I titled my blog using an iconic quotation from a Shakespearean Play "Hamlet" because it is profoundly based on what everyone has been trying, struggling or dying to be - their true selves. I am still searching for the answer to that question myself and amidst all the faint glimpses of truth and doubts, trudging through the labyrinth of daily life, maybe my blogging will help me unravel my destiny in time to come...
About Me
- Sean Ho
- Singapore
- Let me have... the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, the strength to do the necessary, the love to give to the deserving, the wisdom to perceive such differences.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
手牽手 Shou Qian Shou - 群星 by 群星
One of those rare videos that you get to see all the studio behaviours of so many celebrities. Notice the level of concentration needed to make the song come alive.
Although the song has been around for quite some time, it is still very very nice because it manages to blend the different voices of the celebrities into a cohorenet whole.
(Source: I found this video on Huixian's blog so will credit her as well for it.)
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Pre-Announcement of Retirement from Teresa's fanclub
I think the time has nearly come for me to leave TFC and put down all the Teresa-related activities and updates once and for all.
I will be making a final farewell post within two days' time on both the Official Teresa's Fanclub and on this blog so for those interested in what I have to say can stay tuned.
In that post, I will elaborate on the reasons that I have to depart.
This pre-announcement is made for the following reasons:
1) I hope those who have been hoping me to stay on in TFC will have some sort of mental preparation that Sean Ho will no longer be around to provide any updates for Teresa's activities again.
2) Teresa and her family will have some pre-notification that I will cease any form of help in any part of Teresa's celebrity career once the final farewell post is made within two days' time.
3) I want to make it clear that my departure has nothing to do with anti-Teresa people or anti-Sean Ho people from anywhere. So these people won't celebrate and run all over cheering, thinking that it was because of them that I left TFC.
Meanwhile, I will appreciate if nobody phone sms, phone call, MSN msg, tagboard msg, blog msg, email, Facebook msg, Friendster msg me to ask why I need to go at all.
All details will be revealed in the farewell post.
That's all for now.
Sean Ho
"Music clears the mind, fills the heart, moves the soul."
Monday, January 28, 2008
More Photos from Today's Health & Wellness Expo 2008,Teresa's Performance of Yu San at Ngee Ann Poly
Before anyone of you click the video below, please take note that the video was recorded with sporadic sudden volume bursts so don't put your ears too close to the speakers or earpieces or you may suffer a few shocks like I did when I first listened to it.
Samuel, since I have promised you that I will comment on this song so that you can improve, so here it goes:
Given the audio quality of the recording, I can only comment on what I could hear amidst the background music and static. The following is what I found out:
1) Male's starting part was too weak. There was no clear input of variation in the singing of the lyrics. Male sounds like reading the lyrics rather than singing them.
2) Female's starting part was quite clear. However, her endnotes are not very clean as if the lines just run-on to the next line without a specific break.
3) Female's second part was over-done with the endnotes. This time, she breaks the endnotes too hard, sounding as if she was chomping on the last word of each line of the lyrics. Control of endnotes and end lyrics is very important.
4) Harmonization is not good because both male and female are not communicating enough to decide on which key to rest on. Hence, the parts sounded uncompatible to blend into the song.
5) I admire the courage of both singers to jump enthusiastically into the crescendo part of the song. That is the spirit - keep that burning. However, control is the key word. Singing high and singing with control are two ends of the singing skill spectrum. To prevent screaming into the mics during crescendo portions of songs, allocation of enough breath and awareness of when to stop should be made known to oneself first.
6) When the song is supposed to fade after reaching its peak/finale, one's singing volume and emotions must adjust accordingly. By the end song, I could not really hear that difference. If a male singer is to participate in this song, he should know when to sustain his part because I find the male's voice disappearing for extended time with no reason when he should be following through with the female for some parts of the song.
That's all, Samuel. Hope my commentary can help you improve somehow. Have fun learning!
More Photos from Today's Health & Wellness Expo 2008:
As I was saying in my previous post, before I started reporting on Teresa's performance, I was hanging around the abovementioned exhibition and I must say it was very interesting. Full of stalls selling and promoting and introducing new healthcare products, giving free health tests and checks. A pity I did not have much time there but I did manage to take a few shots of a couple of performances onstage then. This is Dongfang Billy, a famous and popular artiste amongst the middle-aged populace of Singapore and similarly so in a number of countries. He is a cancer survivor, and he now works even harder to entertain, after dancing with Death itself before. He is seen here demonstrating some healthcare food and is later going to distribute those food to the audience. I did not eat because I don't want unfamiliar food to interrupt my report on Teresa's performance then.
This is him promoting some powerful blender that he is the spokesperson for. He said it could spin 30,000 times a minute and he uses it liberally to make all his healthcare food onsite. I must say his cooking skills are very well-honed. Precise and decisively confident.
