Saturday, March 22, 2008

Stardust 2008 Singing Competition: Contestant Tay Ke Xin

I found this video clip from Kewei's blog. Apparently her sister is participating in some singing competition. As a gesture of friendship, I put it up here for the readers of my blog to listen and judge for themselves.

Although Tay Kexin may get publicity on my blog, but I hope she wins because she sings well. Ain't a bad singer herself but there is room for improvement. Hope my comments on Youtube gets through to the girl then. =)

Ke Xin, your last note of each line from line 5 onwards sounds on the thin side. Try to buff that last note a little so that the song sounds a little more lush - stretch the note a little teeny bit more. Bcos you are singing A-mei's song, most people would compare Amei's management of this song to yours so you have to make sure the song doesn't sound thin at the end of each line.

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