I titled my blog using an iconic quotation from a Shakespearean Play "Hamlet" because it is profoundly based on what everyone has been trying, struggling or dying to be - their true selves. I am still searching for the answer to that question myself and amidst all the faint glimpses of truth and doubts, trudging through the labyrinth of daily life, maybe my blogging will help me unravel my destiny in time to come...
About Me
- Sean Ho
- Singapore
- Let me have... the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, the strength to do the necessary, the love to give to the deserving, the wisdom to perceive such differences.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Song Recommendation For April 2009: 《好好走》by 梁咏琪 Gigi Leung
我闭住了笑容 虚伪了宽容
爱你爱到这 我只想好好走
爱你爱到这 我想你好好走
爱你爱到这 我只想好好走
爱你爱到这 我想你好好走
爱你爱到这 我想你好好走
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Burning In The Heat of Singapore
Movie Review: Taken (2009)

Watched the movie "Taken" today and I thought the movie was nice because it had really realistic action scenes throughout a heart-stopping journey where a father (who retired voluntarily from some secret service job) had reluctantly gave his permission for his teenage daughter to go to Europe for a holiday, only to discover to his dismay that she was kidnapped by a vicious group of Albanians who ran drugs and prostitution rings.
Determined not to lose his daughter, he embarked on a one-man mission to save his daughter within a window of 96 hours before she would be forever lost in the human-trafficking businesses in Europe. The movie was an eye-opener about how insidious such crimes were in hoodwinking unsuspecting young girls on holidays and then whisking them off to sedate them with drugs to be sold for prostitution and the movie culminated when the father finally came face to face with the crime lords responsible for such illegal businesses, whom the former deal with harshly. As what one movie reviewer on yahoo said, you won't even notice the movie's 90+ minutes because it was one well-paced, hard-action movie mixed with ingenuity and quite some violence. It's NC16 because of the violence so for those blog readers wanting to go catch this movie, do take heart before stepping in.
It's really warm - I am literally cooked by the stifling heat that has permeated Singapore for the past week. Trying to enjoy the break after Campus Superstars 3 competition but the country has more or less transformed itself into a sweltering furnace to burn the rest.
Still I have managed to grab some entertainment here and there to take my mind off from those performance commentaries nights. Here are some of the games that have been keeping me happy.
Restaurant City - Facebook Game Application
I have always been intrigued by cooking and this is one game I really enjoyed because as an owner of a restaurant, you are to answer daily food quizzes (within 10 seconds) to gain precious ingredients to make new starter, main or dessert dishes for your ever-hungry customers. Alternatively, you can try exchanging ingredients with your friends. With those ingredients, your assigned cooks and waiters will start serving those dishes (visible from the screen) and starting collecting bills for you to upgrade and renovate your restaurant.
Money is hard to come by so I was trying my best to give my restaurant a posh look without spending too much since after every 3 hours, the assigned cooks and waiters will be exhausted and you either have to let them sleep or feed them really expensive sandwiches (each costing $200!). I still have many dishes to learn and I am hunting for ingredients everyday. Anyone has eggs and cheese to exchange? Hahaha.
Civony - Free Browser-Based City-Building Game

Pardon the small screenshot because most of the icons in the game are small. Although very similar to the earlier Imperial Ages game that I played a few months back, this one is even more complicated with valleys on the map screen for your armies to capture for increased production of lumber, stone, iron or food. The valleys (grasslands, hills, lakes, deserts, swamps) are constantly changing their levels, which determine the number of defenders guarding the valleys. The game also features heroes whom you can either hire from the inn or capture from valleys. You can grow these heros through an experience system and reward them with money or medals which can increase their popularity, experience and skills in helping you to manage your cities or lead your armies.
Another main drawing point is the alliance that I am in - most of them are actually working adults or graduates from various universities across the world from USA, Australia, Canada and we have been bantering and chatting about various issues across cultures whilst waiting for our buildings in the cities to be completed. The jokes are fast and witty so I am having just reading and laughing at how they are hurling those jokes across the alliance chat.
Going back to my civony and restaurant game now! Will update again soon! ^__^

Watched the movie "Taken" today and I thought the movie was nice because it had really realistic action scenes throughout a heart-stopping journey where a father (who retired voluntarily from some secret service job) had reluctantly gave his permission for his teenage daughter to go to Europe for a holiday, only to discover to his dismay that she was kidnapped by a vicious group of Albanians who ran drugs and prostitution rings.
Determined not to lose his daughter, he embarked on a one-man mission to save his daughter within a window of 96 hours before she would be forever lost in the human-trafficking businesses in Europe. The movie was an eye-opener about how insidious such crimes were in hoodwinking unsuspecting young girls on holidays and then whisking them off to sedate them with drugs to be sold for prostitution and the movie culminated when the father finally came face to face with the crime lords responsible for such illegal businesses, whom the former deal with harshly. As what one movie reviewer on yahoo said, you won't even notice the movie's 90+ minutes because it was one well-paced, hard-action movie mixed with ingenuity and quite some violence. It's NC16 because of the violence so for those blog readers wanting to go catch this movie, do take heart before stepping in.
It's really warm - I am literally cooked by the stifling heat that has permeated Singapore for the past week. Trying to enjoy the break after Campus Superstars 3 competition but the country has more or less transformed itself into a sweltering furnace to burn the rest.
Still I have managed to grab some entertainment here and there to take my mind off from those performance commentaries nights. Here are some of the games that have been keeping me happy.
