even though I am already very careful with all the Internet activities and have always made regular backup copies to my valuable files and programmes.

Metaphorical Death of The Directionless Girl:

I was meeting her on last Saturday night for dinner and a supposed visit to Music Dreamer Cafe at Marina Square since both of us had not met up for a few months. The outing started out well with a short shopping browse at Fox Boutique and a simple dinner at Cavana at Marina Square but things turned horribly downwards when we were approaching Music Dreamer Cafe. The Directionless Girl began complaining about the $12.80/pax charge at the cafe when it was like way within our spending powers that night and when she told me she would only listened for an hour as she was eager to meet her online friend that night.

I was just jokingly complaining that she should have put a little bit more time at the Cafe since she already promised the outing and I also replied that it would not have been ergonomical since she was the one who complained about the expense. To my deep shock, she just suggested ending the outing and started walking off - it was completely so unlike of her. The selfish and inconsiderate act was totally unimaginable from her who used to be otherwise. Out of sheer basic courtesy, I escorted her back to the Central Atrium of Marina Square before we parted company because I still wanted to go to Music Dreamer Cafe despite such a traumatic treatment from an old friend.

Perhaps she has changed into another person altogether in the space of a few months and change is the only constant in this world. I have no right to get angry or disappointed with The Directionless Girl because it is completely her right to change into whatever personality she aspires to be. However, when we parted, I already knew that our paths would completely diverge from then onwards and hence she can no longer be a friend since she chosed the path of inconsideration and selfishness in treating her old friend. At least she found a direction, which I am happy for her still. Nevertheless, I wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Each to his/her own then.

Night at The Music Dreamer Cafe:

It thus became a solo outing at The Music Dreamer Cafe because I really missed listening to the live singing there and I wanted to listen more than sing that night so armed with a nice and warm jacket, I took a seat there and ordered a hot pot of Honey Milk Tea. I don't really recognize the singers that night but it's okay because I still get to enjoy their singing in a way or two. No, they are not exactly fabulous singers but at least they are sincere, humourous and friendly.

Halfway through the two rounds of performances, there was another round of fireworks due to the Marina Fireworks Festival but I did not went out to watch because I just needed some quiet time. When one of the singers asked why I did not go and watch, my answer was to the point - I was too saddened by recent events to have any mood to watch fireworks. In the end, I managed to get into small chit-chat with two of the singers whilst almost everyone was outside watching. They are friendly people and I admire and respect their dedication to providing good singing and music to all their audience. For those who loved to listen to live contemporary Mandarin songs, you can follow the link above at the sub-title and find out how to get to that place. I wil definitely re-visit it again just as what I have had done for the past seven years.

Oh yes, I also noticed that they do hold auditions for potential singers so for those music enthusiasts who are keen, you folks can go try it out as well. And of course, for those who haven't heard it yet, Geraldine See of CSS 1 is also singing on the Wednesday nights for the month of August. Why I am advertising her performances even after her supporters were calling for Teresa's blood during CSS 1? Because Geraldine See is innocent in all of those and she is still a Campus Superstar.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Song Recommendation: 不能说的秘密 - 周杰伦

不能说的秘密 - 周杰伦

词:方文山 曲:周杰伦

冷咖啡离开了杯垫 我忍住的情绪在很后面

拼命想挽回的从前 在我脸上依旧清晰可见

最美的不是下雨天 是曾与你躲过雨的屋檐

回忆的画面 在荡着秋千梦开始不甜

你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远 又何必去改变你走过的时间

你用你的指尖指着我说再见 想象你在身边才完全失去之前

你说把爱渐渐放下会走更远 或许命运的签只让我们遇见

只让我们相恋这一季的秋天 飘落后才发现这幸福的碎片 要我怎么捡







Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Performance Reviews of Campus Superstar 2 QF 4

Some kind soul decided to upload the Semi-Finals 4 performances at an undisclosed location on the internet and informed me about it, which helped me to write my performance reviews early so I took my free afternoon today and got them written. It's already late stage into the competition so my comments and scores may seem harsh but I tried to be as objective as I can, pressing hard on the earphones as I listened and watched their performances.

