Thursday, April 19, 2007

Singing Tips For CSS 2 Contestants & Singing Enthusiasts Part Two

Alright. Sorry to keep those who are keeping track of Part Two waiting. It's just that I simply don't write these things overnight because I have to check what I have written is correct before posting it up for the public. Hope most of you can digest the information and analysis given in Part One since I have not really heard much feedback from the tagboard so I presumed silence means ok?

Anyway, without further ado, there's Part Two as promised...


高音,尾音,或假音能不能拉得稳有几个因素,包括足够的练习,选歌的实际性,歌唱信心的指数,还有丹田和喉音够不够气。要掌握这点需要时间,不是瞬夕间就能有突飞猛进的进展, 因为好歌手的肺气要足够,丹田气要充沛,喉音要稳扎。有时候,只是因为歌手没有信心,一指都不敢尝试拉高音或假音,其实是拉得上或拉得到的。在没损音的情况下,你其实有多大的歌唱浅力呢?


歌曲中若需要有爆发力的部份,不只是唱得大声点便可以了的。所谓爆发力是指对歌曲中的莫个意境作出适当的感情舒发。例如,陶哲的歌曲《找自己》的一些部份要唱出纳闷中的渴望,和在最终找到释怀自己的空间中的兴奋。你在唱歌是,是否有唱到那爆发部份的能量呢,还是排徊在提高声量而已?这和能不能在适当的层次中,融入歌曲的感动有着密切的关系 – 有真实的感动,才会有说服力的爆发力。





Of course, some visual example will make the above-mentioned points more comprehensible so I hereby include a Youtube video of Teresa singing a classic but actually not really an easy song《记得》. She chosed little stage movements and focused on using her singing expressions instead. Watch how Teresa concentrated on her endnotes by starting gently, moving up steadily and ending powerfully, bringing the performance to a decidedly high finale.

My observations from the Final auditions of CSS 2 competition are complied into a trilogy so do stay tuned to my humble blog for Part Three, which should be ready in a few days' time, which will include the following points:


Have fun learning and singing!

(Video source: ihateveg, 14 Apr 2006, YouTube)

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