Restaurant City - Facebook Game Application
Money is hard to come by so I was trying my best to give my restaurant a posh look without spending too much since after every 3 hours, the assigned cooks and waiters will be exhausted and you either have to let them sleep or feed them really expensive sandwiches (each costing $200!). I still have many dishes to learn and I am hunting for ingredients everyday. Anyone has eggs and cheese to exchange? Hahaha.
Civony - Free Browser-Based City-Building Game
Pardon the small screenshot because most of the icons in the game are small. Although very similar to the earlier Imperial Ages game that I played a few months back, this one is even more complicated with valleys on the map screen for your armies to capture for increased production of lumber, stone, iron or food. The valleys (grasslands, hills, lakes, deserts, swamps) are constantly changing their levels, which determine the number of defenders guarding the valleys. The game also features heroes whom you can either hire from the inn or capture from valleys. You can grow these heros through an experience system and reward them with money or medals which can increase their popularity, experience and skills in helping you to manage your cities or lead your armies.
Another main drawing point is the alliance that I am in - most of them are actually working adults or graduates from various universities across the world from USA, Australia, Canada and we have been bantering and chatting about various issues across cultures whilst waiting for our buildings in the cities to be completed. The jokes are fast and witty so I am having just reading and laughing at how they are hurling those jokes across the alliance chat.
Going back to my civony and restaurant game now! Will update again soon! ^__^
Monday, April 13, 2009
Reply To Tags About CSS 3 Grand Finals Performance Commentaries, Gathering with University Orientation Group, Tai Tai Coffee with SC @ East Coast
Reply To Tags About CSS 3 Grand Finals Performance Commentaries:
Stella: woo u are all prepared for tonight~ hahs.
- Of course, since I have been writing since Episode 1 all the way till the Grand Finals, I must make sure that I am all prepared during the most important Grand Finals. ^__^
^^~: Omg I think Jaws is really under rated in the 2nd round =.=
- Joselin deserved a better grade indeed. =)
leraine: True, Aijia performed the best this round =)
- I agonized over a 9.5 which might seemed too high but I made my decision - if that kind of performance cannot secure a 9.5, then too few performances will ever made it. Aijia scored deeply for sincerity and a new level of emoting breakthrough to earn my best grade for Grand Finals.
hmm: jarod was better.. anyway they should be on par since they got the same score.
- No offence to Jarod but he had it easy because he was singing only the easier portions of 千言万语 and circumvented the harder portions with R & B instead, which was strategically wise but exposed his technical inability to handle older songs compared to Aijia and Jiamin. Joselin completely changed the song to a full rock and roll, which took out some grades too.
css3: wat u tink of weilian judging and performance ?
- Weilian was playing real safe and politically correct with his judging. I could not mention about his performance because I was too busy typing the performance commentaries.
Stella: oo u done a great job too
接下来 any commentaries for other programs? 
- Thank you for your compliment! I might take a break from performance commentaries for a couple of weeks because I need to clear my head for other tasks beyond my blogging life and I wanted to go get some singing done on my own since I had been delaying it since the start of CSS 3 blog series.
Passerby: Joselin is th most unrrated ones in css3. Judges are just very biased towards her. Really dissapointed wif th judges. I felt her Yue guang was nicer den others! I think u even agreed! Joselin ROCKS! :
- As mentioned, I thought Joselin did well. She was still the weakest when it comes to vocal command but I recognized her unique stage presence. I can only hope someday she can finally align her skills alongside with her stage presence. There's still potential in her to be tapped somehow.
ee: now that css3 has come to an end, i guess i wont visit this place frequently anymore. nevertheless, you did a great job sean! it has been a pleasure reading your commentries (:
- Thank you for your compliment! It's been quite a tough blog series for the past few months because I had to crack my head often to try and be as accurate as possible in my performance commentaries. Hope you do pop in to check out my blogging once in a while. ^__^
- My thanks to the thousands of readers who thronged my humble blog for the past few months to take a peep at my performance commentaries. Confirmations of contestants reading them and correcting them upon my advice also helped me to continue writing and with prominent music figures even popping by to look around surely boosted my morale in keeping the commentaries as tidy as I can be. Gratis~~
- I will probably go back to my personal blogging with sporadic write-ups on any followup events for the graduates of CSS 3, if any, until I can finally settle on a new blog series. Meanwhile, a series of photos that were delayed because I was so busy with the CSS 3 blog series are finally seeing light on my blog. Hahaha.
Library Trip and Bubble Tea with The Confused M60 at Toa Payoh Hub:
Went to the library with the Confused M60 who wanted to borrow some books to reeducate herself for her new job applications. I took the opportunity to quickly return the nearly due library books as well. We settled down for bubble tea at a bubble tea house inside one of the entertainment hubs of Toa Payoh (the one with the cinemas) and I saw this very interesting plaque about steadfastness and wisdom.
It said something about having to learn and use both in a complementary way to survive the world around us and gain fulfilment and contentment. I supposed it rings true to quite a good extent - if we are not steadfast, we will lose our way. If we are not wise, we will not be able to differentiate the real light at the end of the tunnel from the neon ones decorating the tunnel.
This is a random game screenshot of a very old game known as Stronghold, a castle building game. In that scenario, I think I was supposed to build and encircle my castle encampment with wooden palisade walls and prevent roaming wolves from eating my lord (the blue caped guy atop of the large wooden building called a keep).
Why am I playing such a game? I am still trying to design a medieval-theme castle building game on my own so I needed to refresh myself on medieval games. It's already been more than one month of research and refreshing of such games but the game is still at its write-up stage. I still have a long way to go...hahaha.
