Stella: woo u are all prepared for tonight~ hahs.
- Of course, since I have been writing since Episode 1 all the way till the Grand Finals, I must make sure that I am all prepared during the most important Grand Finals. ^__^
^^~: Omg I think Jaws is really under rated in the 2nd round =.=
- Joselin deserved a better grade indeed. =)
leraine: True, Aijia performed the best this round =)
- I agonized over a 9.5 which might seemed too high but I made my decision - if that kind of performance cannot secure a 9.5, then too few performances will ever made it. Aijia scored deeply for sincerity and a new level of emoting breakthrough to earn my best grade for Grand Finals.
hmm: jarod was better.. anyway they should be on par since they got the same score.
- No offence to Jarod but he had it easy because he was singing only the easier portions of 千言万语 and circumvented the harder portions with R & B instead, which was strategically wise but exposed his technical inability to handle older songs compared to Aijia and Jiamin. Joselin completely changed the song to a full rock and roll, which took out some grades too.
css3: wat u tink of weilian judging and performance ?
- Weilian was playing real safe and politically correct with his judging. I could not mention about his performance because I was too busy typing the performance commentaries.
Stella: oo u done a great job too

- Thank you for your compliment! I might take a break from performance commentaries for a couple of weeks because I need to clear my head for other tasks beyond my blogging life and I wanted to go get some singing done on my own since I had been delaying it since the start of CSS 3 blog series.
Passerby: Joselin is th most unrrated ones in css3. Judges are just very biased towards her. Really dissapointed wif th judges. I felt her Yue guang was nicer den others! I think u even agreed! Joselin ROCKS! :
- As mentioned, I thought Joselin did well. She was still the weakest when it comes to vocal command but I recognized her unique stage presence. I can only hope someday she can finally align her skills alongside with her stage presence. There's still potential in her to be tapped somehow.
ee: now that css3 has come to an end, i guess i wont visit this place frequently anymore. nevertheless, you did a great job sean! it has been a pleasure reading your commentries (:
- Thank you for your compliment! It's been quite a tough blog series for the past few months because I had to crack my head often to try and be as accurate as possible in my performance commentaries. Hope you do pop in to check out my blogging once in a while. ^__^
- My thanks to the thousands of readers who thronged my humble blog for the past few months to take a peep at my performance commentaries. Confirmations of contestants reading them and correcting them upon my advice also helped me to continue writing and with prominent music figures even popping by to look around surely boosted my morale in keeping the commentaries as tidy as I can be. Gratis~~
- I will probably go back to my personal blogging with sporadic write-ups on any followup events for the graduates of CSS 3, if any, until I can finally settle on a new blog series. Meanwhile, a series of photos that were delayed because I was so busy with the CSS 3 blog series are finally seeing light on my blog. Hahaha.
Library Trip and Bubble Tea with The Confused M60 at Toa Payoh Hub:
It said something about having to learn and use both in a complementary way to survive the world around us and gain fulfilment and contentment. I supposed it rings true to quite a good extent - if we are not steadfast, we will lose our way. If we are not wise, we will not be able to differentiate the real light at the end of the tunnel from the neon ones decorating the tunnel.
Why am I playing such a game? I am still trying to design a medieval-theme castle building game on my own so I needed to refresh myself on medieval games. It's already been more than one month of research and refreshing of such games but the game is still at its write-up stage. I still have a long way to go...hahaha.
Gathering with University Orientation Group:
Tai Tai Coffee with SC @ East Coast:
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