Night at the Museum:
I watched this movie with one of my buddies on Christmas eve because we could not get any decent seats for Death Note 2 that night. Both of us are quite some movie fanatics and we agreed that if there were no proper seats for the movie, we would rather postpone the movie till a later date and we decided to watch "Night at the Museum", starring Ben Stiller, instead.
The movie turned out to be quite entertaining because it was about how a divorced father (Ben Stiller) trying to get a stable income so that his son would not have to keep moving from state to state, school to school with him. He found a job as a graveyard-shift security guard at a local museum, which proved to be one great challenge for him - the artefacts became alive every night after sun-down due to a powerful Egyptian tablet, which became a target for the retrenched museum security guards.
Stiller managed to unify the various fighting artefacts and coordinated the artefacts to prevent the theft of the precious tablet as it would mean the end of the artefacts' resurrection every night. The movie was funny at parts when Stiller tried to get the cooperation of the artefacts, which were pretty stubborn and war-mongering amongst themselves, and touching enough when Stiller finally earned the respect of his son when he managed to keep his job at the museum and done a great deed for the artefacts of the museum.
Latest Update from Teresa Tseng:
The following is Teresa's latest message at Teresa Fan Club (TFC) on 22 December 2006 and I am putting it up here for those who are reading my post but have no access or little idea of the young but accomplished Campus Superstar Overall Female Champion.
Hi all,It has been a very very long time since I last left a message here. How is everybody doing?^^ I would like to wish each and everybody a Merry Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!
Well, I had been extremely extremely busy during this school holiday... I am so sorry that I could not leave any messages here for the past two months. My sincere apologies....
following are some events which u might be able to see or hear me.
23rd Dec 06 - 933 interview at 12 noon till abt 1pm. There will be a question and answer for call in, correct answer will be given a small little gift from ME, and maybe Geraldine.
9th Jan 07 - 933 interview for the new drama promotion. Time TBA.13th Jan 07 - Road Show for drama promotion. Time n Venue TBA.
3rd and 4th Feb 07 - Road Show for drama. Time and Venue TBA.
2nd Jan 07 - School Reopens....... HURRAY!!!!!!
^^Filming was a first, educational and enriching experience for me. I will try to elaborate more the next time. There are fun and laughter, hard work, tears and pain as well.
Finally, I had completed my filming, and also the song recording as well. I now hoping for the best, wishing that all will turn out to be fine.
Lastly, I would like to thank you all for all the support that had been showered upon me for the past year. I would like to wish everyone a better year for 2007!
With Love
Teresa Tseng^^
From her message, it looks like she will have a series of publicity activities for the Idol Drama, scheduled to be televised in mid-January 2007. I am looking forward to the series because I am keen to see how the girl will adapt to acting, which requires quite a different set of skills from singing. Nevertheless, I hope Teresa will do well for the drama because it will be another good exposure to the public and hence doing her good in the future in the aspect of Superstardom.
The December Rains:
I have finally found a way to blog in Chinese and I want to thank Chengsong of TFC for his guidance in the Microsoft Language Bar. I want to express the December Rains in Chinese because some of the parts are better understood using the Chinese language rather than the English Language. For readers of my blog who have trouble with the encoding to read Chinese characters (Go to the View tab, Scroll to Encoding, Select Unicode (UTF-8) and you should be able to read the below section). Hope my Chinese standard has not deteroriated due to lack of use...
连绵细雨真的让人很想睡觉-有些人觉得很舒服, 有些人则觉得很反感。
因为新加坡没有四季, 所以我把十二月的雨季当成在下雪。
虽然“下雪”会带来不便, 但毕竟也给了我机会在温暖的被窝里补充睡眠。
近日疲于工作, 一直都没睡饱, 所以我蛮感激十二月的雨季的到来。
二零零六年又要结束了, 今年好像过的很快, 还来不及回顾, 就得准备迎接新的一年的挑战了。
也许时间永远过得比我们想像中的快吧, 若没有十二月的雨季, 雨滴的提醒, 我们恐怕早就忙昏了头,忘了时间的变迁了吧。
雨-是大自然的仙露? 灵魂的醒神水? 还是天地的泪?
(Image Source: http://sg.movies.yahoo.com/Night+At+The+Museum/movie/13658/)
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