Gathering with University Orientation Group:
This is one of the sandwich ordered and shared around by a handful of my university orientation group who managed to meet up after being separated for years. Although only four out of a twenty-four were present, it was still a heartwarming gathering where we shared out common adventures during the four-day orientation camp in those days - the exciting ice-breaking games that we played, the orientation game stations that we conquered with wit and bravado, the sleepless nights spent talking away.
A night shot of the Merlion after it was healed from the lightning strike on its head. It was spraying water happily that night as the group strolled from Raffles City to the Singapore Flyer to the Merlion. Such a memorable gathering after so many years. ^__^
Tai Tai Coffee with SC @ East Coast:
I love to take some afternoons real slow and easy, over a nice slice of cake with a nice chocolate ice-blended, and watch the world go by with a friend or two. So last Saturday, I went off with SC to East Coast Park Coffee Bean to have a session of tai tai coffee and spent a good three hours over there, watching the park-goers' activities.
The view of East Coast Park from where we are seated. It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon and we even caught sight of a huge rabbit on a leash, hopping happily around to sniff the grass and the roots of the trees until it began to rain in the mid-afternoon.
The rain came in hard but there were people who never wanted to stay out. A group of three friends were dancing in the rain and a couple shared an umbrella and stared out into the sea until the rain stopped.
The rain got heavier but both of us were dry and happy with an extremely packed Coffee Bean as the people rushed in to take shelter. We had the best seats to watch the raindrops fall though.
The rain peltered away and East Coast Park came back to life again. This shot was taken on our way back to Parkway Parade for dinner. In the distance, the thunderclouds still rumbled away but they could not keep the children away from playing on the beach with the waves. This is the share rustic feel one can probably only catch at a mere fistful of places left in Singapore.
Stella: woo u are all prepared for tonight~ hahs.
- Of course, since I have been writing since Episode 1 all the way till the Grand Finals, I must make sure that I am all prepared during the most important Grand Finals. ^__^
^^~: Omg I think Jaws is really under rated in the 2nd round =.=
- Joselin deserved a better grade indeed. =)
leraine: True, Aijia performed the best this round =)
- I agonized over a 9.5 which might seemed too high but I made my decision - if that kind of performance cannot secure a 9.5, then too few performances will ever made it. Aijia scored deeply for sincerity and a new level of emoting breakthrough to earn my best grade for Grand Finals.
hmm: jarod was better.. anyway they should be on par since they got the same score.
- No offence to Jarod but he had it easy because he was singing only the easier portions of 千言万语 and circumvented the harder portions with R & B instead, which was strategically wise but exposed his technical inability to handle older songs compared to Aijia and Jiamin. Joselin completely changed the song to a full rock and roll, which took out some grades too.
css3: wat u tink of weilian judging and performance ?
- Weilian was playing real safe and politically correct with his judging. I could not mention about his performance because I was too busy typing the performance commentaries.
Stella: oo u done a great job too

- Thank you for your compliment! I might take a break from performance commentaries for a couple of weeks because I need to clear my head for other tasks beyond my blogging life and I wanted to go get some singing done on my own since I had been delaying it since the start of CSS 3 blog series.
Passerby: Joselin is th most unrrated ones in css3. Judges are just very biased towards her. Really dissapointed wif th judges. I felt her Yue guang was nicer den others! I think u even agreed! Joselin ROCKS! :
- As mentioned, I thought Joselin did well. She was still the weakest when it comes to vocal command but I recognized her unique stage presence. I can only hope someday she can finally align her skills alongside with her stage presence. There's still potential in her to be tapped somehow.
ee: now that css3 has come to an end, i guess i wont visit this place frequently anymore. nevertheless, you did a great job sean! it has been a pleasure reading your commentries (:
- Thank you for your compliment! It's been quite a tough blog series for the past few months because I had to crack my head often to try and be as accurate as possible in my performance commentaries. Hope you do pop in to check out my blogging once in a while. ^__^
- My thanks to the thousands of readers who thronged my humble blog for the past few months to take a peep at my performance commentaries. Confirmations of contestants reading them and correcting them upon my advice also helped me to continue writing and with prominent music figures even popping by to look around surely boosted my morale in keeping the commentaries as tidy as I can be. Gratis~~
- I will probably go back to my personal blogging with sporadic write-ups on any followup events for the graduates of CSS 3, if any, until I can finally settle on a new blog series. Meanwhile, a series of photos that were delayed because I was so busy with the CSS 3 blog series are finally seeing light on my blog. Hahaha.
Library Trip and Bubble Tea with The Confused M60 at Toa Payoh Hub:
It said something about having to learn and use both in a complementary way to survive the world around us and gain fulfilment and contentment. I supposed it rings true to quite a good extent - if we are not steadfast, we will lose our way. If we are not wise, we will not be able to differentiate the real light at the end of the tunnel from the neon ones decorating the tunnel.
Why am I playing such a game? I am still trying to design a medieval-theme castle building game on my own so I needed to refresh myself on medieval games. It's already been more than one month of research and refreshing of such games but the game is still at its write-up stage. I still have a long way to go...hahaha.
Gathering with University Orientation Group:
Tai Tai Coffee with SC @ East Coast:
Campus Superstars 3,
Music and Entertainment,
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Campus Superstars 3 Grand Finals Performance Commentaries
第一回合: 金曲高手大测验
C1 李奕贤+陈迪雅《千言万语》/《小薇》(钢琴伴奏、不插电)
- 不 (吐字过重)
- 掠过 (音被压过)
- 有明显的歌唱进步
- 可惜只唱比较保守的几句词,不敢真正投入难度更高的部份
- Judges' scores were totaled at 64.0/80.0 (Average 8.0/10.0)
- I would have given Jarod a 8.5 because he managed to combine the two songs into a smooth medley within his vocal capabilities. There was marked improvements in his confidence in portraying the song and there was good interaction between himself and Diya.
