I caught this movie last week and the movie was quite alright as it featured Wolverine and Sabertooth as brothers who both had beastly and regenerative powers but with slightly different temperaments and morals and the two brothers grew apart as Sabertooth began to grow into a more bloodthirsty mutant while Wolverine wanted a clear conscience. The plot revolved around how Colonle Stryker tried to capture all the mutants and merge their powers into one super-killing machine and Wolverine had to stop Stryker from killing whatever few mutant friends he had left.
Although the movie did show the prowess of some extraordinary mutants, such as one with a diamond skin, one with deadly accuracy with guns and another with unbelievably fast swords, msot of the movie went around with more action between Wolverine and Sabertooth, slashing and stabbing each other with their claws. Compared to the original three X-men movies, this one fell a little short of my expectations but it managed to keep the X-men interest going. Hopefully, they will get even better doing such one-mutant-background-story movie. I would give it a respectable 3.5 out of a possible 5.
Movie Review: Star Trek (2009)

Kirk was the rule-breaker adventurer who would try any means to accomplish the missions at hand whilst Spock was also the intellectual who wanted things done in the most analytical and emotionally-detached way. However, both of them, alongside with the green crew of USS Enterprise realized that they must learn to cooperate because in order to triumph against the vicious enemy who seemed to travel from the future with an incredibly powerful ship, only courage, wit, intelligence combined can hope to overcome.
With such a memorable star crew and alot more potential to grow, I think a sequel to this movie will not be too much to ask for in a 4/5 rating movie. ^__^
The next movie review would be on Angels and Demons - something historical, away from claw-slashing and phaser-lasers spacefights for a change.
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