Here I am again to review on the latest event which I attended, which is a PK competition organized by Royal International Group, a local artiste management group which I am currently paying attention to. The event was held on 8 August 2010 Saturday at Bukit Timah Plaza, seemingly a home-ground of sorts for its artistes, and it was from 4pm to nearly 7pm.
I could not catch most of the contestants' names because I was busy trying to record my findings and reviews of their performances so I'll just use their order of appearance as a gauge. For a change, I shall use Chinese language instead for the following critiques of their performances during that event.
Round 1: In this round, there are a total of 3 groups. 2 PK Challengers in each group will face off their scores against 1 RIG Defender in that group. If the best scorer in each of the three groups will advance into the 2nd round, regardless if they are challengers or defenders.
PK Challenger 1 (Edwyen Ng): 虽然平稳,却少了独特的风格。挑战者算是中规中矩。
PK Challenger 2 (Yuhong Lin?): 挑战者唱得太大声了,虽肺活量过于常人,却没有层次感地飚声量。
RIG Defender 3 (Juyoi Chang): 选错歌应战,舒情歌曲没有办法发挥。虽然镇定,已失策了。
PK Challenger 4 (?): 虽然平稳,却少了独特的风格。挑战者算是中规中矩。
PK Challenger 5 (?): 高音清亮,可是选了比较冷门的歌曲,减少了共鸣。
RIG Defender 6 (Koh Yi Ting): 过度紧张,猛抢拍子,僵硬地在背歌,可是听得出音色的可塑性。
PK Challenger 7 (Joseph Hui): 咬字有些不清,不过掌握到了R&B曲风,很有娱乐性。
PK Challenger 8 (?): 音质好,雄厚的嗓音,控制歌曲得法,是场中最稳扎的表演。
RIG Defender 9 (Dayan Ying Peng): 主歌有点虚,但情感驾驭得好,很亮眼的努力。
Round 2:After the first round, it got confusing because the emcee suddenly announced a change of PK rules and instead of the best of 3 of each of the earlier three groups, a total of 6, including one of the RIG Defender, Dayan, made it through to the 2nd Round. The reason given was that all these six round 1 competitors scored very closely. Personally, with no announcements made about how much they scored, nobody really knew if there were really so many ties in the first place. These 6 challengers would then pit their 2nd round scores against the average score of Elson Soh and Faith who seemed to be the final two defenders of the competition.
PK Challenger 1: 过度依赖肺活量来镇歌,轻重音不分明。
PK Challenger 2: 复歌歌词太草草带过,主歌还唱得不错。
PK Challenger 3: 主歌收得太快,有催歌的迹象,复歌入错位,有点儿走音。
PK Challenger 4:“让我”常得太虚,有点鼻音,复歌被背景音乐给覆盖了。
PK Challenger 5 (Bryan): 主歌好像唱慢了半拍,犯了在重点句上断词来换气,破坏了歌曲的神髓。
PK Challenger 6 (Dayan): 复歌第一个字吃字,层次感用得好,高音也掌控得好。
RIG Defender 1 (Faith): 复歌唱得美,清亮,只不过收得不齐全,不须加入太多个人技巧。
RIG Defender 2 (Elson): 麦克风被手指挡住了发音,复歌不能强行都音乐,导致几乎破音。
Eventual Winners: Elson and Faith
Highest Personal Scorer: Bryan
My personal thoughts and awards:
Most Memorable Performer : Dayan, because he is the only participant who managed to deliver two consecutive and consistent performances and he managed to overcome the major difficulties of each of his two songs adequately without compromising the songs.
Most Entertaining Performer: Joseph, because although his second performance was lackluster, his first performance definitely perked up the entire event as he seems to be the only participant that day who truly knew how to capture audience's attention with good stage-work.
That's all for my event and performance review! All the best to my faithful blog readers and have a wonderful week ahead! ^__^