I titled my blog using an iconic quotation from a Shakespearean Play "Hamlet" because it is profoundly based on what everyone has been trying, struggling or dying to be - their true selves. I am still searching for the answer to that question myself and amidst all the faint glimpses of truth and doubts, trudging through the labyrinth of daily life, maybe my blogging will help me unravel my destiny in time to come...
About Me
- Sean Ho
- Singapore
- Let me have... the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, the strength to do the necessary, the love to give to the deserving, the wisdom to perceive such differences.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Campus Superstars 2 Quarter Finals 1A Song List
You can right click the song titles and open them in a new window so you can listen to the songs and read the analysis below each song at the same time. Have fun reading and good luck to all the contestants for their performances!
卢慷倚 分手快乐 原唱者:梁静茹
Audience familiarity with song: *****
Song & Performance difficulty: ***1/2
The song is very popular due to the success and reach of the original singer but this means a strong compare and contrast danger with the original singer's version. The song is actually not easy to emote because it involves a delicate balance of heartbroken-ness and a sense of self-renewal in the feel of the song. Performer must have a good grasp of the lyrics and know when to change the facial expression with the various emotive stages come along during the performance.
阮诗凯 了解 原唱者:孙燕姿
Audience familiarity with song: ***1/2
Song & Performance difficulty: ****1/2
The song's emoting can be hard to catch because it requires matured handling of the feel between the lines of the lyrics. The nuances of the song's persona's struggle between emotional awareness and dilemma are not easy to express for any inexperienced performer. Pre-performance emotional preparation is very important for the success of such a song performance because any inappropriate stage or audience interaction can easily spoil the beauty of ths song. This is one of the hardest songs to attempt at such an early stage of the competition - impressive but dangerous.
赖嘉琪 本来 原唱者:同恩
Audience familiarity with song: ***
Song & Performance difficulty: ***1/2
This song hinges a lot of image-painting in the minds of the audience to deliver the special feel of the song. The performer of the song will have to know how to lead the audience into the song appropriately with gesticulation and thus smoothe out the song's rather jarring tune flow and pronounciation of some parts of the lyrics. Although the song may not be as popular as the other song selections, but this song has plenty of opportunities for the performer to get creative and make the performance an enjoyable piece onstage.
张芮恩 街角的祝福 原唱者:戴佩妮
Audience familiarity with song: ***
Song & Performance difficulty: ***1/2
This song is challenging in its own right because the background music is very simple and thus making it very easy to spot any vocal mistakes during the performance. There is little variation in the song expression, which makes it rather hard to impress or wow the audience with eyecatching stage dynamics. To successfully sing this song, comfortable listening is the key to the door of nods of approval by the discerning music listeners.
许政宁 睁一只眼 闭一只眼 原唱者:蔡依林
Audience familiarity with song: ****
Song & Performance difficulty: ****1/2
A very fast dance track, which will definitely wow the audience if performed properly. However, the rather hollow-content lyrics are quite a mouthful and pronounciation of them can be a problem onstage. Appropriprate eye contact with audience and smooth, sleek dance moves are a-must accompaniments to such dance tracks. Performer must also be able to emote playfulness and sensuality at the same time. In my opinion, this is another of the two most difficult songs to performance in the entire round of Quarter-Finals 1A.
李俊纬 我可以 原唱者:蔡旻佑
Audience familiarity with song: ***1/2
Song & Performance difficulty: ***
Another very popular song which is a good thing because the audience can recognize the song and appreciate the nuances within it. However, the song is sung with a sense of casual-ness, which can be dry and difficult if the performer is nervous on stage. The song does not involve much difficulty in the vocal area, which makes it harder to earn the judges' points for creativity and display of prowess onstage. Ballads can make or break, depending seriously on the ability of the performer to emote ballads, however bland their lyrics are.
