My apologies to all those who have been reading my blog for the lack of updates these few days. Been extremely busy with work and going out with friends. I have been trying to continue the CSS 2 blog posts since Wednesday night but I could only piece together the following song list because there was no official updates from Channel U's website since then. Hope the following song list is accurate (kindly correct me if my information is incorrect) and enjoy mulling over the songs. Here we go...
Audience familiarity with song: **
Song & Performance Difficulty: **1/2
To nail a performance with this song, the performer must be able to sing the sense of relaxation and fun portrayed within the song persona. The tune is light-hearted but very hard to catch and it can be a little boring when the song stretches out, so gesticulation and interaction with the audience is important to make the song livelier than mere standing and singing.
Audience familiarity with song: ***
Song & Performance Difficulty: **1/2
This song is harder to impress because listeners are used to listening to the original singers' three voices so performing this song as a duet will be quite a challenging. The lyrics are wordy and not easy to remember and the song is not really very impressive in the vocal section so securing the stage presence will be paramount to winning the performance. How to do so? Sing to the audience with sincerity.
Audience familiarity with song: ***
Song & Performance Difficulty: ***1/2
This song is probably one of the most difficult to sing amongst the female songs in the quarter-finals 2B because the emotions within the song are very subtle and emoting those will be not easy because the song is sung in a light and reflective tone. Most of the feel of the song hinges in the clear enunciation of the lyrics, good control of the voice and appropriate facial expressions will be important to bring out the flavour of the song. The fleetingly gentle endnotes will also be hard to grasp during a performance so the performer must be very careful when dealing with these too.
Audience familiarity with song: ***1/2
Song & Performance Difficulty: ***
This song is lyric-dependent in order to "paint" the song content in the minds of the audience. The tune of the song is quite simplistically constructed so there is little to do in the vocal section except in the chorus parts where emoting becomes important to drive the song home so appropriate gesticulation will be very useful. Simple dance moves can be possibly inserted in the chorus portion but the song still remains more of a lyrical presentation type than a dance visual type.
Audience familiarity with song: ***1/2
Song & Performance Difficulty: ***1/2
To perform this particular song onstage is quite difficult because the feel of the song is deeply-dependent on the song persona's emotions permeating in each line of the lyrics. Notice that every line is deliberately sung stretched with emotions and catching the balance without over-emoting the song will be very challenging because if the performer over-concentrated on the emoting part, he may lose the focus of bringing the song's lyrical contents to the audience.
M2 郑全威 - 非你莫属 原唱者: Tank
Audience familiarity with song: ****
Song & Performance Difficulty: **1/2
This song is popularized by the original singer and it will be almost impossible to avoid a compare and contrast by the audience so the best way to go about performing this song is to stay safe and sing the original version. No doubt that it will mean less performance creativity but it is better than risk ruining the highly-popular song. The most difficult part about this song is the chorus where emoting at the appropriate levels makes the song impressionable. Otherwise, it is amongst the easiest song selected in this round of the quarter-finals.
Audience familiarity with song: ****
Song & Performance Difficulty: ****
This song is actually very difficult to sing because it begins slow and energy-less but gradually fills in in the subsequent lines with all sorts of emotions from the song persona. The falsetto parts of this song is also one of the most difficult ones amongst the male contestant's songs to manage because the parts weave in seamlessly into the lyrics and the performer needs to hold the falsetto endnotes well in order to trail the song off beautiful. The lyrics are also quite a mouthful and varies alot in each line so this is definitely the most difficult song to perform in the entire quarter-finals 2A.
M4 吴福宽 - Song not known yet.
Audience familiarity with song: Un-rated
Song & Performance Difficulty: Un-rated
No comment on the song until I can somehow get Fu Kuan's song selection. As if time of typing, I still found no confirmation of his song in this round of the competition.
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