Report on Teresa at CNY Album Promo Roadshow at Northpoint & Causeway Point on 3rd Feb
Hi faithful supporters of Teresa!
Sorry for the late report because I just reached home after a long day’s worth attending the roadshows in which Teresa has made her most recent public appearance. Please kindly bear with the lengthy report because it contains two roadshows, which happened consecutively on the same day.
The 1pm Roadshow at Northpoint in Yishun:
After my morning lesson has ended at 11am, I went to Causeway point to grab some lunch from BreadTalk before making my way down to Northpoint in Yishun. I reached there at around 11.30am and Xiangrui joined me shortly at the second row in front of the small stage outside the main entrance of Northpoint Shopping Centre.
We began chatting and catching up until 12pm when the crowd around the stage area began to increase significantly in size. When it was around 1.05pm, Teresa, Zhiyang and Renfred and Adriano, appeared at the side of the stage and caused quite a stir from the crowd but the three of them were recalled backstage as the emcees of the roadshow have not went onto the stage yet.
The roadshow began with two celebrities from another upcoming drama and Teresa only appeared at around 2pm after the senior actors of Let It Shine had completed their onstage games and activities. Of course, the screaming and cheering reactions of the crowd when the four of them appeared, obviously showed that the young Campus Superstars were the true highlight of the roadshow after much waiting.
Appearance of Teresa at Northpoint and Causeway Point:
MC King and Xu Qi were the emcees of both the roadshows today and they were very quick-witted with their stage management and interviewing of the celebrities. Teresa was dressed in a small white over-jacket with a thin, lacey top beneath, blue denim jeans and short black pointed heels.
Although she was not as elaborately dressed as the other three male Campus Superstars who are decked out in heavier and gaudier jackets and accessories, Teresa’s casual and relaxed outfit today still managed to grab the attention of the photographers and cameramen who occupied most of the front rows of the stage. The light-ness of her outfit today made a comfortable contrast with Zhiyang’s and Adriano’s strong white and Renfred’s strong dark maroon outfits.
I personally think that the girl is making a good fashion statement to all those present who have the eye for good taste, even though she is in a more casual outfit than the one in Hougang Mall and I hope she will be endorsing some fashion label soon enough. As she appeared onstage. Teresa did not forget to face and smile at the clicking cameras and video-cameras and I have points added due to her careful and gracious attention to the media. I believe somewhere within all of that clicking and filming, Teresa managed to recognize and smiled at me in the crowd. Teresa, for your information, Xiangrui was standing on my right and the idollic.com administrator was holding the video-camera over our heads. Gaara_undead from idollic.com was somewhere in the crowd as well.
4.1) Fashion appeal and impression (4 out of 5 marks)
4.2) Suitability for song genre (Not applicable)
4.3) Suitability for stage movement (Not applicable)
4.4) Suitability for lighting effects (4 out of 5 marks)
4.5) Suitability for image of performer (4 out of 5 marks)
My grading For Teresa for her Stage Attire is 12 of out 15 marks. Well done.
Stage Activities of Teresa at Northpoint:
MC King and Xu Qi were the emcees of both the roadshows today and they were very quick-witted with their stage management and interviewing of the celebrities, making them one unique challenge for Teresa and the rest of the Campus Superstars as they tried to answer their sometimes razor-sharp comments and questions.
Initially, Teresa was chided by MC King for speaking too softly because MC King said Teresa is already a Superstar and thus must make a stronger attempt at announcing her name and presence to all the audience around the stage. I find no fault in this and I hope Teresa will develop the kind of confidence necessary. Teresa reintroduced herself in a much clearer and jovial voice and that was a big improvement. Teresa began to answer some questions posed by the emcees about her acting experience in Let It Shine and her answering of emcee questions had indeed improved from her previous showing at Hougang Mall because she managed to answer in an audible and attentive manner. However, the emcees were so excitable and talkative that Teresa’s answering segment was heavily punctuated by the emcees’ bantering with each other instead.
The emcees then put Teresa and Renfred in one group and Zhiyang and Adriano in another group. With another additional contestant from the public in each of the two groups, all of them began playing a game of guessing the song titles of Chinese New Year songs and getting the public contestants to sing a couple of lines from those Chinese New Year songs. Being reserved and pretty much unknowledgeable about those CNY songs, Teresa’s group did pretty badly and was trounced 2-4 in the end. But Teresa maintained good gamesmanship and flashed her megawatt smile throughout the game.
A couple things for Teresa to consider though – One, try to avoid supporting the microphone hand with the other hand because crossing the hand over your waist implies a less positive body language. Two, you should make an effort to communicate with the public contestant(s) in your stage activity group, as a gesture of friendliness and thoughtfulness to these contestants who are probably very nervous onstage.
3.1) Stage posture (4 out of 5 marks)
3.2) Stage movement (Not applicable)
3.3) Audience interaction (3.5 out of 5 marks)
3.4) Camera interaction (4 out of 5 marks)
3.5) Mcee interaction (3.5 out of 5 marks)
My grading for Teresa for her Stage Presentation at Northpoint is 15 out of 20 marks. Still can improve a little bit more.
After the game, prizes were awarded for the participating public contestants and the four Campus Superstars were joined by all the remaining celebrities from the roadshow to start giving out empty hong-bao packets to members of the audience there. Xiangrui left for the foodcourt to get some rest on his legs and a drink and I continued to stay back with the idollic.com administrator to watch that segment. As there was a total of 500 hong-bao packets to be given out, all the celebrities were lined up onstage and the audience could get handshakes from a few of the celebrities they liked and get an hong-bao packet from any of the celebrities.