F1 谢慧娴:Love me again 原唱者: 潘嘉丽, Kelly

Huixian made many mistakes in the eunciation of words and had a string of difficulties with the lownotes. I fully agree with Judge Ye's comments about her lownotes are too muffled. For example, her 爱你,世界,每一天,习惯,右边,感觉,白云,一个人,浪漫 are either shaky, unstable or unable to hold properly. The sweetness is there but the warmth of the song is not adequately conveyed because I felt Huixian was not really focusing enough on getting the audience to sway with the song. Huixian did made good improvement in clearing up her heaving weakness and made a good attempt at a more matured stage image. Huixian also tried her hand at doing some R&B but the song was not very suitable especially since she did not integrate those R&B elements properly into the song. Her stage movement with her free arm also looked abit awkward for a very gentle and "bouncey" song. Her scores were 6.5+7.5+6.5=20.5. I would have given her a 6.75.

F2 许政宁:我的爱 原唱者: 孙燕姿, Stefanie

Zhengning's voice could not reach the song's lownotes and I could tell that she was already breathless after the first few lines of the song. Yes, as Judge Lin pointed out, the song is very difficult to sing and Zhengning struggled with it all the way. Her 绕着,取舍,以为,爱,找,真爱 were either too low, shaky, muffled and like all the other two female contestants, she did not open up the song adequately enough to touch the audience with the best parts of the song. I felt that some of the verses sounded more painful than necessary and her bridge was not distinctive. Her 转身 was sung off-key but her emoting was amongst the best for her performances thus far. Her scores were 6.5+6.0+6.0=18.5. I would have given her a 5.75.

F3 阮诗凯:平常心 原唱者: 张惠妹, A-Mei

Keely's opening was muffled and lacked the energy needed to capture my attention. Some of her earlier verses were too slow and awkward such as 承认我是弱者 as she could not seem to catch the rhythm properly and her chorus was not distinctive and lacked adequate punch or 点 within the verses because her endnotes were not clear and not gathered properly. She took a wrong breath at one of the lines and I found that her stage posture of leaning forward looked very strained and unnatural since it made her look shorter than she actually was. Her 要 was not projected in control and her were 曾经 not held properly. I felt that Judge Li was right to point out that Keely's song was not emotive enough because I still felt some constraint in hearing her performance but her emoting was good from the final chorus and she finally saved her performance with the final line. Her scores were 8.0+9.0+8.5=25.5. I would have given her a 7.25.

M1 卓轩正: 爱你不是爱给别人看 原唱者:叶良俊

Shawn definitely did not look confident and comfortable with this song and his eyes were not focused enough either. Judge Li was correct to say that Shawn must work on his lownotes, especially 我们, 任何, 彷徨, 太孤单, and to add on to his comments, Shawn must work on his falsetto techniques too - 别人看, 遗憾 because both these areas have plenty of room for improvement. Shawn was also rushing through the song - 地老天荒, 每次相爱 and it reduced my enjoyment of this song, especially when he sung it in such a painful way with his strained expression when the song was supposed to be light and carefree. The final line of the song was not done properly and the climax was lost too. His scores were 7.5+7.5+.7.0=22.0. I would have given him a 6.75.

M2 李俊纬: 爱如潮水 原唱者:张信哲, Jeff

Marcus did surprisingly alright with his more manly rendition of the song even though I concur with all the three judges' comments that Marcus must learn how to soften lyrics instead of strengthening them all the time. He did make his fair share of mistakes in his performance and I won't let them pass off easily because it is already SF 4 but his groove, though slightly different, was still there and his final choru saved his performance well. Marcus' 流 was swallowed and he was rushing the lines 爱了就不后悔, 我再也不愿见你在深夜里徘徊, also fumbling the line 无怨无悔. His breathing for the chorus was not correct and hence they sounded jarring and he was trying to change the flow of the lyrics, which adversely affected the smoothness of the song. However, I found his endnotes well-stretched and his rendition sincere enough. His scores were 7.0+8.5+7.5=23.0. I would have given him a 7.00.

M3 范平庚: 下雪 原唱者:阿杜, A-Do

Benjamin's opening sounded too low and muffled and I thought he jumped in too early into the song. Fortunately, his emoting was adequate enough to pull through the earlier verses before more problems started to come in at the chorus. Other than , where the lownote was unstable, Benjamin made very little mistakes in eunciating the lyrics but the groove, as pointed out by Judge Li, was not correct. It seemed to me that Benjamin did not buff his lines with enough bass, making the lines choppy and empty. His facial expression remained almost the same throughout his performance and he gradually lost the feel of the song as the performance progressed even though he could hold the endnotes well. Perhaps it was his young age that prevented the accurate emoting of the song but to me, that is no longer an excuse if he wants to excel at the Grand Finals. His scores were 6.5+7.0+6.5=20.0. I would have given him a 6.75.

