I woke up at around 9am and realized that since it was going to be an indoors day, I decided to grab the morning's opportunity for a good map in Maple Story - the zombies map. It was a good decision as I literally ripped the map and the zombies apart with my formidable attacks. But the smooth training streak soon ran into a commotion as my mother was complaining that she had forgotten to buy rock sugar to prepare some birds' nest soup for the coming visitors for Chinese New Year.
So off I left the hard-gotten map (the journey to the zombies from El Nath was horribly dangerous) and rushed off to get those packets of rock sugar. When I was done, I went back to the zombies and luck of all luck, the map remained miraculously empty even though it was supposed to be one of those maps that could be sold for over 100k mesos by players hoarding the maps.
The guests arrived at around 12pm and we had a sumptuous lunch of duck, seafood soup, cocktails, salmon, and of course, yu sheng, since most of us would be working the next day. Lunch's dessert was the birds' nest soup, which I contributed by jogging to the supermarket so that the soup could be prepared in time.
I took the liberty of the afternoon to buy two of my favourite VCDs, which I have delayed purchase for quite some time now - X-men III and Curse of the Golden Flower. I liked the two movies because of the emotional conflict and turmoil enacted by the characters in the storylines and it was great spending time and money on things that I really like to keep. Knowing that my aunt, who always spends CNY with us, had never seen the Curse of the Golden Flower, I ran the VCD on my desktop and she and my mother moved their chairs to watch the movie together with chocolates on their laps. It was a fun VCD watching moment together.
Dinner was a simple affair of light food because lunch was really heavy on the stomach and thank god for the light dinner because I was pretty mad with one of the characters in Maple Story, who was saying how selfish maplers were in map training and he was raiding my zombie map as he spoke about sharing maps. Such a super-hypocrite. I chosed to forgive him because I did not want to start anything messy online since it was still Chinese New Year so I took my maple chair and rested at a safe spot until he left the map ten minutes later even though I was fully capable of wresting the map from that hypocrite. I am glad I survived another test at keeping my anger under control.
I spent the remaining of the evening reading and answering posts from the supporters of Teresa on idollic.com/teresa. Some of them are such fervent supporters of the young girl that it would be hard to imagine their reactions if the new upcoming Campus Superstars 2 competition starts doing egg-throwing comparisons between the 1st and the 2nd batch of Campus Superstars. I hope I would be ready to defuse the situations then and keep the support focused. They are good people basically but some of them are still too young to understand how complicated and ugly the music and entertainment scene (in any country) can get when the stakes run high.
I fixed up some of the broken music links on my music playlist so that the songs can be played properly. And I think the last item for the day would be to finish typing this blog post and publish it before I go to bed. Tomorrow would be another working day and the CNY public holidays would be over. I hope it will be a good year ahead. I leave today's blog post with a song by Jay Zhou. Enjoy~
The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is
the attribute of the strong.
By: Mahatma Gandhi Indian ascetic & nationalist leader (1869 - 1948)
(Image source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Singapore_Yusheng.jpg)
(Quote source: http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/2188.html)
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