Sunday, April 12, 2009

Campus Superstars 3 Grand Finals Performance Commentaries

第一回合: 金曲高手大测验

C1 李奕贤+陈迪雅《千言万语》/《小薇》(钢琴伴奏、不插电)
不 (吐字过重)
- 掠过 (音被压过)
- 有明显的歌唱进步
- 可惜只唱比较保守的几句词,不敢真正投入难度更高的部份
- Judges' scores were totaled at 64.0/80.0 (Average 8.0/10.0)
- I would have given Jarod a 8.5 because he managed to combine the two songs into a smooth medley within his vocal capabilities. There was marked improvements in his confidence in portraying the song and there was good interaction between himself and Diya.

C2 蔡艾珈+Juz B《情人的眼泪》 /《Stand By Me》(无音乐伴奏)

background accompaniment was a little too loud against Aijia's singing
- 么 (吃字)
- there were gaps in making full use of the song to parallel acapella accompaniment
- Aijia was able to focus and still make her singing distinctive against the backdrop of six different voices and six sets of tempo without being distracted
- Judges' scores were
58.5/80.0 (Average 7.3125/10.0)
- I would have given Aijia a 9.0 because of the sheer difficulty of combining the classic song alongside with acapella. I disagreed with Wu Jiaming Laoshi and Deng Miaohua because I thought it was a very difficult task for Aijia to keep her tempo steady against six different voices with six different tempos.

C3 叶嘉敏+曾咏霖《红豆词2000》(吉他伴奏、二重唱)

满 (吃字)
- 悠 (音拉得不够)
- 喔 (某部份偏音了些)
- 气势不如前两参赛者,创意不足
- 舞台,镜头的沟通都太僵硬,不够放
- Judges' scores were
totaled at 59.0/80.0 (Average of 7.375/10.0)
- I would have given Jiamin a 8.0 because given the vocal abilities of both Jiamin and Teresa, they could have afforded a little bit more experimentation. I concur with the comments of the three judges - they were quite stiff in portraying the song and played too safe when they are fully capable trying something more refreshing to add more creativity points to the performance.

C4 黄慧婷+大风吹《梦醒时分》(乐团伴奏)

伤心 (走音多次)
- 总是 (走音)
- 不 (吃字)
- 被乐队的拍子赶着,没跟好拍子
- 你说 (唱得太低)
- 对唱接歌不够流顺
- Judges' scores were
totaled at 52.5/80.0 (Average of 6.562/10.0)
- I would have given Joselin a 7.0 because she sang off-key at least four times during her performance and she was being led on by the band instead of she leading the live band so the overall feel was quite rushed. Admittedly, singing with a live rock band is not easy at all but considering she made more obvious technical mistakes than the other three contestants, she could only score so much on my commentaries.

第二回合 :战友对决大会考

( 同学与同学相互挑战,同唱节奏由慢转快的《月光》)

C1 李奕贤 Jarod《月光》

湾湾 (唱得不稳)
- 蒲公英 (抖音过重了)
- Judges' scores were
57.0/80.0 (Average of 7.125/10.0)
- I would have given Jarod a 7.5 because his expression and gesticulation was looking pretty robotic to me and I felt that he seemed to have too much on his mind to be truly enjoying the song.

C2 蔡艾珈 Rachel《月光》
- 的地方 (吞字)
- Judges' scores were
59.0/80.0 (Average of 7.325/10.0)
- I would have given Aijia a 7.5 because she was in the same mode of dancing and singing as per her previous performances and I could not see a newer or upgraded version of her stage presence. Surprisingly, I expected her to do better in Round 2 but the key was not suitable enough and she was playing too safe to be throwing her maximum potential in.

C3 叶嘉敏 Jiamin《月光》
光 (唱得不够亮)
- 泪 (唱得不够稳)
- Judges' scores were
58.5/80.0 (Average of 7.312/10.0)
- I would have given Jiamin a 7.0 because she still could not truly overcome her stage stiffness. Although her facial expression was much more relaxed, her stage gesticulation was still not up to expectations for this relatively fun-filled song.

C4 黄慧婷 Joselin《月光》
悲 (走音)
- 伤,眼 (走音)
- Judges' scores were
48.5/80.0 (Average 6.062/10.0)
- I would have given Joselin a 8.0 because she seemed to be the only one who could blend into the song even though her singing was the most unstable of the four. Maybe the pressure from Round 1 was over, and thus releasing her to give everything all out which helps in Round 2 to give her portions the relaxed performance feel compared to the others.

Good luck to all the four finalists for the voting rounds! My commentaries for these two rounds are over so I can only wait for the Final Top 2 to be announced.




C1 李奕贤《下一个天亮》(郭静)
挡,听,近 (唱得不稳)
- 复歌唱得不够嘹亮
- 桥段唱得过于平淡
- 最后复歌音准不对
- 最后的 “喔” 骠得很幽美
- Judges' scores were
65.0/80.0 (Average of 8.125/10.0)
- I would have given Jarod a 8.0 because Jarod finally reached a new level of emoting his songs, which was unheard of and unfelt of before. Although he made quite a lot of mistakes in his singing, he was able to hold those mistakes off and not let these affect his performance throughout. By concentrating only on singing, he was able to finish the song with a reasonable touch to the listeners.

C2 蔡艾珈《星星I’m Not a Star》(顺子)
窗外的天 (赶拍子)
- 只想 (哽咽)
- can feel (哽咽到稍微走音)
- 唱得真情流露
- Judges' scores were
65.0/80.0 (Average of 8.125/10.0)
- I would have given Aijia a 9.5 because I could see her putting her heart and soul into singing the song. She truly believed the song and its meaning behind the lyrics and was the only one tonight who could sing until she was genuinely tearing away until the final chorus to the point of breaking her singing but she held on anyway to the last note. Her high notes were spectacularly clear and her control of the song was done close to flawlessness. I was barely writing anything down during her rendition of the song because there was too little to pick fault on.

Campus Superstars Season 3 Grand Champion is....*drum rolls*......

李奕贤 Jarod!!! Congratulations! ^__^

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