This photograph is taken from Xu Zhengrong, Dasmond's blog. I believe it must be either taken during the Star Awards 2007 rehearsals or during the Post Party because the two girls' makeup are still on. Shown in the photograph from left to right are Shawn Tok (CSS 2), Renfred Ng (CSS 1), Geraldine See (CSS 1) and of course Teresa Tseng (CSS 1).
This photograph is a screenshot of the televised Star Awards 2007 where MediaCorp presented some of its most promising young Superstars of the future. We see Renfred, Shawn, Teresa and Geraldine onstage presenting themselves in front of some of Singapore's television and entertainment moguls.
S-POP万岁!之创作大赛复赛歌曲得票排行榜 (as of 17 December 2007 9pm)
Voting Results will be updated every Mon after 9pm.
编号 Song No. 04 蚊子咬咬
编号 Song No. 05 雨伞
编号 Song No. 07 男人香水
编号 Song No. 08 婚礼
编号 Song No. 09 不再
编号 Song No. 11 发烧
Publicity for 《雨伞》
I have been trying to reach Dione Tan, the songwriter for the abovementioned song to coordinate with her to publicize for the song but she seems uncontactable at the moment. So I have to proceed without her, hopefully only for the moment. Dione, if this blog post manages to reach you, can you contact me via the MSN address on my blog please?
I have put up the song from the SPOP voting website onto my IMEEM embedded player on my blog so that more listeners who have not had the chance to visit the SPOP voting website can hear how the song goes. (Disclaimer: This move is only put up for pure sake of publicity and with no intention of achieving any monetary profit for myself.)
In addition I have also included a Youtube video of Dione Tan singing the original song with her own piano accompaniment, as well as the lyrics of the song below.
Hope everyone can enjoy the song and of course be moved by it to vote for the song. Voting procedure is very simple - Go to the website. Register if you are not a member. Start voting. Voting is free and every member can vote for 10 times everyday until the closing date in 2008
Written By: 陈明娴 (Dione Tan)
Sung By: 曾咏霖 Teresa Tseng
淋着雨 你伸出手 借给我的那把...雨伞
*时间长 思念就变得越深
失去了 是我一切的判断
淋大雨, 期待你出现在眼前
被遗弃的心 等待你打开
不能永远挡着风 遮着雨 保护我
不能永远挡着风 遮着雨 保护我
Ooo...挡着风 遮着雨 保护我 Ooo...
挡着风 遮着雨 保护我*
(Repeat * once)
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