C2 蔡艾珈+Juz B《情人的眼泪》 /《Stand By Me》(无音乐伴奏)
- background accompaniment was a little too loud against Aijia's singing
- 么 (吃字)
- there were gaps in making full use of the song to parallel acapella accompaniment
- Aijia was able to focus and still make her singing distinctive against the backdrop of six different voices and six sets of tempo without being distracted
- Judges' scores were 58.5/80.0 (Average 7.3125/10.0)
- I would have given Aijia a 9.0 because of the sheer difficulty of combining the classic song alongside with acapella. I disagreed with Wu Jiaming Laoshi and Deng Miaohua because I thought it was a very difficult task for Aijia to keep her tempo steady against six different voices with six different tempos.
C3 叶嘉敏+曾咏霖《红豆词2000》(吉他伴奏、二重唱)
- 满 (吃字)
- 悠 (音拉得不够)
- 喔 (某部份偏音了些)
- 气势不如前两参赛者,创意不足
- 舞台,镜头的沟通都太僵硬,不够放
- Judges' scores were totaled at 59.0/80.0 (Average of 7.375/10.0)
- I would have given Jiamin a 8.0 because given the vocal abilities of both Jiamin and Teresa, they could have afforded a little bit more experimentation. I concur with the comments of the three judges - they were quite stiff in portraying the song and played too safe when they are fully capable trying something more refreshing to add more creativity points to the performance.
C4 黄慧婷+大风吹《梦醒时分》(乐团伴奏)
- 伤心 (走音多次)
- 总是 (走音)
- 不 (吃字)
- 被乐队的拍子赶着,没跟好拍子
- 你说 (唱得太低)
- 对唱接歌不够流顺
- Judges' scores were totaled at 52.5/80.0 (Average of 6.562/10.0)
- I would have given Joselin a 7.0 because she sang off-key at least four times during her performance and she was being led on by the band instead of she leading the live band so the overall feel was quite rushed. Admittedly, singing with a live rock band is not easy at all but considering she made more obvious technical mistakes than the other three contestants, she could only score so much on my commentaries.
第二回合 :战友对决大会考
( 同学与同学相互挑战,同唱节奏由慢转快的《月光》)
C1 李奕贤 Jarod《月光》
- 湾湾 (唱得不稳)
- 蒲公英 (抖音过重了)
- Judges' scores were 57.0/80.0 (Average of 7.125/10.0)
- I would have given Jarod a 7.5 because his expression and gesticulation was looking pretty robotic to me and I felt that he seemed to have too much on his mind to be truly enjoying the song.
C2 蔡艾珈 Rachel《月光》
- 赶拍子
- 的地方 (吞字)
- Judges' scores were 59.0/80.0 (Average of 7.325/10.0)
- I would have given Aijia a 7.5 because she was in the same mode of dancing and singing as per her previous performances and I could not see a newer or upgraded version of her stage presence. Surprisingly, I expected her to do better in Round 2 but the key was not suitable enough and she was playing too safe to be throwing her maximum potential in.
C3 叶嘉敏 Jiamin《月光》
- 光 (唱得不够亮)
- 泪 (唱得不够稳)
- Judges' scores were 58.5/80.0 (Average of 7.312/10.0)
- I would have given Jiamin a 7.0 because she still could not truly overcome her stage stiffness. Although her facial expression was much more relaxed, her stage gesticulation was still not up to expectations for this relatively fun-filled song.
C4 黄慧婷 Joselin《月光》
- 悲 (走音)
- 伤,眼 (走音)
- Judges' scores were 48.5/80.0 (Average 6.062/10.0)
- I would have given Joselin a 8.0 because she seemed to be the only one who could blend into the song even though her singing was the most unstable of the four. Maybe the pressure from Round 1 was over, and thus releasing her to give everything all out which helps in Round 2 to give her portions the relaxed performance feel compared to the others.
Good luck to all the four finalists for the voting rounds! My commentaries for these two rounds are over so I can only wait for the Final Top 2 to be announced.
C1 李奕贤《下一个天亮》(郭静)
- 挡,听,近 (唱得不稳)
- 复歌唱得不够嘹亮
- 桥段唱得过于平淡
- 最后复歌音准不对
- 最后的 “喔” 骠得很幽美
- Judges' scores were 65.0/80.0 (Average of 8.125/10.0)
- I would have given Jarod a 8.0 because Jarod finally reached a new level of emoting his songs, which was unheard of and unfelt of before. Although he made quite a lot of mistakes in his singing, he was able to hold those mistakes off and not let these affect his performance throughout. By concentrating only on singing, he was able to finish the song with a reasonable touch to the listeners.
C2 蔡艾珈《星星I’m Not a Star》(顺子)
- 窗外的天 (赶拍子)
- 只想 (哽咽)
- can feel (哽咽到稍微走音)
- 唱得真情流露
- Judges' scores were 65.0/80.0 (Average of 8.125/10.0)
- I would have given Aijia a 9.5 because I could see her putting her heart and soul into singing the song. She truly believed the song and its meaning behind the lyrics and was the only one tonight who could sing until she was genuinely tearing away until the final chorus to the point of breaking her singing but she held on anyway to the last note. Her high notes were spectacularly clear and her control of the song was done close to flawlessness. I was barely writing anything down during her rendition of the song because there was too little to pick fault on.
