I just watched Spiderman 3 and I have the following movie review and afterthoughts to say about it.
Although I feel that the movie is a little too crammed with characters and subplots, Spiderman 3 reveals the frailities and vulnerabilities of the many characters the best, making it a great movie, even though sometimes, the character Harry Osborne overshone Peter Parker in certain scenes of the movie.
I loved the realistic portrayal of how both Peter Parker and Mary-Jane took each other for granted and ignored communication, landing their relationship into the rocks because they refused to open up to each other. And it's so important in relationships between people, because the moment they shut or clam up, the relationship becomes knotted and suspicions built up rapidly.
"Whatever happens, whatever the issue is, we can always choose to be the best of what we are..."
I am also impressed with the movie's handling of the villains, Sandman, Venom and Goblin because it showed the humanistic side of villains as they struggle either with desperation, vengeance and jealousy. I was very touched by the performance of the character of Harry Osborne as he wrestled with the sandwiched emotions for his father and his best friend, and eventually chosed to honour the friendship he had with Peter Parker and reciprocated his friendly love by doing what seemed impossible initially.
"Vengeance is like a poison - it can consume us and make us more evil than who we really are..."
Peter Parker's vengeful appearances were a little bland in comparison to Harry Osborne but he did a great job in the part about his tormented and guilt scenes with Mary-Jane and Aunt May. The actions/fight scenes, though, more than enough compensated for this minor drawback and I hold my breath everytime the action/fight scenes make a new twist or turn.
"We start with the hardest thing - forgive ourselves"
What does the symbiotic suit means? Temptation and Vengeance. Most of us probably suffered our fair share (sometimes unfair share) of injustices and are craving to get back at the people that hurt us the most. However, when we are driven by temptation and vengeance, we are (like what Aunt May said in the movie), willingly allowing ourselves to be poisoned by these negative emotions. We set out to do things that we normally would not do and hope that by getting even, we can hope to balance the emotional conflicts inside us. Ultimately, as we burn ourselves (and our souls) to seek revenge or fulfil temptations, we get emptier inside and the emotional conflicts are even more magnified to cause more grief and unhappiness.
The thing to do - forgive ourselves. Forgive the things that we did, the things that we regret not doing or missed out on, forgive our enemies and whatever terrible deeds that have gone between yourself and themselves, forgive the world. If we don't let go of our hatred or anger, we will never be able to enjoy the life in front of us, no matter how beautiful it is. Spiderman managed to forgive Sandman because he understood what desperation meant and why good people ended up doing the wrong things at the wrong time.
Are we prepared to forgive? Some people may say "not yet". I would say - "now" is a good time. Let go of whatever anger or hatred inside, love yourself and the people who loved you and you will see that life is only as miserable as you believe it to be, or as beautiful if you allow it to be.
Let me have...
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can change,
the strength to do the necessary,
the love to give to the deserving,
the wisdom to perceive such differences.
1 comment:
Hihi! I'll reveal my comment, as I promised! Hmm, quite nice to see your "Literature-based analysis" of Spiderman 3. Haha, combined with your usual words of wisdom, it is a rather pleasurable experience to read. Thanks for the analysis and appreciation, maybe I'll heed your advice and forgive you for all those...hells. Hehe, maybe I could just use some champagne grape flavoured bubble tea...Catch my drift? Bwahahaha just kidding, forgiveness should be unconditional, so don't worry about it, I am oh-so-magnamious, see you soon! Have a pleasant night!
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