That became quite a long segment in the roadshow because Adam Chen and Zhiyang were the first two celebrities lined up when the audience went onstage and most of the audience at Northpoint were supporting the two of them. In the end, Teresa and the rest of the celebrities had a little trouble giving out the hong-bao packets on their hands.
By that time, the idollic.com administrator had finished filming the Northpoint roadshow and I encouraged him to go onto the stage because he had always wanted have closer contact with Teresa and he finally went up and shook her hands and took an hong-bao packet. Kenneth also went onstage and did the same and for those interested in his experience, you can read his post at the idollic.com forum
With less people at the front of the stage, I placed myself right in front of Teresa and watched her and the other celebrities in close proximity giving out the hong-bao packets. As there were too many hong-bao packets, the emcees pitched in and started giving out the packets to the cameramen and photographers at the front row, thanking them for their efforts to record the event and I was given one of those nice hong-bao packets from Xu Qi as well.
With the hong-bao packets given away, the roadshow at Northpoint ended successfully and all the celebrities left for the backstage in the midst of applause and clapping. I limped away from the roadshow because together with Xiangrui, my right foot was being sat on by one of the smaller children squatting at the front row and it took the whole journey to the Yishun MRT station before I could work the blood circulation back in my right foot.
The 4pm Roadshow at Causeway Point in Woodlands:
With Xiangrui and the idollic.com administrator as company, all three of us reached Causeway Point at Woodlands at around 3.20pm. Kenneth could not go for the second roadshow and Xiangrui chosed to position himself at the second floor because he wanted to avoid the difficult plight of having children sitting on his feet again. I took up position right in the front row of the stage behind the barriers (the red carpeted area with a lot of sitting children and their maids and mothers) with the idollic.com administrator on my left and since we arrived early, he began to do his homework reading on his PDA while I stole some time napping (because I was a little concussed with only four hours of sleep – it had been a bad three days of crisis management for me).
The 500-strong crowd at Causeway Point began to stir at around 3.50pm and I spotted the Campus Superstars entering the backstage area. Suddenly, half the crowd in the red carpeted area began to stand up and both the idollic.com administrator and I were forced to follow suit because we would have been trampled if we did not. I really pity the young and shorter children because they were almost totally drowned by the height of the adults thronging into the red carpeted area and both of us were packed like sardines in a matter of seconds.
MC King was at his razor-tongue element at the Causeway Point roadshow and he dealt a tough mocking comment at Zhiyang, Renfred and Teresa respectively. Although Teresa did not exactly laugh at the mocking comment made by MC King about people ignoring Teresa as a budding actor in Let It Shine, Teresa did relatively well but recovering her smile soon enough and avoid retorting the comment. To Teresa: Good call made because MC King would make a further and sharper dig at you if you had retorted him. It is his personal style as an emcee and he had done so to many celebrities in the entire course of his emcee history.
Stage Activities of Teresa at Causeway Point:
Instead of being the third group of celebrities to be called onstage, Teresa and the other three Campus Superstars appeared as the second group and were told to play quite a different stage game. The game was now about getting two opposing contestants sitting opposite of each other and wearing a picture of a celebrity on one’s head. The two contestants were then supposed to alternately ask the other a question about the celebrity on one’s head until one was confident enough to guess the identity of the celebrity on one’s head. Teresa was matched up against Zhiyang at the first round and poor Teresa lost the round because her celebrity to be guessed out was much harder than Zhiyang’s who happened to be Zoe Tay, the previous queen of Caldecott Hill. Who was the celebrity that Teresa was supposed to be guessing but failed to do so? – none other than herself.
Nevertheless, there was much laughter and fun in that round between Zhiyang and Teresa and I personally thought it was quite an interesting segment throwing favorable light onto the two of them because they managed to entertain the audience fairly well with their amusing questions to each other while guessing the celebrities.
After their segment of stage game and plenty of laughter and jokes abound, the senior actors of Let It Shine made their segment interesting as well with the construction of hongbao lanterns and the roadshow ended with the same hong-bao packets giving away segment. I stayed with Teresa all the way till the end of both the hong-bao giving segments in the two roadshows. I must say I was very impressed by how genuinely polite she was to all the members of audience who went onstage. Throughout the entire segment, Teresa was always smiling and saying "Xin Nian Kuai Le" to them and was even bowing gently to those who took the hong-bao packets from her. Her smile never faded and her bows never let up in the lengthy segment and it spoke volumes of how professional and well-mannered she was as a Superstar, compared to some of the celebrities whose smiles had gradually faded and their mild impatience was showing on their faces as the segment drained them.
3.1) Stage posture (4 out of 5 marks)
3.2) Stage movement (4 out 5 marks)
3.3) Audience interaction (4 out of 5 marks)
3.4) Camera interaction (4 out of 5 marks)
3.5) Mcee interaction (3.5 out of 5 marks)
My grading for Teresa for her Stage Presentation at Causeway Point is 19.5 out of 25 marks. Fairly well done.
Well, that’s all for my report. Stay tuned for the video recording from the idollic.com administrator and hopefully, well-taken photographs of Teresa from JR who was supposed to be at the roadshow but he did not contact me about his presence today. Hope he was there today.
I would like to make use of this report to thank all those faithful supporters who went to support Teresa today and for the convenience of all the supporters of Teresa to access this roadshow report, I will duplicate it both http://launch.groups.yahoo.com/group/teresafc/ and on http://idollic.com/teresa/ for their reading pleasure.
(Image Souce: FilterFunk of www.idollic/teresa.com via www.clubsnap.com)
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