Campus Superstars Season 3 Grand Champion is....*drum rolls*......
李奕贤 Jarod!!! Congratulations! ^__^
C1 李奕贤+陈迪雅《千言万语》/《小薇》(钢琴伴奏、不插电)
- 不 (吐字过重)
- 掠过 (音被压过)
- 有明显的歌唱进步
- 可惜只唱比较保守的几句词,不敢真正投入难度更高的部份
- Judges' scores were totaled at 64.0/80.0 (Average 8.0/10.0)
- I would have given Jarod a 8.5 because he managed to combine the two songs into a smooth medley within his vocal capabilities. There was marked improvements in his confidence in portraying the song and there was good interaction between himself and Diya.
C2 蔡艾珈+Juz B《情人的眼泪》 /《Stand By Me》(无音乐伴奏)
- background accompaniment was a little too loud against Aijia's singing
- 么 (吃字)
- there were gaps in making full use of the song to parallel acapella accompaniment
- Aijia was able to focus and still make her singing distinctive against the backdrop of six different voices and six sets of tempo without being distracted
- Judges' scores were 58.5/80.0 (Average 7.3125/10.0)
- I would have given Aijia a 9.0 because of the sheer difficulty of combining the classic song alongside with acapella. I disagreed with Wu Jiaming Laoshi and Deng Miaohua because I thought it was a very difficult task for Aijia to keep her tempo steady against six different voices with six different tempos.
C3 叶嘉敏+曾咏霖《红豆词2000》(吉他伴奏、二重唱)
- 满 (吃字)
- 悠 (音拉得不够)
- 喔 (某部份偏音了些)
- 气势不如前两参赛者,创意不足
- 舞台,镜头的沟通都太僵硬,不够放
- Judges' scores were totaled at 59.0/80.0 (Average of 7.375/10.0)
- I would have given Jiamin a 8.0 because given the vocal abilities of both Jiamin and Teresa, they could have afforded a little bit more experimentation. I concur with the comments of the three judges - they were quite stiff in portraying the song and played too safe when they are fully capable trying something more refreshing to add more creativity points to the performance.
C4 黄慧婷+大风吹《梦醒时分》(乐团伴奏)
- 伤心 (走音多次)
- 总是 (走音)
- 不 (吃字)
- 被乐队的拍子赶着,没跟好拍子
- 你说 (唱得太低)
- 对唱接歌不够流顺
- Judges' scores were totaled at 52.5/80.0 (Average of 6.562/10.0)
- I would have given Joselin a 7.0 because she sang off-key at least four times during her performance and she was being led on by the band instead of she leading the live band so the overall feel was quite rushed. Admittedly, singing with a live rock band is not easy at all but considering she made more obvious technical mistakes than the other three contestants, she could only score so much on my commentaries.
第二回合 :战友对决大会考
( 同学与同学相互挑战,同唱节奏由慢转快的《月光》)
C1 李奕贤 Jarod《月光》
- 湾湾 (唱得不稳)
- 蒲公英 (抖音过重了)
- Judges' scores were 57.0/80.0 (Average of 7.125/10.0)
- I would have given Jarod a 7.5 because his expression and gesticulation was looking pretty robotic to me and I felt that he seemed to have too much on his mind to be truly enjoying the song.
C2 蔡艾珈 Rachel《月光》
- 赶拍子
- 的地方 (吞字)
- Judges' scores were 59.0/80.0 (Average of 7.325/10.0)
- I would have given Aijia a 7.5 because she was in the same mode of dancing and singing as per her previous performances and I could not see a newer or upgraded version of her stage presence. Surprisingly, I expected her to do better in Round 2 but the key was not suitable enough and she was playing too safe to be throwing her maximum potential in.
C3 叶嘉敏 Jiamin《月光》
- 光 (唱得不够亮)
- 泪 (唱得不够稳)
- Judges' scores were 58.5/80.0 (Average of 7.312/10.0)
- I would have given Jiamin a 7.0 because she still could not truly overcome her stage stiffness. Although her facial expression was much more relaxed, her stage gesticulation was still not up to expectations for this relatively fun-filled song.
C4 黄慧婷 Joselin《月光》
- 悲 (走音)
- 伤,眼 (走音)
- Judges' scores were 48.5/80.0 (Average 6.062/10.0)
- I would have given Joselin a 8.0 because she seemed to be the only one who could blend into the song even though her singing was the most unstable of the four. Maybe the pressure from Round 1 was over, and thus releasing her to give everything all out which helps in Round 2 to give her portions the relaxed performance feel compared to the others.
Good luck to all the four finalists for the voting rounds! My commentaries for these two rounds are over so I can only wait for the Final Top 2 to be announced.
C1 李奕贤《下一个天亮》(郭静)
- 挡,听,近 (唱得不稳)
- 复歌唱得不够嘹亮
- 桥段唱得过于平淡
- 最后复歌音准不对
- 最后的 “喔” 骠得很幽美
- Judges' scores were 65.0/80.0 (Average of 8.125/10.0)
- I would have given Jarod a 8.0 because Jarod finally reached a new level of emoting his songs, which was unheard of and unfelt of before. Although he made quite a lot of mistakes in his singing, he was able to hold those mistakes off and not let these affect his performance throughout. By concentrating only on singing, he was able to finish the song with a reasonable touch to the listeners.