A word of advice to the Top 4 CSS 2 contestants: To emote a song, you must first understand what it is trying to say and convey. For me, I always listen to the song at least six times over before I even attempt to sing it because I want to get the groove, feel and emoting correct at the start, making adjustments along the way later on. The singing techniques actually come second because the enjoyment of the song always comes first. Jia you to all of you!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


不能说的秘密, 比想象中的好看。


我本身就超喜欢音乐,虽然不会弹奏钢琴,但是我很愿意被音乐感动,因为我真的相信音乐能够真真整整地推动人的所有感情 - 喜,怒,哀,乐,愁,痴,冷,静,狂。而这部电影确实有感动到我。








情人的眼泪 演唱者:蔡琴

为什么要对你 掉眼泪
你难道不明白 是为了爱
只有那有情人 眼泪最珍贵
一颗颗眼泪都是爱 都是爱

为什么要对你 掉眼泪
你难道不明白 是为了爱
要不是有情郎跟我要 分开
我眼泪不会掉下来 掉下来

好春常在 春花正开
我在深闺 望穿秋水
你不要忘了我今生 深如海

你难道不明白 是为了爱
要不是有情郎跟我要 分开
我眼泪不会掉下来 掉下来

我眼泪不会掉下来 掉下来

My National Day 2007 Holidays Activities

Whilst walking around for a place to drink, I managed to snap this at the fountain area of Clark Quay.

Hmm..decided to write about what I had just did over the previous two days' worth of holidays due to National Day. I am not patriotic enough to wave the little Singaporean flag at the Esplanade and paint my face red and white but I am still grateful that this little country managed to provide the kind of security and freedom for me to continue my blogging and my way of life thus far. So, Happy Birthday Singapore!

08 August 2007 (Wednesday):

After work on Wednesday, I went to NYDC at The Hereen to meet The Changed Man and The Married Soldier for dinner. I had a craving for the ham and mushroom baked rice, and the mudpies there so I dragged both of them to eat there to satisfy my craving.
The Changed Man ordered a pizza called Hamburger Hill (which reminded the three of us about that bloody hill during the Vietnam War where both sides fought in countless skirmishes to control that silly knoll). The Married Soldier ordered a Chef's salad (which was quite tasty, especially the bread crumbs). I dug in with my favourite ham and mushroom baked rice and took another dessert - tiramisu mudpie. Yummy.

The three of us stayed there until 9.30pm before deciding to go to Clark Quay to find ourselves a place to drink. The whole quayside was packed full of people and there was even a restaurant with a belly-dancer entertaining the curious bystanders. As it was a public holiday's eve and the usual Ladies' night, it took us two tours of the entire place through the swamp of people to find ourselves a place to settle down.

We stopped by a pub with a live band called OneNightStand and ordered our drinks. As The Married Soldier was driving, he could only take some light cocktail. The Changed Man took his pint-sized beer and I helped myself to a bourbon and a Long Island Tea. The prices of drinks were quite reasonable and tasted alright and the live band was doing what it could to entertain the slightly more matured crowd in that pub, half of it was middle-aged foreigners with large beer bellies. The crowd there was much more subdued with only a couple of them dancing, while most of them just stood there drinking and listening to the band onstage.

At around 11.30pm, we decided to move off to find a place for supper and we called The Married Soldier's wife to tag along for supper along Bukit Timah Beauty World area. The four of us ordered Teochew porridge and had our drinks at another Indian shop along that stretch of shophouses. We parted company at around 2.30am.

09 August 2007 (Thursday):

I reached home at around 3am - bleary-eyed and stuffed full of food. The night was not over yet because I had to complete my blog post on the CSS 2 Semi Finals Round 4 performance previews. I also played a little bit of Titan Quest, a computer RPG game and made good progress by successfully breaking through a Chinese village over-ran by gigantic ogres. Headed for bed at around 5.30am and woke up again at around 11.30am.

I have a buffet lunch appointment with Prataz at City Hall MRT at around 1pm (more food again!) and he led me to this Chong Qing steamboat place at Suntec City basement - the food was very fresh and the service was excellent. We had about a total of around 25 plates of food and it took us around 2 hours to finish up all the food. I loved the ambience there as well especially when everyone else was cramming the Esplanade area for the National Day Parade and fireworks, thus leaving Suntec City basement area quite quiet and pleasing - a break from all the ruckus and noise from Clark Quay pubing the previous night.

