Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Against The Demons Of My Life (Again)

In about an hour's time, I will be facing the demons of my life (again). This sounded very much like the plot in Spiderman 3 (I have not watched it yet) but unfortunately, mine is not a movie - it is as real and as dangerous as it can get.

It's a strange and surreal feeling because many things will hinge on the outcome of this battle once again, just like it had been so a few years ago. The feeling is that of a strange calm which should be felt by all those who are contemplating the possible last moments of their lives. Strange, calm and introspective, that is....

I have done all I can throughout last night consulting my advisors on this impending crisis but the battle is mine alone and I will have to face it to the best of my abilities. Should I be defeated completely, it will be mark the death of me. Should the outcome be a draw or should I win, a new and improved Sean Ho will re-appear in front of everyone in the world.

Don't call me, sms me, email me or MSN me for the next 6 hours because I will be fully concentrating on defeating these demons of my life. Just pray for me. In fact, I have found some Serenity Prayer (though I am not a Christian) and have modified it to suit my purposes - hopefully, it will see me through this life-changing ordeal. Wish me well...

Let me have...

the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
the strength to do the necessary,
the love to give to the deserving,
the wisdom to perceive such differences.

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