C2 蔡艾珈《星星I’m Not a Star》(顺子)
- 窗外的天 (赶拍子)
- 只想 (哽咽)
- can feel (哽咽到稍微走音)
- 唱得真情流露
- Judges' scores were 65.0/80.0 (Average of 8.125/10.0)
- I would have given Aijia a 9.5 because I could see her putting her heart and soul into singing the song. She truly believed the song and its meaning behind the lyrics and was the only one tonight who could sing until she was genuinely tearing away until the final chorus to the point of breaking her singing but she held on anyway to the last note. Her high notes were spectacularly clear and her control of the song was done close to flawlessness. I was barely writing anything down during her rendition of the song because there was too little to pick fault on.
Campus Superstars Season 3 Grand Champion is....*drum rolls*......
李奕贤 Jarod!!! Congratulations! ^__^
Thursday, April 09, 2009
Tips For 第一回合: 金曲高手大测验
C1 李奕贤 - 要唱好《千言万语》就要明白邓丽君是以怎样的心情来诠释此经典名曲。虽非我年代,可是我对此歌蛮熟悉的,加油!
C2 蔡艾珈 - 《情人的眼泪》要唱出味道就要明白痴情中的无奈的感觉。要多痴情,要多无奈才适合而不腻呢? 想想吧,加油!
C3 叶嘉敏 - 《红豆词 2000》 是我在中学时帮参赛同学训练的歌曲,你和咏霖可要把歌曲神髓抓住呀!想想梁文福老师到底想在歌曲里描述何物和所属心境。加油!
C4 黄慧婷 - 陈淑桦的《梦醒时分》带着劝意参悟意来形容爱情的执著和悔恨。你得想想要如何把歌曲中的领悟情怀唱得动听而不乏层次感。加油!
C2 蔡艾珈 - 《情人的眼泪》要唱出味道就要明白痴情中的无奈的感觉。要多痴情,要多无奈才适合而不腻呢? 想想吧,加油!
C3 叶嘉敏 - 《红豆词 2000》 是我在中学时帮参赛同学训练的歌曲,你和咏霖可要把歌曲神髓抓住呀!想想梁文福老师到底想在歌曲里描述何物和所属心境。加油!
C4 黄慧婷 - 陈淑桦的《梦醒时分》带着劝意参悟意来形容爱情的执著和悔恨。你得想想要如何把歌曲中的领悟情怀唱得动听而不乏层次感。加油!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
In Memory of 阿桑 《叶子》
Monday, April 06, 2009
Movie Review: The Shinjuku Incident (2009)

The movie is about how a Chinese tractor worker, Steel Head, enters Japan illegally to look for his long-lost girlfriend, Xiu Xiu, only to find her married to a Japanese yakuza leader. Realizing that his personal dream of uniting with Xiu Xiu is no longer possible given the circumstances, Steel Head decides to make Japan a more permanent home by starting illegal businesses with a handful of Chinese and Hongkong illegal immigrants in the Shinjuku region of Tokyo.
With the help of the local yakuza, he begins to accumulate power and gains terroritories to form a strong presence there, attracting even the worries of the local police force. Steel Head tries to convert his illegal businesses to legal ones and wants his followers to lead a more carefree life from crime but unfortunately, power corrupts and so many of his followers start to turn to more violent and dangerous crimes to finance their ever-growing lavish lifestyles. Eventually, dissatisfaction about Steel Head's peaceful ways sets in and the movie climaxes into a explosive confrontation within the Chinese community and against the other yakuza's gangs who are already discontented with the success of the former on Japanese lands.
Expect quite some violence with hands being chopped off, throats being silted, as well as characters turning dark and broody, so for those who cannot take in such scenes, just close your eyes for a moment. Sharp-eyed techies will notice LCDs and thumb-drives being out of place during the 1990s Japan but I think those are small flaws against the strong acting by the various actors and actresses in the movie.
I like the way Jackie Chan turns from a seemingly-invincible superhero in his previous movies to a reluctant immigrant who turns to crime and sheds blood, sweat and tears in the process to make his life more comfortable. The supporting cast strongly complements the movie's plot and the interwining between immigrants, yakuzas and police is also intriguing and sinister. For 120 minutes, I was well-entertained with the themes of love, survival, contentment, friendship, power, loyalty and honour and not just for Jackie, but also for the colourful supportin cast, a 4 star out of a possible 5 will not seem overly-generous for a good portrayal at the lives of immigrants sandwiched between the yakuzas, the police and themselves.
Saturday, April 04, 2009
Campus Superstars 3 Grand Finals Information (Correct as of 04 April 2009)
Thanks to the information provided by the fanclubs of Aijia and Joselin, I have the following updates to share with those blog readers who are following the Campus Superstars 3 blog series.
Campus Superstars 3 Grand Finals
Date: 12 April 2009 Sunday
Time: 8.30pm (Live telecast)
Judges: 黎沸挥,林倛玉,郑展伦,小寒,吴佳明,李伟松,邓妙华,陈伟联 (Total of 8)
Special Guests: 林侑嘉 Yoga,梁文音 Rachel,陈伟联 Kelvin
C1 李奕贤 Jarod
C2 蔡艾珈 Rachel
C3 叶嘉敏 Jiamin
C4 黄慧婷 Joselin
Round One
- Song A. Solo Song (worth 80 marks)
- Song B. Group Song with specific singer(s) (worth 80 marks)
- Voting phone lines will be closed after completion of Round One
- Top 2 of 4 contestants will be chosen after completion of Round One
Round Two:
- Top 2 of 4 contestants will sing Song C. Solo song.
- Grand Champion of Campus Superstars will be chosen after completion of Round Two
Song Choices:
C1 李奕贤 Jarod will be singing ??? for Song A. and ??? with ??? for Song B. If he clears Round One, he will be ??? for Song C. in Round Two.