After lunch, we left the place as the crowds started filling in the entire Marina area and I went home to rest at home. It was a good two-day celebration for me. What about you? =)

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Campus Superstars 2 Semi Finals 4 Song List

F1 谢慧娴:Love me again 原唱者: 潘嘉丽, Kelly

The song initially sounded sweet and thus worrying because some people cannot accept Huixian's sweet image and her generally sweet selection of songs. But as the song progresses, it is actually more light-hearted and catchy than expected and the song sits comfortably well on the ears. Huixian will have to learn how to inject appropriate softness and comfortable singing by completely doing away whatever "ge-tai" breathing and heaving-sounding endnotes she has started the competition and move the audience to sway with the song. Given Huixian's foundation in singing techniques, all I ask of Huixian for a good performance of this song are clear endnotes, a heart-warming smile and avoid those prominent breaks in the song's lyrics. Jia you, Huixian!

F2 许政宁:我的爱 原唱者: 孙燕姿, Stefanie

Well-controlled emotional buildup from the first line to the chorus is very important to capture the attention of the audience and judges. This song is not particularly easy to sing because of the range and spacing between the lownotes and the highnotes but the song will be beautiful onstage if the image and the song content can be brought across to the audience. I do see improvement in Zhengning's singing in the previous SF 3 round but I will look forward to see if she is be able to improve enough to clear this song, especially on reaching the climatic falsetto and emoting the gentle ending of the song. Jia you, Zhengning!

F3 阮诗凯:平常心 原唱者: 张惠妹, A-Mei

Keely was given a very challenging song because not only Zhang Hui Mei's songs are fundamentally not easy to emote, she will have to compete with my recollection of Teresa's rendition of this song during the PSS 2 audition concert as well. Both these two singers did very well. The song calls for the performer to exude the emotions and feelings of a song persona (who is fatigued by love but enlightened by life) in order to bring out the essence. The song's lyrics are much easier to remember than the other two songs but the emoting requirement is actually the highest. However, Keely is able to capture the imagination and convincingly brings across the meaning of the song, it will be a fantastic performance. Jia you, Keely!

M1 卓轩正: 爱你不是爱给别人看 原唱者:叶良俊

This song is actually a classic song sung by CSS 2 Judge Ye Liang Jun himself, which means he will probably be the strictest judge of this song since he himself was the original singer. The two major hurdles in the song are the moderately quick-moving lyrics as well as the very delicate use of falsetto during the endnotes. I believe Shawn can easily handle the basic techniques appropriately especially because this is a slightly easier song than his previous selection of 我总是听你说 , but the question remains on whether he can emote ballads adequately, which is his greatest weakness because though light to the ears and the heart, the song is actually quite matured in terms of lyrical content. I would look forward to see how a 13 year old sing the song, which is a very familiar ballad to many people during one of the golden age of music. Jia you, Shawn!

M2 李俊纬: 爱如潮水 原唱者:张信哲, Jeff

I believe Marcus got the most difficult (but very beautiful) song to sing in the entire round because this song requires crystal-clear notes and eunciation of lyrics. The song is also naturally high-key, which will prove an immense challenge for Marcus to sustain all the highnotes throughout the song. There is also very little breathing space within the song, especially during the chorus. The emoting for the song also requires a difficulty and varying buildup. In short, if Marcus can pull this song off, even I will have to applaud and cheer for him. Jia you, Marcus!

M3 范平庚: 下雪 原唱者:阿杜, A-Do

This is one difficult ballad to emote because as the song is slow-paced at the verses portion, there is very little room to make mistakes and get away with them. What primarily worries me is how Benjamin can emote the song convincingly even if he manages to get the song techniques right. The endnotes are sung forcefully by the original singer and the chorus is one vital portion of the song to showcase the emotions of the song persona and Benjamin must be able to hold the audience's attention in those chorus portions. The perfecting ending of the song should be to leave the audience in a mood of comfortable relevation. Jia you, Benjiamin!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Controlling voice projections during singing (diaphragm, chest and throat)

Okay, as promised to one of the taggers on my blog, I will write about how one can control the projection of one's voice during singing. It's a rather complicated issue to explain over a blog post so before I continue, the disclaimer first. (Disclaimer: All the below mentioned techniques should be practised in the presence of trained vocal teachers in a face-to-face setting as some things such as volume, projection postures, and accuracy of usage of the techniques mentioned.