温俊杰 专属天使 原唱者:TANK
Audience familiarity with song: *****
Song & Performance difficulty: ***
This song is quite easy to sing and because of its very popularity amongst the young listeners and singing enthusiasts, it will be difficult to impress because they would most certainly be comparing and contrasting the performance with the original singer since familiarity of the song is fresh within the minds of this group of listeners. Itself being a ballad means touching with emotions and feelings, not with showy stage works.
吴福宽 勇气 原唱者:光良
Audience familiarity with song: ****
Song & Performance difficulty: ***1/2
This is another difficult song to truly impress in the compare & contrast aspect because of its immense popularity and successful performance by both accomplished singers in the industry. The performer must know the song very well and avoid the all-too-common vocal mistakes within highly-familiar songs and bring out the eagerness of the song persona. From my personal experience singing this song, breath control is crucial to necessitate the smoothness of the transition between the lines of the song as well as the clarity of the endnotes.
徐彬 除此之外 原唱者:范逸臣
Audience familiarity with song: **1/2
Song & Performance difficulty: ***
This song is easy to remember but difficult to emote because of the very simplicity of the lyrics. The feel of the song is vital to prevent the song from becoming bland or repetitive. There is little room for stage dynamics because it is originally intended as a ballad so touching the audience's auditory senses and hearts is key to winning the points for a performance of such a song. The song was written quite some time ago so familiarity is lower, which is bad because the younger audience may not appreciate the song well enough but it also means less compare and contrast woes.
卓轩正 翅膀 原唱者:林俊杰
Audience familiarity with song: ***1/2
Song & Performance difficulty: ****
The song is difficult to sing because of the falsetto as well as the very flexible note-changing techniques of the original singer. However, if the performer is familiar with the song, then a decent level of practice will be able to wow the audience. Yet, many singers performing this song end up dangerously close to mimicking the original singer and run into the glut of not being able to develop one's unique style of emoting the song. Such is a problem of choosing songs specifically written for the original singer and no one else.
That's all for now. Hope somewhere out there, someone benefits from reading all these ba.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Things That I Have Done For The Past Week 20 May to 27 May 2007
1) Visit To Changed Man House & Playing Romance of The Three Kingdoms IX:
He is currently still finding direction in life and thus I decided to keep him company with a little visit, doing what both of us like - playing PS 2 games together. His favourite: Romance of The Three Kingdoms IX, which is a long-running series of strategy-building and combat game. I was a complete noob in the game but I managed to add some fun by creating generals with high leadership, war, intelligence and politics attributes, making the game alot more challenging than he expected. Obviously, I didn't win the game because I know too little about the dynamics, but that was not the point - us having fun together was.
2) Entertaining Holy Bitch with Sentosa outing and movie outing Next 2007:
The Holy Bitch wanted to visit Sentosa again within her visit to Singapore and thus we were back at the beach again. However, there was rain during our visit which somewhat dampens the fun. We never gave up still and managed to watch some beach volleyball competition going on and she was happily playing with the waves and snapping photographs with her video camera. She was also intrigued by the precongnition concept of the movie, Next, so we went for the movie which turned out quite interesting except for the rollback ending, which I thought was a little disappointing.
3) Reattempting The Game, Port Royale and exploring Korean Folk Town in Maple Story:
I played the game (which was a gift from Sushi Rabbit during one of my birthdays) once and I was already hooked by the game dynamics of business setting, port trading, pirate hunting, treasure searching, naval battling and . However, I was quite inexperienced then and hence I restarted the game, with a much better plan on I would reach my game objectives.
Maple Story released a new map called Korean Folk Town and I was doing some exploring and quests in the new place. It was weird looking at tigers creeping up like thieves and rabbits holding onto kitchen pounders but some of the quests are alright, with the exception of the dumb "sack of rice" passing between those two brothers in the village.
