Deep Disappointment at PSS 2 Judges' Scoring Reliability:
I just finished watching the Revival Round for the male contestants of PSS 2 and I was deeply disappointed by how the judges were liberally giving out unbelievably high scores to mediocre performances and marginalizing impressive performances with jaw-dropping low scores.
Earlier on, I had decided not to watch the PSS 2 competition anymore but I decided to give the PSS 2 judges credit for their experience and knowledge of singing so I forced myself to sit in front of the television one more time. The result - an almost disbelief at how biased Singapore's reputedly top-notch music people are in giving out scores for singing competitions.
Without specifying names of contestants, I watched with utter disbelief at how the PSS 2 judges were penalizing some of the rather-well-performing contestants with crippling low marks and for some contestants, below-the-belt comments on the contestants' physical appearances and even personal motives for participating in the competition. I could scarcely believe my ears because a judge for singing competition should never have humiliate any contestant, out of sheer professional respect and humility. I was horribly wrong and incredibly ashamed that our supposedly best music professionals were actually belting out such lowly comments at the poor contestants.
On the hand, the PSS 2 judges were all smiles for those contestants that they seemed biased towards and were showering groundless praises on those contestants' performances when I personally felt that those performances were merely a little above average. Of course, for people reading this post right now, it is perfectly alright to think of me as another ranting blogger with no proper credentials to be even criticisizing those highly-reputed judges on television. Indeed, I probably still don't understand what they meant by "head voice" or "flats during high notes" but after sixteen years dabbling in music and songs, I came up with the following criteria for a good performance:
Total Entertainment Value =
(Singing capability + Song Delivery + Stage Presentation + Stage Attire)
1.0) Singing Capability (Subtotal: 25 marks)
1.1) Lyrics accuracy (Max. 5 marks) - includes lyrics memorization
1.2) Tempo accuracy (Max. 5 marks) - includes synchronization to the tempo of song
1.3) Breath control (Max. 5 marks) - includes breathing techniques and song pauses
1.4) Voice clarity (Max. 5 marks) - includes pronunciation of lyrics and notes
1.5) Singing techniques (Max. 5 marks) - includes voicing platforms and bass use, rapping, etc
2. 0) Song Delivery (Subtotal: 25 marks)
2.1) Facial expression of performer (Max. 5 marks)
2.2) Body language of performer (Max. 5 marks)
2.3) Emotion management of performer (Max. 5 marks)
2.4) Creativity of song deliverance (Max. 5 marks)
2.5) Special techniques present in particular song (Max. 5 marks)
3.0) Stage Presentation (Subtotal: 25 marks)
3.1) Stage posture (Max. 5 marks)
3.2) Stage movement (Max. 5 marks)
3.3) Audience interaction (Max. 5 marks)
3.4) Camera interaction (Max. 5 marks)
3.5) Mcee interaction (Max. 5 marks)
4.0) Stage Attire (Subtotal: 25 marks)
4.1) Fashion appeal and impression (Max. 5 marks)
4.2) Suitability for song genre (Max. 5 marks)
4.3) Suitability for stage movement (Max. 5 marks)
4.4) Suitability for lighting effects (Max. 5 marks)
4.5) Suitability for image of performer (Max. 5 marks)
Yeah, I know all of the above critieria look so complicated but believe me, all of them are very necessary for a good performance and very few people can actually fulfill all of those criteria in every single performance. Obviously, the PSS 2 contestants are still very far from that but I could really see some of them doing everything they can to improve themselves in a number of the aspects above. Sadly, the PSS 2 judges chosed to silence them with really biased scores and comments, and probably wrecking the hopes of many singer wannabes with such a poor showing of professional grading of competition.
I don't know why I am so upset about that kind of biased judging and scoring because I am not even in the competition nor am I a hardcore supporter of any of the PSS 2 contestants. Maybe I just want to see a nice, healthy and blossoming music & entertainment scene for Singapore. I am not patriotic in that sense but I love to see good music and performances positively influencing as many people as possible and it is only through such Superstars that such an ideal may possibly take root in the increasingly apathetic society around everyone of us. I believe music can heal, if given the chance.
(Image Source: Hendriko, 7 March 2005, Flickr)
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