This is the first time I hear Billy sing live onstage. His singing skills are not on par with the various Superstars but considering his multiple skills in hosting, cooking, entertaining, it will do.
The is the end part of his song. He ends it with a rather amusing pose but at least he is enjoying himself onstage. I remembered Billy before he was diagnosed of cancer was quite a hot-tempered celebrity, now he is a much more humble and better artiste.
This is the immediate yoga performance before Teresa started singing. I could not remember the name of the yoga centre but I remembered what this yoga instructor said "Yoga is not about the postures, not about the time you spent doing it, but it's about connecting yourself with your body, having time being yourself." How true, I am not a yoga person but most of the time, many people aren't even aware of themselves, just busying away from activity to activity. No wonder they don't enjoy themselves much.
Teresa's Performance of Yu San at Ngee Ann Polytechnic 18 January 2008:
(Video source: Ada from TFC and matsufuyu , 18 January 2008)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Teresa Tseng at Health & Wellness Expo 27 Jan 2008 Photographs and Report
Teresa appeared onstage at around 12.50pm, 20 minutes later than the scheduled time because there was some delay on programme schedule. I'll do the commentary, photo-by-photo and the final performance commentary at the end of this blog post.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Happie Bday To Mie Part III and Part IV

I loved the movie and it was the good acting and the gripping plotline that made the movie captivating. I would definitely recommend the movie if you are those that preferred acting to shooting and kissing scenes. Hahaha. One good movie after one good meal - Perfect!
Birthday Celebrations 2008 Part III: Dinner and Dessert at NYDC
However, mudpies were slower because we were busy chatting about our exploits and adventures over the past week. The above picture showed Band Aid Mudpie - slighly alcoholic but yummy to the taste buds. The below photograph showed Tiramisu Mudpie - one of my favourites not because of the colourful chocolate rice, but because of the perfect proportion of cake, ice-cream and fudge.
Birthday Celebrations 2008 Bonus: SPOP Victory For 《雨伞》
Word had reached me amidst my celebration that the SPOP song, Yu San, had made it to the top 6 song compositions of the competition. This was the icing on the cake for my birthday celebrations because the voting efforts of faithful supporters of Teresa, supporters of Dione Tan, and supporters of the song itself had not gone to waste.
Although I don't have the actual statistics, personally , it was another affirmation that the Campus Superstar of my choice, Teresa Tseng, has proven her worth once again that she continues to be able to shine with her singing, propelling the song well enough to earn the confidence and collective action of the various groups of supporters throughout the population of music listeners to send the song to the semi-finals.
The SPOP competition is not over though, since it's only the semi-finals and there would be another few more rounds of voting but for now, there is a definitely a cause for quiet celebrations. I have already sent my congratulations to the girl and I hope she will be give the chance to be featured in the upcoming music video for the song Yu San in the coming weeks.
Meanwhile, my birthday celebrations have simmered to an end even though I am still receiving ice well-wishes across the various communication channels.
My heartfelt thanks to all those well-wishes, Natasha, skyvel, zena, LK, Cuiping, Michelle, Xiangrui and many more whom I cannot openly name here. Take care and have a good weekend ahead!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Happie Bday To Mie 2008 Parts I and II
Well, since I have some time before I need to rush off, here are some of the random pictures that I have taken throughout the course of the birthday celebrations thus far. More to come because it ain't over yet! Heehee...

Sunday, January 20, 2008
Report on SPOP Songwriters Concert @ Eastpoint Mall 19 Jan 2008 (with exclusive video and photo coverage of Teresa too!)
Hope everyone reading my blog likes the slideshow that I have made for the songwriters and superstars singing at Eastpoint Mall on last Saturday. Remember to credit me if you are going to take anything from the slideshow.
For those observant enough, you may noticed that Teresa's performance photos are not included inside yet because her fanclub photographers have not finished processing those shots yet so I'll add hers in once they are ready.
Alright, since I promised a report so I'll make sure I comment on each of the twelve performances on that day. Here goes:
《谢谢你的好》 By 陈铿百 Nat Tan
Nathaniel's performance was very stable. Nothing extraordinarily memorable or worth negatively commenting on. Good job, Nathaniel!
《Love is Forever》 By 阮诗凯 Keely 曾裕淑 Maxilian 许政宁 Zhengning
The more people onstage, the more my expectations of being entertained is. The three girls did alright for their performance but fell a little bit short of my expectations of them moving around more onstage and maybe doing a little bit of synchronized movements. However, they just swayed and waved, without further explicit attempts to increase the total entertainment value of their performance.
《沙漠》 By 陈迪雅 Diya
Diya's performance was postponed until the second half of the concert and her skills were still there and the song was performed with relative ease for her. I don't know if it was deliberately planned by MediaCorp's artiste or wardrobe department, but I kept seeing Diya in suspenders, which actually shortened her height even more onstage and gave neither a matured nor a youthful look to Diya. Perhaps Diya should consider a wardrobe change or stick to jeans or skirts like the other female performers?