4) Campus Superstars 2 Episode One coming up:
Unfortunately, I'll be missing the first episode due to work committments but I'll try to catch the re-play as soon as I can. In the meanwhile, good luck to all the CSS 2 contestants out there reading this and remember to enjoy the singing process. The competition is temporary, but the experience is forever - savour it well.
Okay, gtg now. Have a good weekend. ^_^
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Breathing & Dance Patterns whilst singing <精舞门> By 罗志祥
Alright, as promised to the various CSS 2 contestants and singing enthusiasts who have been patiently following my blog, this blogpost will be about breathing patterns and dance breaks of a fast song. I have chosen a recently released fast track for the case study and hope all of you can have fun reading, practising and enjoying the song as well.
(Health-warning: As opposed to the two lines of the lyics below about wearing listening to music using earpieces or headphones whilst sleeping, it has been proven that such action would be harmful to your eardrums and may cause permanent damage.)
Remember what Xu Huan Liang said about adding one extra mark for a fast track song selection, adding another extra mark for a fast track song performance done well and deducting three extra marks for a fast track song performance done badly. If one is not prepared adequately for a fast track song performance, and is without the stamina to pull it off, the performance can end up quite terrible so be forewarned about this too.
Of course, I also understand that some of the feedback I receive about this series of blogposts are that they are a little oversimplified. It's just what I intended - simple, comprehensive and fun to twiddle with. What about the more complicated things like head voice, chest voice, diaphragm dynamics as some wanted? I prefer to keep those on hold until the basics are adequately understood. Am I professional? No. Does it matter to me? No. Does it matter to you? You decide ba.
Without further ado, here we go...
As usual, the following will be the legend for the song below:
(B) = Breathe
(B-easy) = Breathe easy
(D) = Dance
(P) = Pose
精舞门 By 罗志祥
预备起(P) (B)行头全部要带齐 点名(P)
(B)准备 跟我上街去 游行(P)
(B) Body 今天要证明
(B) 什么舞通通都搞得定
(B)想要学习 皮要绷 (B)要跟我跟紧
(B) (D)I wanna know 你行不行
(B) (D)You gonna know
(B) (D)别怀疑你自己的本领
(B) (D)You gonna know 我是冠军(P)
(B) (D)You gonna know (B)We got to show
(B) (D) 我有 一条 特别 了不起 的神经
(B) (D)无师 自通 任督 二脉 畅通 无比
(B) (D)拎拎听说你想要报名 考虑
(B) (D)有没有那根筋 我看一眼就搞定
(B) (D)凡事都要照规定
(B) (D)精舞门里什么都in (B)不浪得虚名
(B) (D)不能乱吃冰淇淋 蒙眼睛
(B) (D)对待所有的敌人 都尊敬
(B) (D)大半夜上床戴耳机
(B) (D)节奏当催眠的声音 (B)作梦都不停(P)
(B) (D)I wanna know 你行不行
(B) (D)You gonna know 别怀疑你自己的本领
(B) (D)You gonna know 我是冠军(P)
(B) (D)You gonna know (B)We got to show
(B) (D)I wanna know 你行不行
(B) (D)You gonna know 别怀疑你自己的本领
(B) (D)You gonna know 我是冠军(P)
(B) (D)You gonna know (B)We got to show(P)
(B) (D)我有 一条 特别 了不起 的神经
(B) (D)无师 自通 任督 二脉 畅通 无比
(B) (D)I wanna know 你行不行
(B) (D)You gonna know 别怀疑你自己的本领
(B) (D)You gonna know 我是冠军(P)
(B) (D)You gonna know (B)We got to show
(B) (D)I wanna know 你行不行
(B) (D)You gonna know 别怀疑你自己的本领
(B) (D)We gonna know 我是冠军(P)
(B) (D)We gonna know (B)We got to show
(B) (D)We are the world (Final pose)
(Video source: derekchia89, 20 Nov 2006, YouTube)
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
搞笑:蛋蛋的故事 (儿童不宜, 敬请回避)

Holy Bitch: 呜呜呜~~妈妈~~我的蛋蛋破了~~呜呜呜~~我要我的蛋蛋~~呜呜呜
Sean Ho:你好坏喔,这样笑人家?(看她鬼马搞笑的神情,我也忍不住笑了起来)
Holy Bitch:本来就是嘛,你自己看(指着那群小孩) 蛋蛋~~我的蛋蛋~~(我们爆笑起来)
Holy Bitch:那个小孩好可怜喔,只剩一粒蛋蛋。另外一粒一定是刚才坐爆了。
紧接着是一阵阵此起彼伏的笑声,笑得我俩前伏后仰,旁人还以为我们是疯子呢, 好久没笑到那样子了...