C2 蔡艾珈 Rachel will be singing 月光 for Song A. and 情人的眼泪 with Juz B for Song B. If she clears Round One, she will be singing 星星 I am not a star for Song C. in Round Two.
C3 叶嘉敏 Jiamin will be singing ??? for Song A. and ??? with ??? for Song B. If she clears Round One, she will be ??? for Song C. in Round Two.
C4 黄慧婷 Joselin will be singing ??? for Song A. and ??? with 大风吹 for Song B. If she clears Round One, she will be ??? for Song C. in Round Two.
I will need help from the various fanclubs to fill in the blanks if any further information is available.
Good luck to all the contestants! ^__^
Campus Superstars 3 Grand Finals
Date: 12 April 2009 Sunday
Time: 8.30pm (Live telecast)
Judges: 黎沸挥,林倛玉,郑展伦,小寒,吴佳明,李伟松,邓妙华,陈伟联 (Total of 8)
Special Guests: 林侑嘉 Yoga,梁文音 Rachel,陈伟联 Kelvin
C1 李奕贤 Jarod
C2 蔡艾珈 Rachel
C3 叶嘉敏 Jiamin
C4 黄慧婷 Joselin
Round One
- Song A. Solo Song (worth 80 marks)
- Song B. Group Song with specific singer(s) (worth 80 marks)
- Voting phone lines will be closed after completion of Round One
- Top 2 of 4 contestants will be chosen after completion of Round One
Round Two:
- Top 2 of 4 contestants will sing Song C. Solo song.
- Grand Champion of Campus Superstars will be chosen after completion of Round Two
Song Choices:
C1 李奕贤 Jarod will be singing ??? for Song A. and ??? with ??? for Song B. If he clears Round One, he will be ??? for Song C. in Round Two.
C2 蔡艾珈 Rachel will be singing 月光 for Song A. and 情人的眼泪 with Juz B for Song B. If she clears Round One, she will be singing 星星 I am not a star for Song C. in Round Two.
C3 叶嘉敏 Jiamin will be singing ??? for Song A. and ??? with ??? for Song B. If she clears Round One, she will be ??? for Song C. in Round Two.
C4 黄慧婷 Joselin will be singing ??? for Song A. and ??? with 大风吹 for Song B. If she clears Round One, she will be ??? for Song C. in Round Two.
I will need help from the various fanclubs to fill in the blanks if any further information is available.
Good luck to all the contestants! ^__^
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
Reply To Tags About 30 Mar 2009 Campus Superstars 3 Performance Commentaries
bobby: I personally felt that joselin deserved a 6.0. If you noticed, the key that joselin sang was 2 keys below the original singer. The original key would be an undoubtedly difficult song to clear. But with a -2 key, i'm rather sure almost anyone can sing it. And her falsetto was rather horrendous, weak and coarse. This happened for her "wo xiang xin" where she -2keys as well. It seems that joselin is always choosing songs that seems to be difficult and then minus the keys to fit her limited range. I personally feel that her vocls are one of the weakest among the contestants, due to her limited range and weak voice. Her looks and style will not get her far.
- You know the song well indeed. Admittedly, I have considered failing Joselin for Monday's special revival because she did forget her lyrics. I was even asking the people who was with me if I had misheard the lyrics but they agreed that Joselin did miss at least two lines of her chorus (at least based on the lyrics provided on the screen).
- I did not fail her because she did show much improvement under the special tutoring of Li Feihui Laoshi and for once she was not trying too hard at trying to be a rocker but rather emote appropriately according to the song. As encouragement for a budding young singer, a fail grade did not appear. I did not factor that much on her falsetto skills that night because I was more focused on whether she could get the feel of the song right. Whether her looks and style will get her far or not depends on how intent the artiste management teams of MediaCorp want her to be in the future. The same goes for the remaining eleven Campus Superstars. ^__^
comments: why didn't u say that joselin forget her whole part of chorus?
- As mentioned above, I just want to give her a grading break since I had been pretty harsh on Joselin ever since she first competed on the stage. She was still learning so there was no point thrashing her all over on Monday night. It does not mean I am saving up any thrashing for the Grand Finals. She is, like the three others, a Grand Finalist.
secret agent: Honestly feel that de judges shld have gave rachel more marks. she deserve more den joselin.
- I believe the judges may have heard more mistakes made by Rachel than I did since being so close to the stage do provide a closer scrutiny of the contestants' performances. Honestly speaking, Rachel was breaking up the song with more breaks than what was necessary (which took some marks out) but I admired her courage to be always attempting difficult songs and making the best of what she could with a genuinely sincerely style (which added some marks as well).
- After listening to her singing during the practice rounds with Zhanlun Laoshi, I believe Rachel is one of the contestants on Monday night who still has more room in her cup to be filled with more skill and experience. She is likely to grow even stronger given time. Upon serious consideration, I thought a 7.5 out of a possible 10 on my commentaries was an appropriate mark to encourage her to keep on singing.
PB: did mediacock play cheat again? i felt dat joselin score and rachel lim score should swop. rachel is better.
- Well, the judges must have their reasons. We may not accept their grades for certain contestants over certain rounds but I believe they would not be so foolhardy to dispense marks without thinking things through very carefully.
passed: yes apparently mdc wants joselin back cos she's rich and they can earn big bucks. rachel lim sang better than her. i feel that the outcome of the finals shld be in the order they went in (:
- Word has reached me for quite some time ago that Joselin may have a potentially powerful background and has successfully acquired the support of quite a number of influential people, including a few Campus Superstars seniors whom I shall not name here so as not to implicate them. This is perfectly acceptable because it is up to one's own to garner support for such competitions and if she triumphs in the voting rounds, there is nothing wrong with it either.