As commonly acknowledged in the singing circle, there are three different platforms from which one can project one's voice from, namely, the diaphragm, the chest and the throat. I personally would like to call them "the three engines" of voice projections. All these three platforms use a variety of muscles to direct airflow when directed so if one is to train voice projection, one must first learn how to develop those muscles before a stable airflow can be trained to project a stable singing voice.

There are quite a few methods or techniques to develop those muscles and below are a handful of them which I know:

1) The Solfege Reciting Technique (Verbalized):

Recite the solfege syllables "Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti" (or known lovingly as "doe", "ray", "me", "far", "sew", "la" and "tea") using the respective three platforms to strengthen the muscles required. The solfege syllables are to be recited as many times as possible in one minute, followed by a rest of another minute. The exercise cannot exceed more than 30 minutes. This technique would also help to improve note accuracy. For the diaphragm platform, the diaphragm muscles must be drawn taut and the solfege syllables have to come out without a break. For the chest platform, the diaphragm muscles must be not used and all the solfege syllables are to be recited using only chest muscles - for most people, reciting using the chest can only be achieved in a series of forced puffs, which is perfectly alright for beginners. For the throat platform, they are to be recited using by isolating and using only the throat muscles. Most beginners will find themselves out of breath after the first few repetitions. Stamina and accuracy are the prime objectives of this exercise.

2) The Solfege Reciting Technique (Non-verbalized):

This technique is the same as the Solfege Reciting Technique (Verbalized) with only one difference. The solfege syllables are NOT to be recited out aloud but are to be verbalized internally with the mouth closed. Clarity is not the concern here but stability of the internal verbalization of the solfege syllables is.

3) The Solfege Holding Technique (Verbalized):

This technique is used to hold the individual solfege syllable for as long as possible. For example, when one (using whichever voicing platform he or she is training on) says Mi. He or she is to hold the Mi syllable until the breath is completely used under a timed condition. Gradually increase the length of time one is able to hold each of the solfege syllable over a space of a few months (there is no shortcut to training those muscles). This exercise should also not exceed more than 30 minutes per session. Clarity of the syllable and development of the stamina of the muscles are the objectives of this exercise.

4) The Solfege Holding Technique (Non-verbalized):

This technique is the same as the Solfege Holding Technique except that this exercise requires internal verbalization of the solfege syllable. Stability and stamina of the muscles are the objectives of this exercise.

Application of the three voicing platforms:

Once the muscles of these platforms are developed adequately, the trainee should be able to enunciate and hold the notes within songs better. Assuming the three platforms as three different engines of singing, the trainee will have to activate the various engines accordingly to suit the variation within the songs whilst singing, which is not exactly easy to do. Some songs require only one engine, some may require switching of engines at particular intervals and yet others may even require all three engines to be used at different degrees simultaneously.

What differentiates between the voice projection between the novice singer and the accomplished one is not only the strength, stamina and stability of the three voicing platforms, but also the ability of the singer to learn to use one voicing platform to cover or supplement another voicing platform. Remembering that not everyone is blessed with three equally strong voicing platforms, such flexibility is needed to cover up weaknesses in the weaker platforms.

Also, the more experienced the singer is, the better and smoother the transition between one voicing platform to another is. For example, in the song 眼底星空 by 李圣杰 (song number 46 on the blog's main playlist), the transitions from normal voice to falsetto and back to normal voice requires Sam's excellent control of his voicing platforms as he overlaps his platforms (which I will not try to explain at the moment) whilst singing to transit smoothly through those changes.

This is also the reason why sometimes the singing competitions' judges commented about the depth of the singing voice, because some of the contestants are still not able to tap into the strengths and usefulness of the three voicing platforms. Jia you to all the CSS 2 contestants tonight and also to all the singing enthusiasts reading this right now.