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Breathing & Vocalization Patterns while singing <自己> By 李玟
This post will be slightly different from the previous one because Coco Lee did not really employ much falsetto in this particular song as her original voice range is very broad and rich but she uses different singing voices (vocalization) to bring our the various depths of the song and I will colour-code them for the convenient learning of the interested readers and singing enthusiasts.
(B-easy) = Breathe easy
(B) = Breathe
(Red) = High Voice (not falsetto)
(Green) = Falsetto
自己 By 李玟 Coco Lee
仔细的 (B)看着波光中清晰的倒影 (B)是另一个自己
(B)它属于 (B)我最真实的表情
(B)不愿意 生活中掩饰真心敷衍了 (B)爱我的人的眼睛~~~
(B)我 心中的自己 (B)每一秒 都愿意
(B)为爱放手去追寻 (B)用心去珍惜~~~
隐藏在 (B)心中每一个真实的心情 (B)现在释放出去
(B)我想要 呈现世界前更有力量的 (B)更有勇气的生命~~~
(B)我 眼中的自己 (B)每一天 都相信
(B)活的越来越像我爱的 自己~~~
(B)我 心中的自己 (B)每一秒 都愿意
(B)为爱放手去追寻 (B)用心去珍惜
(B)只有爱里才拥有 (B)自由气息
(B)诚实 面对自己才 (B)有爱的决心~~~
(B)我 眼中的自己 (B)每一天 都相信
(B)活的越来越像我爱的 自己~~~
(B)我 心中的自己 (B)每一秒 都愿意
(B)为爱放手去追寻 (B)去珍惜 (B)去爱~~~~~~
(B)为爱放手 去追寻 (B)用心去 珍惜 Hey~~~~
Have fun reading, learning and singing! Hope you enjoyed the song too! ^_^
(Video source: apple17, 02 May 2006, YouTube)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Breathing & Falsetto Patterns while singing <就是爱你> By 陶喆
For the more basic singing enthusiasts who have trouble finding the breathing pauses whenever they are singing, you can either listen to the song (at the title) in a new window (right-click & select on URL) or look at the YouTube music video that I have attached to this blog post. Whilst listening, you can try to follow the song using the breathing pattern and points that I have indicated below.
For the more advanced singing enthusiasts who wish to learn about the falsetto parts, I have also indicated in green so that you can be prepared for those falsetto parts coming along. You can also see how the singer emotes some parts of the song and enjoys the very singing process.