《蚊子咬咬》 By 谢子伟 Jeff Teay 官镜瀚 Jeremy Kwan
Again the same thing happened, both the guys just sang and sang without any significant or memorable planned moves. It was quite a waste because I thought they were already well-trained in their music school to learn about stage movements. This song actually has a lot of potential for very comical moves onstage but neither of the guys seemed keen to entertain the audience. No wonder Spicymac (another celebrity blogger) was complaining the atmosphere then was a bit cold. Half the responsibility laid with the performers.
《雨伞》 By 曾咏霖 Teresa
Teresa's vocal quality was undisputedly par excellence that afternoon and had won quite a few rounds of resounding cheers, applause and whistling. Like most of the abovementioned performers, she knew her song well and I have no much to comment on the vocal aspect of their performances. Teresa did her stage movements as well as she could but my expectations of her are, as usual, higher than normal. There is still some room for improvement for her stage movement and because I am nicer to the girl (obviously), my more detailed advice is given to her at her own official fanclub instead.
《Sunday Evening》 By 杨佳盈 Carrie
I read Carrie's blog yesterday and I was surprised to find her "moody" because her song was not moving up into the leaderboard at all for the past few weeks. Carrie, if you are thinking it was to do with your performance, let me tell you that your performance last Saturday was, in my opinion, was amongst the best three. Good stage movement, good involvement in the song and genuine interaction with the audience there. Excellent work!
《男人香水》 By 林昱志 Leon
Leon seemed very emotionally connected to the songwriter and hence he was hugging and cheering with the songwriter fairly often but I was thinking it was really very disrupting to the overall enjoyment of his performance. He modified the song with a personal rap portion, which was creative and well-done, but it was again disruptive to the audience trying to identify with the song. Imagine first-time listeners were impressed by the rap portion but found to their disappointment that the official version had not such portion, how then is it possible for listeners to stay with the song?
《婚礼》 By 杜蕙甹 Candyce 张乐声 Lesheng
Yet again, very little stage movement that was doing justice to the song. I thought both of them were supposed to be singing a love duet but I sensed zero chemistry between the two singers. With no chemistry or attempts to form it onstage, the song was lost and attention for the performance waned. Lesheng and Candyce, both of you should be able to see from the stage how the audience faltered because there was little commitment to the song from both of you, both vocally and visually.
《不再》 By 孙文海 Wenhai
Perhaps I had high expectations that Wenhai could pull off rock songs without a sweat but I was utterly disappointed when he relied on the deejay to switch vocal ranges in-between the songs. He was supposed to impress the audience with his power but I could tell that he was just waiting for the special effects to hit in when the portions were reached. Wenhai, you have to show your own strengths instead of relying on those special effects to pull your designated song off the ground.
《爱的味道》 By 黄俊辉 Adriano 李俊纬 Marcus
Chemistry was slightly better between the two guys for this song and they were really enjoying themselves onstage. However, there was still much more room for improvement instead of just swaying their bodies to the tune of the song. Both of them must take note of their stretchnotes because I caught both of them going off-key near the end of the song. Considering the relative strengths of the other more senior singers, such a mistake became quite glaring to the trained ears.
《发烧》 By 汤灵伊 Tang Lingyi
Lingyi was as cute as ever and was doing all she could to portray that image throughout her performance, which was absolutely fine since it is a cute-sounding song to begin with. However, her voice projection through the microphone sounded too soft and she did not seem to notice that and compensate for it. With no adjustment and stage moves that were getting rather stale towards the end of her performance, my attention wavered too. I hope she could do better next time round.
《我死了怎么办》 By 潘嗣敬 Sugianto 田铭耀 Mingyao
This group put in the most effort to come up with synchronized stage moves to impress and entertain and I was a lot more pleased with them for their efforts. Yet, more could be done if they had more practice because I could see that they did not really coordinately completely and Sugianto was more like trying to catch up with Mingyao throughout the performance. It may look alright for the general audience at Eastpoint Mall but it would not make the cut if the stage or setting was a notch more formal. Practise! Rehearse!
Teresa performing 《雨伞》at Eastpoint Mall on 19 Jan 2008:
Okay. I admit the video quality dropped considerably from that on my camera/video phone when I uploaded the performance onto Youtube but I hope everyone can still enjoy the song and Teresa's singing beyond all the pixel and static issues in the video. It's actually a beautiful and endurable song once you listen to it a few times.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Song Recommendation For Jan 2008: 心动心痛 by 刘畊宏 许慧欣
Yes, it's not exactly a new song but I think it's really nice and thus fits into my song recommendation for January 2008. It's a duet song, which of course will come in very handy during ktv sessions and the harmonization between the two singers are very well-done.