Okay, that's all for now. I hope this answers the question from that tagger. I have to go to work now. Have fun reading and remember to only practise under full face-to-face proper guidance or risk injury to the platforms or the voicebox.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Performance Reviews of Campus Superstar 2 SF 1B

M1 绕梓杰 主题曲 原唱者:林宇中, Rynn

梓杰的假音确实有点儿不够气。他的复歌的最后两句有点儿虚弱。他的眼神也没有善用到,总是避开与镜头交流,非常可惜。他的舞台肢体也有待改善,因为到了表演后段,已经如叶老师所受的“疆硬”。不过,歌唱方面没多东西可挑剔的,歌曲感情处理的恰到好处, 加油!梓杰的得分为7.0+7.5+7.5=22.0。 我本身会给7.75分。

M2 范平庚 Guardian Angel 原唱者:洪俊扬

平庚的开场音有点点儿低. 他的"不再"和"指引" 有点儿走音. 他的"泣"的拉音不够稳, "否"音太低了, "快"咬字不对. 和梓杰一样, 平庚的舞台肢体有些纳闷, 尤其是在中间的音乐过门, 走走一圈, 放弃了和观众交流, 发电的宝贵机会, 实在太可惜了. 黎老师也说得对 - 平庚的声音有点生硬, 使到整个表演有点儿不够味. 平庚的得分为6.5+8.0+7.0=21.5.。我本身会给7.25。

M3 许国豪 大男人 小女孩 原唱者:林俊杰, JJ

国豪的"不是", "完美", "大男人" 和"多"唱走音. 他的"火"拉音也不很稳, 假音也骠不上. 我觉得最严重的是国豪一直在念歌词, 没有用任何正确的不位发音, 所以他的歌声如同林老师所说的 - 很原始. 其实, 只要国豪的支持者认为国豪已经尽力了, 国豪只须在多加练习, 纠正技巧, 还是可以在以后唱歌表演. 只不过, 比赛到了这阶段, 已经没有时间慢慢得进步了. 凭良心说, 国豪确实在发音和歌曲感情处理上, 有些进步, 所以往后再接再厉吧!国豪的得分为5.0+3.5+4.0=12.5。我本身会给4.75。

M4 卓轩正 满天星 原唱者:欧得洋, Ocean

从片段中轩正唱“茉莉花”就能看得出,轩正对歌曲感情比较细腻的歌曲确实掌握得不是很好。轩正的“在”和“然后”太低了,“天”和“微笑”唱得有点儿走音,而“渴望”却低不下来。 歌曲的复歌部份唱得不明显突出,低音频频出状况,而且加上轩正在唱时,脸部表情过于痛苦, 所以没有办法把整首歌的精髓发挥出来。虽然轩正已鼓足全力,但是他的这场表演却是蛮乏味无感动。轩正的得分为7.0+7.0+6.5=20.5。 我本身会给6.25。

M5 李俊纬 知足 原唱者:五月天, MayDay

俊纬的“拥”和“天空”唱得不稳,而且在“地上的人”,“尽头”,“知”频频咬字不清。林老师说得一点儿也没错 - 俊纬一定要把嘴巴开打一点儿来唱歌。俊纬当中的“寂寞”,“当”, “才发现”也有点儿在吞字。他选的歌曲虽然好唱,唱得也蛮投入的。但是如果他还是再来临的比赛过不了咬字这一关,那就很难在给高分了。必竟,比赛也要看到进步和突破呀。俊纬的得分为6.5+8.0+7.0=21.5。我本身会给7.50。

Thursday, August 02, 2007

校园Superstar 2 第三场半决赛歌单 赛前笔记



1)舞步要滚瓜烂熟 - 只有这样,才有能力对其它的方面多做改善。
2)舞台动作劲力要够 - 跳舞不能抱着敷衍的态度,观众看得出来的。
3)要和伴舞者沟通 - 是团体舞就要同一速度,拍子,台步,甚至是表情。
4)跳舞不能缺脸部表情 - 该微笑,该严肃,该放电,不能傻头木纳的。
5)要分配好舞步 - 若丹田气受舞步而阻,要运用胸气或喉劲发音了。
6)要选好回气部份 - 跳舞耗气大,要懂得哪里可以喘口气。
7)舞步若乱,信心补上 - 别因小失大,集中整体表演素质。
8)舞步歌声,振撼压场 - 要做到配合无间,才能扣住观众的视感听觉。


F1 阮诗凯 Supermodel原唱者:S.H.E

F2 许政宁 大风吹 原唱者:许慧欣

F3 谢慧娴 Dadada 原唱者:王心凌

F4 张芮恩 狠狠爱 原唱者:徐若瑄

M1 绕梓杰 流行教主 原唱者:林俊杰

M2 李俊纬 呛司呛司 原唱者:罗志祥

M3 范平庚 精武门 原唱者:罗志祥

M4 卓轩正 恋爱ING 原唱者:五月天