(B-easy) = Breathe easy
(B) = Breathe
Green = Falsetto required
就是爱你 Love Can 曲:陶喆 词:娃娃 木吉他 & 曼陀林:Dean Parks
(B-easy, )
(B)我 (B)一直都想对你说
(B)你给我想不到的 (B)快乐 (B)像绿洲给了沙漠
(B)说 (B)你会永远陪着我
(B)做我的根 我翅膀 (B)让我飞 (B)也有回去的窝 (continue to next line)
我愿意 (B)我也可以 (B)付出一切 也不会可惜
(B)Hmm..就在一起 (B)看时间流逝 (B)要记得我们相爱 的方式~~Wo~~
(B)就是爱你爱着你 (B)有悲有喜 (B)有你 Yeah~~(B)平淡也有了意义
(B)就是爱你爱着你 (B)甜蜜又 安 心 (B)那种感觉就 是 你 (B-easy)
(B)Oh oh oh oh oh~~~~Hmm
(B)我 (B)一直都想对你说
(B)你给我想不到的 (B)快乐 (B)像绿洲给了沙漠
(B)说 (B)你会永远陪着我
(B)做我的根 我翅膀 (B)让我 飞 (B)也有回去的窝 (continue to next time)
我愿意 (B)真的愿意 付出所有 也要保护你
(B)Oh 在一起 (B)时间继续流逝 (B)请记得我有多么 的爱你~~Oh~~
(B)就是爱你爱着你 (B)不弃不离 (B)开不在意 一路有多少风雨
(B)就是爱你爱着你 (B)放在你 手 心 (B)灿烂的幸福全 给 你~~~(continue to next line)
就是爱你爱着你 Oh~~~ (B)不弃不离开 (B)不在意 (B)一路有多少风雨 Yay~~
(B)就是爱你爱着你 (B)放在你 手 心 (B)灿烂的幸福全 给 你~~Yeah~~(B)Oh~~
就是爱你爱着你 (B)我都愿意 Ah~~
就是爱你爱着你 (B)要我们在一起 Yeah~~
就是爱你(B)爱着你 我都愿意
就是爱你爱着你 (B)要我们在一起~~Oh~~
Okay. Hope you guys have fun listening and learning. Jia you everyone~~ ^_^
(Video source: lordofhappy, 6 Nov 2006, YouTube)
Monday, May 07, 2007
Movie Review and Afterthoughts: Spiderman 3

I loved the realistic portrayal of how both Peter Parker and Mary-Jane took each other for granted and ignored communication, landing their relationship into the rocks because they refused to open up to each other. And it's so important in relationships between people, because the moment they shut or clam up, the relationship becomes knotted and suspicions built up rapidly.
Saturday, May 05, 2007
05 May End of The Day Post

Finally managed to get an scrolling expert in my maple guild to scroll my weapon and she was really stressed because she knew that my weapon costs a bomb and a terrible scrolling will mean millions of mesos wasted. I put my faith in her and she did quite a good job and managed to pass five out of the seven 60 % scroll for weapon attack. Owed her a favour for the job done and now waiting for her indication of what reward she wants from me.
Entertaining a VIP friend:
"Hey, I have a blog and I am going to write our activities together on it. For anonymity's sake, I have always used funny names on my blog to protect the folks' identities from the readers. What would you like to name yourself?"
"Errr......(after a minute) The Holy Bitch!"
"==" You sure? It sounds so weird and unlike you..."
"It's okay. I like the name. I shall be known as The Holy Bitch! (starts to laugh)"
"Orh...if you say so lor."
And so decided it. I went to VivoCity with The Holy Bitch today because she had never been there since her overseas trip for studies. I personally had not been there either because I was so cooped up with work and other things so it was quite an adventure with her, exploring the massive complex of shops.
We met up at VivoCity around 11am and went into quite a few interesting shops. The first place we went into was the Candy Empire and we browsed through the selections of sweets, chocolates and biscuits from many Eurporean countries. The Holy Bitch was telling me of the kind of sweets she was eating in her country of studies and I was listening intently at her explanations of certain types of sweets. We did not buy anything from it but both of us concluded that it was a good place to buy presents for friends and family there.
One of them was a boutique store, which offered both of us some discount coupons in the form of SGD 6 dollars. It was quite a uniquely-designed coupon and I will ask The Holy Bitch to take a photo of the coupons and I'll put it up here. The clothes at that boutique were interesting but the price tags were not friendly, ranging from $100 and above, which is quite expensive for the fabric used.
