How the day moved on:
It's a slacker's saturday today, with a long drawn-out rain that is continuing all the way from noontime till the night. Hmm...9.30am seems to be the standard time for waking up whenever I have my rest days and this time, I have three consecutive rest days to catch up on my sleep, my games, and watching my vcds. Ah...it's good to have a nice break after all the hectic running about during those examination periods. Breakfast was a packet of mee goreng and a glass of orange juice - simple, filling and lazy's man's way out.
Playing Titan Quest:
After breakfast, I spent quite a few hours today enjoying the role-playing game, in which the storyline stretches from Greece, Egypt to China. The graphics of this game is the best that I have seen but the game does crashes once in a while so I had to backup the game files everytime I reached a safe point (in the game, this is known as a rebirth fountain). My Brigand (Archer + Rogue dual-class) character made very good progress today, travelling the entire length of the Silk Road, completing difficult quests with relatively ease because of a careful selection of skills and equipment. The character relies heavily on poison attacks, slowing the movement of monsters and injecting confusion into the minds of monsters in order to tackle the really powerful monsters, especially the Elder Draconians (large dragon-like monsters which are extremely fast, deadly and scary). Gaming Fun +1
A Comfortable Nap:
After a simple lunch of rice, chicken fillet and cai xin, I made full use of the cool weather from the afternoon rain to take a long comfortable nap. Two solid hours' of sleep without a single stir was the result and I woke up refreshed. What a joy to be able to do this because I am usually working in the afternoon so such naps are quite a luxurious rarity for me. Yawn~~ Energy + 1
Deep Impact:
VCD time! As I have said, today's a slacker's day so I decide to snuggle up at home to re-watch some of the vcds in my collection atop of my study cabinet. The choice for today is Deep Impact, another disaster themed vcd, which I had bought together with Armaggeddon. The storyline is about the same - giant meteor with the potential to destroy all life heading right towards Earth. The character focus in Deep Impact however is much broader, because it moves from various groups of characters to show how such groups handle the crisis. The one that moved me the most is the enstranged relationship between the daughter and the father. The daughter hated the father for his divorce with her mother, and in turn marrying another young girl who is only a couple of years older than she is. The mini-story of these two characters climaxed with the eventual acknowledgement that both of them still loved each other despite their differences and both the father and daughter perished in embrace on the beach as the tsunami wave from a smaller meteor crashed inland. Maybe it is not death that is scary, but a lifelong regret of not being able to resolve a human difference and reach an understanding that had really mattered to oneself.
Broken promises:
Today was also a day of broken promises - three of them to be exact. The first one came from a parent of a student who had been making use of me as a stand-in tutor while waiting for a tuition class to get organized. I was infuriated because the parent lied about committment to the assignment to both myself and the tuition agent and it had cost dearly because I had turned down assignments just to keep the student's timeslot. The second broken promise came from a friend, who was supposed to call me and confirm if there was going to be any morning jog. She did not manage to confirm anything from last night till this morning and I believe she had totally forgotten about it - still it's a promise broken. The third one came from a third party relay, who was supposed to pass a small loan to one of my friends in Indonesia. Apparently, this third party had failed to do so and there is already suspicion that she has absconded with the money. I am alright with the loss but it is nevertheless a broken promise because this person had promised me to pass the much-needed money to that friend of mine. Who honor their word these days? I hope I am not the only one left - that will be quite scary.
In a nutshell at the end:
Reputation is what other people know
about you. Honor is what you know about yourself.
By: Lois McMaster Bujold, "A Civil Campaign", 1999US science fiction author
(Picture source: weirdvis, 24 Apr 2004, stock.xchng)
(Quote source: http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/30945.html)
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