- Regardless of how Joselin chooses to use her supporters' base, I will still do whatever I can to give my personal performance commentaries as accurate a perspective as I can during the upcoming Grand Finals. As long as Joselin can perform up to expectations and standards during her performances, I will not hesitate to give due recognition on my commentaries. ^__^
css3 watcher: Weilian wil be one of the judges in the grand finals!!!!! of cos , he will also be performing
- Ah...Weilian... It's been quite a while. Hope the contestants can take a leaf from his competent singing skills onstage.
gab: Yea. Joselin sang well, but i think she shldnt have gotten so high. on the other hand, rachel definitely deserves more than 34.5 . Thr judges are plain biased.
- As mentioned, the judges must have their reasons. Although good contestants eventually get eliminated here and there during such competitions, try not to lament about the loss of potentially growing singers like Rachel and Benita because it doesn't necessarily mean they will have to get champions in order to go far if they choose to sing more professionally or appear onstage in future events. Sponsors' perceptions of their public images, artiste managers' willingness to develop them, opportunities to involve them in related events all do play a part in keeping them on the stage.
- Remember the Campus Reunion Concert? As long as they have the passion to sing and the opportunities are available, contestants can still return to the stage in better form than ever before.
Good luck to the four Grand Finalists and hope they can prepare themselves to the best of their abilities for the coming round! ^__^
- You know the song well indeed. Admittedly, I have considered failing Joselin for Monday's special revival because she did forget her lyrics. I was even asking the people who was with me if I had misheard the lyrics but they agreed that Joselin did miss at least two lines of her chorus (at least based on the lyrics provided on the screen).
- I did not fail her because she did show much improvement under the special tutoring of Li Feihui Laoshi and for once she was not trying too hard at trying to be a rocker but rather emote appropriately according to the song. As encouragement for a budding young singer, a fail grade did not appear. I did not factor that much on her falsetto skills that night because I was more focused on whether she could get the feel of the song right. Whether her looks and style will get her far or not depends on how intent the artiste management teams of MediaCorp want her to be in the future. The same goes for the remaining eleven Campus Superstars. ^__^
comments: why didn't u say that joselin forget her whole part of chorus?
- As mentioned above, I just want to give her a grading break since I had been pretty harsh on Joselin ever since she first competed on the stage. She was still learning so there was no point thrashing her all over on Monday night. It does not mean I am saving up any thrashing for the Grand Finals. She is, like the three others, a Grand Finalist.
secret agent: Honestly feel that de judges shld have gave rachel more marks. she deserve more den joselin.
- I believe the judges may have heard more mistakes made by Rachel than I did since being so close to the stage do provide a closer scrutiny of the contestants' performances. Honestly speaking, Rachel was breaking up the song with more breaks than what was necessary (which took some marks out) but I admired her courage to be always attempting difficult songs and making the best of what she could with a genuinely sincerely style (which added some marks as well).
- After listening to her singing during the practice rounds with Zhanlun Laoshi, I believe Rachel is one of the contestants on Monday night who still has more room in her cup to be filled with more skill and experience. She is likely to grow even stronger given time. Upon serious consideration, I thought a 7.5 out of a possible 10 on my commentaries was an appropriate mark to encourage her to keep on singing.
PB: did mediacock play cheat again? i felt dat joselin score and rachel lim score should swop. rachel is better.
- Well, the judges must have their reasons. We may not accept their grades for certain contestants over certain rounds but I believe they would not be so foolhardy to dispense marks without thinking things through very carefully.
passed: yes apparently mdc wants joselin back cos she's rich and they can earn big bucks. rachel lim sang better than her. i feel that the outcome of the finals shld be in the order they went in (:
- Word has reached me for quite some time ago that Joselin may have a potentially powerful background and has successfully acquired the support of quite a number of influential people, including a few Campus Superstars seniors whom I shall not name here so as not to implicate them. This is perfectly acceptable because it is up to one's own to garner support for such competitions and if she triumphs in the voting rounds, there is nothing wrong with it either.
- Regardless of how Joselin chooses to use her supporters' base, I will still do whatever I can to give my personal performance commentaries as accurate a perspective as I can during the upcoming Grand Finals. As long as Joselin can perform up to expectations and standards during her performances, I will not hesitate to give due recognition on my commentaries. ^__^
css3 watcher: Weilian wil be one of the judges in the grand finals!!!!! of cos , he will also be performing
- Ah...Weilian... It's been quite a while. Hope the contestants can take a leaf from his competent singing skills onstage.
gab: Yea. Joselin sang well, but i think she shldnt have gotten so high. on the other hand, rachel definitely deserves more than 34.5 . Thr judges are plain biased.
- As mentioned, the judges must have their reasons. Although good contestants eventually get eliminated here and there during such competitions, try not to lament about the loss of potentially growing singers like Rachel and Benita because it doesn't necessarily mean they will have to get champions in order to go far if they choose to sing more professionally or appear onstage in future events. Sponsors' perceptions of their public images, artiste managers' willingness to develop them, opportunities to involve them in related events all do play a part in keeping them on the stage.
- Remember the Campus Reunion Concert? As long as they have the passion to sing and the opportunities are available, contestants can still return to the stage in better form than ever before.
Good luck to the four Grand Finalists and hope they can prepare themselves to the best of their abilities for the coming round! ^__^
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