We then followed our noses and went into a place known as "The Chocolate Factory" and bought some nice truffle-flavoured and bitter chocolates. It was quite a nice experience inside the place because the staff was friendly and helpful, without being oppressive. The chocolates were quite reasonably priced for their quality too.
Lunch was settled at The Coffee Bean and both of us had Caesar's salad, as it was one of her favourite food around. We continued to browse through the massive maze of shops and restaurants and The Holy Bitch was comically mimicking Italians and Germans speaking and we had quite a good laugh over it.
Window shopping concluded around 2pm after The Holy Bitch could not find a nice fit to a blouse she was trying on at another boutique shop. We were also too full of salad and had to rush to another place afterwards and we left VivoCity via HarbourFront MRT, promising ourselves to return and finish the uncompleted tour of the place.
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Possible Songs Recommendations for CSS 2 Contestants

Against the popular belief that the songs must be from recent singers, I choose some of the songs here from older singers because I have focusing on the content and suitability of the songs for the contestants. I am deliberately picking songs, which can create performance and entertainment value in order to match the faces of the contestants.
This is why even though some of the songs may be a little dated but if you listen to the songs, and try to fit them into the youthful faces of the contestants, you will realize the songs can still work out to be enjoyable performances suitable for the competition and their singing abilities too.
So here's my personal recommendations of songs for the CSS 2 contestants. Have fun listening and thinking them through. =)
Male singers:
1. 只因为你 By 张栋梁
2. 就是爱你 By 陶喆
3. 男佣 By 吴克群
4. 天使 By 五月天
5. 某年某月某一天 By Energy
6. 专属天使 By Tank
7. 心碎的冰咖啡 By 熊天平
8. 在每一秒里都想见到你 By 王力宏
9. 我的好心情 By 苏有朋
10. 除此之外 By 范逸臣
Female singers:
1. Fly Away By 梁静茹
2. 喜欢你 By 陈洁仪
3. 胆小鬼 By 梁咏琪
4. 你要的爱 By 戴佩妮
5. 自己 By 李玟
6. 分手第七天 By 黄湘怡
7. 爱, 无力 By 潘嘉丽
8. 最初的梦想 By 范玮琪
9. 天使在唱歌 By S.H.E
10. 他和她的故事 By 萧亚轩
Let me have...
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
the strength to do the necessary,
the love to give to the deserving,
the wisdom to perceive such differences.
(Image source: TheD, 24 Mar 2003, stock.xchng)
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
A Temporary Victory
There is still much work to be done to ensure that it won't degenerate back into a full-blown disaster but I need to crash to bed soon. A throbbing headache from the mental exertion, a drained metabolic body from a sleepless night and the need to regain my strength to meet the world again.
I have learnt alot from this ordeal and I hope I can come out as a better person when I recovered from my exhaustion. Thank you to all those people who prayed for my return. Goodnight.
Let me have...
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
the strength to do the necessary,
the love to give to the deserving,
the wisdom to perceive such differences.
Against The Demons Of My Life (Again)
It's a strange and surreal feeling because many things will hinge on the outcome of this battle once again, just like it had been so a few years ago. The feeling is that of a strange calm which should be felt by all those who are contemplating the possible last moments of their lives. Strange, calm and introspective, that is....
I have done all I can throughout last night consulting my advisors on this impending crisis but the battle is mine alone and I will have to face it to the best of my abilities. Should I be defeated completely, it will be mark the death of me. Should the outcome be a draw or should I win, a new and improved Sean Ho will re-appear in front of everyone in the world.
Don't call me, sms me, email me or MSN me for the next 6 hours because I will be fully concentrating on defeating these demons of my life. Just pray for me. In fact, I have found some Serenity Prayer (though I am not a Christian) and have modified it to suit my purposes - hopefully, it will see me through this life-changing ordeal. Wish me well...
Let me have...
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
the strength to do the necessary,
the love to give to the deserving,
the wisdom to perceive such differences.