Shooter, The Movie:
I watched Shooter earlier this week and I must say that the movie exceeded what I had initially expected - a mere gun-trotting and shooting fest. The movie revolved around an elite Marine sniper who was betrayed by politicians who collaborated with his military superiors and resulted in the death of his partner. He was betrayed a second time when he was tricked into planning for a counter-assassination mission for the US President and was framed for killing some archbishop.
He had to shake off the pursuit of the Presidential bodyguards and find out who framed him and seek justice. The movie spoke darkly of how powerful politicians manipulated the military to do dirty work and how most of the politicians wriggled their way out of persecution through the various loopholes in the legal and judiciary systems of countries. I suppose the real world can be like that - not all good guys have happy endings and not all bad guys get caught.
The ending, which featured the eventual killing of the corrupt politician and colonel, was somewhat like a cowboy movie but the movie, overall, won me over with its sincere portrayal of the struggle of the twice-betrayed sniper.
Maple Story:
Finally managed to purchase enough 60% weapon attack scrolls for my maple character after a month's worth of saving up of mesos and shouting at the free market. I now have another obstacle to overcome - a person with a high enough skill level to scroll my primary weapon which is worth millions of mesos. My scroll luck is lousy and I am resisting the temptation to ruin a potentially devastating weapon on my hand. Looks like the higher level my maple story character is, the higher the risks and costs in maintaining it. Haha...Oh well, I'll just have to take things as they come along and I am not very worried because my "clean" primary weapon can still deal reasonable amounts of damage during gameplay. After all, it's just a game and I don't want to lose sleep over it.
Lunch with Friendly Bee:
It was a disappointing lunch appointment and afternoon outing with Friendly Bee today because:
1. She was late (again) for thirty minutes, causing my stomach to be raving with hunger. Of all the outings she had been out with me in my entire life, she was only on time twice.
2. She failed to eat lunch with me because she had a really late breakfast with a friend who gate-crashed at her house this morning when she herself suggested eating lunch together today.
3. She did not manage to do what she wanted me to accompany her to do - to try on and buy her spectacles and ended up walking aimlessly around Orchard Road.
4. She dimissed my movie suggestions at both Cineleisure and Lido, citing no good shows (when she later regretted her decision after the suitable movie timeslots had passed -_-").
5. She ignored my hints to rest at some cafes because my legs were quite tired after walking down Orchard twice from Centrepoint to Lido and from Lido to Plaza Singapura.
I was pretty angry with her but I kept that to myself because I did not want to vent anything on her. It is tough to go out with a friend who only seemed to cater to her own needs and wants without genuinely listening to what other people wants out of the outing but she is still my friend.
I watched Shooter earlier this week and I must say that the movie exceeded what I had initially expected - a mere gun-trotting and shooting fest. The movie revolved around an elite Marine sniper who was betrayed by politicians who collaborated with his military superiors and resulted in the death of his partner. He was betrayed a second time when he was tricked into planning for a counter-assassination mission for the US President and was framed for killing some archbishop.
He had to shake off the pursuit of the Presidential bodyguards and find out who framed him and seek justice. The movie spoke darkly of how powerful politicians manipulated the military to do dirty work and how most of the politicians wriggled their way out of persecution through the various loopholes in the legal and judiciary systems of countries. I suppose the real world can be like that - not all good guys have happy endings and not all bad guys get caught.
The ending, which featured the eventual killing of the corrupt politician and colonel, was somewhat like a cowboy movie but the movie, overall, won me over with its sincere portrayal of the struggle of the twice-betrayed sniper.
Maple Story:
Finally managed to purchase enough 60% weapon attack scrolls for my maple character after a month's worth of saving up of mesos and shouting at the free market. I now have another obstacle to overcome - a person with a high enough skill level to scroll my primary weapon which is worth millions of mesos. My scroll luck is lousy and I am resisting the temptation to ruin a potentially devastating weapon on my hand. Looks like the higher level my maple story character is, the higher the risks and costs in maintaining it. Haha...Oh well, I'll just have to take things as they come along and I am not very worried because my "clean" primary weapon can still deal reasonable amounts of damage during gameplay. After all, it's just a game and I don't want to lose sleep over it.
Lunch with Friendly Bee:
It was a disappointing lunch appointment and afternoon outing with Friendly Bee today because:
1. She was late (again) for thirty minutes, causing my stomach to be raving with hunger. Of all the outings she had been out with me in my entire life, she was only on time twice.
2. She failed to eat lunch with me because she had a really late breakfast with a friend who gate-crashed at her house this morning when she herself suggested eating lunch together today.
3. She did not manage to do what she wanted me to accompany her to do - to try on and buy her spectacles and ended up walking aimlessly around Orchard Road.
4. She dimissed my movie suggestions at both Cineleisure and Lido, citing no good shows (when she later regretted her decision after the suitable movie timeslots had passed -_-").
5. She ignored my hints to rest at some cafes because my legs were quite tired after walking down Orchard twice from Centrepoint to Lido and from Lido to Plaza Singapura.
I was pretty angry with her but I kept that to myself because I did not want to vent anything on her. It is tough to go out with a friend who only seemed to cater to her own needs and wants without genuinely listening to what other people wants out of the outing but she is still my friend.
Sigh...Friendly Bee still managed to sms "Sorry" after I parted with minimal words at Dolby Ghaut MRT Station at around 5.30pm. I supposed she knew she had not been much of a companion during today's outing. I reluctantly accepted her apologies because it is better to forgive than bear a grudge but I really, really hope she can be more considerate to the people who are going out with her and not just listlessly patronize these people's suggestions for activities.
Singing Tips For CSS 2 Contestants and Singing Enthusiasts Part Three:
The third instalment is almost ready. I should be putting it up on this blog on Monday morning or so. Hope the readers who have been following the trilogy are happy with what I have had written so far.
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