Teresa Tseng Learning Guitar:
I had a recent update from Teresa Tseng's official fanclub that the girl is learning how to play a guitar for some of her song recordings. I was very impressed to hear that because it meant that Teresa was striving hard to break barriers and learning new things to further her interest in singing and music, possibly pushing herself to new heights to bring everyone even better performances if she manages to learn guitar well enough.
As a vivid supporter for Teresa's performances, I cannot find myself sitting idly so I decided to help her in whatever ways I can by providing her with a post about guitars and guitar-playing so it will, hopefully, help to further her understanding on the instrument and express herself better behind those guitar strings. I also try to generate this post for the benefit of other faithful supporters of Teresa who may previously have not much of an idea what guitars and guitar-playing are all about and thus let them understand that it is both a very interesting and fun instrument to play on, once the initial cloud of confusion and difficulty clears up.
What is a Guitar?
The Wikipedia Free Online Encyclopedia provides quite a comprehensive write-up about guitars and its possible origins. From my deductions, Teresa should be learning an acoustic classical six-string guitar because electrical ones and any other types would usually require some experience in string instruments and given the impending studio song recordings, I don't really think she would be learning those complex types of guitars at this very moment.
The Chords On The Guitar:
I found a very cool website that has one of the most comprehensive chord builder around for guitarists. If one bothers to count the number of available chords on the fingerboard of the guitar from the below link, one can easily find more than one hundred chords, which translate into countless variations and possibilities of making the guitar-playing a fascinating experience. How many chords can an experienced player generate from those six strings? The answer by some of the maestro guitars - a stunning few MILLION....Of course, from what I know, Teresa Tseng is currently learning just basic guitar-playing but I hope the chord builder from this website http://musiceffect.com/chord/ will help the girl to understand the interesting depth of the instrument itself.
Personal Recommendations of Mandarin Songs with Guitars:
The following songs are my personal recommendations of mandarin songs that go very well with decent guitar-playing. Okay, I am more into ballads but they really sound great - just listen and judge for yourself. Hmm...maybe Teresa may reach such excellence in time to come but for those who did not own a guitar or have not been instructed on the instrument, you can still enjoy the songs, paying particular attention to how guitars can beautifully complement songs. I am already looking forward to hear how Teresa sounds with her playing the guitar.
Who? Me? Haha...I was taught to play by my father and I modestly played my first song on the guitar when I was in Primary Three, which is like more than seventeen years ago. Am I maestro guitarist? Nope, because I had not been practicing as hard as I should have. Perhaps I might be motivated again to do so once I hear Teresa play her song on the stage or on the airwaves. Yet, after seventeen years, I still love the guitar and the music behind those wonderful strings. I hope you can also enjoy the songs below and learn to love the guitar too...
1. ???? By: David Tao Che
One of the more recent songs in the song market and should be easily recognized by many of the younger supporters of Teresa.
2. ???????? By: Power Station Dong Li Huo Che
An older song a few years back by one of the then-popular duo group from Taiwan. I could only grasp in amazement by how powerful their voices are.
3. ???? By: Sky Wu Si Kai
This song was from my secondary school era. I remembered vaguely that I fielded this song for one of my school's annual singing contests. I did not got through to the next round because the microphone was not working properly then? Haha..oh well..
Music has charms to soothe the savage breast To soften rocks, or
bend a knotted oak.
By: William Congreve, The Mourning Bride, Act 1 Scene 1English dramatist (1670 - 1729)
(Quote Source: http://www.quotationspage.com/quote/1486.html)
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