日期:12月08日 (星期六)
Date: 08 Dec (Sat) Time : 2pm – 8pm
我们将安排3趟 “S-POP 万岁!巴士飚唱会”的SMRT路线106号巴士,川行于武吉巴督转换站和滨海中心之间。有兴趣免费搭乘S-POP 万岁!巴士的朋友,可以在以下时间到指定地点排队上车(先到先上,人数将按巴士载客量所限),或在任何106号巴士路经的车站等候上车。
拥有U频道或Yes 933醉心频道、958城市频道、Love 972最爱频道送出的“优先登车证”的观众和听众将可以优先上车,并且获赠丰富的礼包。
除了别开生面地在巴士上欣赏本地创作的好音乐之外,乘客还有机会赢取丰富的奖品,以及超限量发行的S-POP T恤和公仔。
出席歌手包括:迷路兵、蔡礼莲、【绝对SuperStar】的陈迪雅、陈铿百、杨佳盈、汤灵伊、杜蕙甹、Sugi、田铭耀、张乐声、孙文海、谢子伟、官镜瀚、曾裕淑、林昱志、【校园SuperStar】的曾咏霖、许政宁、黄俊辉 和 李俊纬。
【S-POP万岁!】 巴士的出发时间及地点如下
下午2:00 :滨海中心Raffles Avenue (薛尔思桥底下的巴士站)
(主持人:林翠芳 + 933 DJ伟彬)
下午4:00 :武吉巴督转换站106候车站
(主持人:林翠芳 + 972 DJ蔡礼莲)
下午6:00 :滨海中心Raffles Avenue (薛尔思桥底下的巴士站)
(主持人:林翠芳 + 958 DJ明德)
* 出发时间可能因交通状况而稍有延误。
Enjoy the tunes of local compositions ‘live’ on a bus ride!
Wanna be serenaded on your mundane bus ride?
Hop on to S-POP HURRAY! Concert On The Move! Consisting of 3 bus trips running on SMRT Bus 106 route which travels between Bukit Batok Bus Interchange and Marina Centre, S-POP HURRAY! Concert On The Move is a free bus ride service.
Interested? Simply make your way to locations below at the scheduled timings or be at any bus stops along the Bus 106 route (first-come-first-serve basis and subjected to limited capacity).
Priority will be given to those holding the “Priority Boarding Pass” received from Channel U or Yes 93.3 FM, Capital 95.8 FM and Love 97.2 FM. Get your “Priority Boarding Pass” now by emailing your particulars and contact to ucontest@mediacorp.com.sg (first-come-first-serve basis, closing date 5 Dec)!
Besides enjoying the tunes of local compositions, goodie bags will be given away during the concert. There will also be limited-edition S-POP HURRAY! premiums to be won!
Performing artistes include Mi Lu Bing, Cai Lilian, Project SuperStar finalists Diya, Nat Tan, Carrie, Lingyi, Candyce, Sugi, Mingyao, Lesheng, Wenhai, Jeff Teay, Jeremy Kwan, Maxilian, Leon and Campus SuperStar finalists Teresa, Zhengning, Adriano and Marcus.
S-POP HURRAY! Bus Schedule* and Boarding Locations
2:00 pm: Marina Centre, Raffles Avenue (Bus stop under Benjamin Sheares Bridge)
Featuring Special Guest Artistes Mi Lu Bing
(Hosts : Cuifang and Yes 933 DJ Weibin)
4:00 pm: Bukit Batok Bus Interchange at 106 bus route boarding line
Featuring songs from Xin Yao performed by Lilian and performing artistes
(Hosts : Cuifang and Love 972 DJ Lilian)
6:00 pm: Marina Centre, Raffles Avenue (Bus stop under Benjamin Sheares Bridge)
Featuring theme songs from local Chinese dramas
(Hosts : Cuifang and Capital 958 DJ Mingde)
* Schedules might be subjected to changes depending on traffic conditions on the day.
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