The lyrics are quite a mouthful to remember but I think it's worth the effort. Jia you and hope all of you enjoy the song too!
A post and reply on analysis of lyrics for Yu San on SPOP Official Forum
Even though 《雨伞》is one of my favourite songs in SPOP Hurray, i believe there are better written songs in the competition.
I like the melody of 《雨伞》but i don't really like the lyrics... in a way i feel that the love described in the song is too pragmatic and self-centered...
It seems like the song is about how and what the partner can provide, and nothing about giving and sacrificing for love.
The following was my reply to Meteorstorm:
Hi Meteorstorm!I have a few queries about your comments and am wondering if you could answer me?
You said "there are better-written songs in the competition". May I know which songs are you referring to?
You said "the love described in the song is too pragmatic and self-centred..." May I know are you referring to the following parts of 《雨伞》?
不能永远挡着风 遮着雨 保护我
Although I am not Dione so I can't completely interpret her thoughts for this song, this is how I feel about this part:
Who doesn't worry about the possible change in the nature of one's love over time?
Who doesn't worry that one's love cannot withstand the tests of the ups and downs in life?
I think the songwriter is trying to show the worries and doubts as the song persona looks at the umbrella (which is now a symbol of love) and wonders how long such a love can endure.
I think it has accurately reflected how people have always wanted to huddle under the protection of love but are hesitant to completely commit themselves to love because the relative brutal realities of time, wear and tear often overshadow the enjoyment.
《雨伞》did not give a happy ending nor a sad ending in the song, and Dione has chosen to give it an open ending because even until now, few, if any at all, can confidently determine the outcome of their love.
I suppose this is another truth in anyone's love life - we will not know the quality and strength of our loves until the final moment hence the open-ended question will be there till then.
May the best song wins!
Sean Ho
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Attempts to dilute SPOP votes on MediaCorp's SPOP Official English Forum
I have been notified of the following incident at the abovementioned forum (thank you ZZZ for the information) and I have decided to share with all of you what I have responded to that person's post.
This is what he wrote:
Re: Kindly refrain from voting this song!
Originally posted by tida Given her popularity and the number of fans out there, there's no need to vote anymore for Teresa Tsang's song. As you can see from the 'who's leading chart'...her song is already there. She is very safe so no no risk.So, please redirect your energy and vote for Nathaniel's song number 1 instead.
This is what I replied:
Hi tida!
I am agreeable with the notion that Teresa is popular and she does have an incalculable number of supporters (active ones you see in the main fanclub websites and passive ones around the island). Thank you for affirming that with your post too.
But your "no need to vote anymore" suggestion is far from accurate and realistic because I believe many faithful (and thinking) supporters of Teresa understands that the other 11 SPOP songs have also wisely chosen their designated singers who have large fan bases too.
Diluting Yu San's votes to support Nathaniel's song is not a very wise option if supporters really wish to see Yu San steadily holding on in the SPOP competition.
Also, I would like to make it clear here that we have no illusions about the following - The song "Yu San" is written by Dione. Teresa is just the designated singer for this SPOP competition. So the votes which kept Yu San on the leaderboard is not just from the supporters of Teresa but people who genuinely support the SPOP song composition "Yu San" and of course, Dione herself.
Hence, I would like to continue my appeal to supporters of Yu San, Teresa and Dione to vote for the song Yu San in the SPOP voting competition. The closing date is 21 January 2008 so keep the votes coming in! Jia you everyone.
May the best song wins!
Sean Ho
Music clears the mind, fills the heart, moves the soul."
I would like to appeal to all faithful supporters of Teresa not to respond and reply on impulse to such tactics to attempt to dilute the votes of Yu San or to stir anger between supporters of Teresa and supporters of Nathaniel.
Let me deal with these posters. All of you just carry on with your daily voting until Yu San reaches the semi-finals of SPOP, from where a new strategy will be put up if the song makes it to the top 6 compositions.
Have a good week ahead! = )
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Random Pictures, Blog Modifications and Updates, Jungle Trekking Taboos
Blog Modifications and Updates:
It's been quite a while since I touched up on the features of my humble blog so there are the following changes made:
1) I have decided to tuck away my IMEEM player for now so that readers will not get too sick listening to the same songs being played again and again.
2) I have decided to change some of the songs on my main blog's music playlist. The new songs are as follows:
12. 蔡淳佳 - 庆幸有你爱我
27. 光良 - 烟火
28. S.H.E - 最近还好吗
29. 范玮琪 - 是非题
30. 刘若英 - 我很好
36. 张韶涵, Angela - 不想懂得
43. 周杰伦, Jay - 彩虹
46. 蔡健雅, Tanya - 达尔文
47. 林宥嘉 - 背影
48. 罗志祥, Show - 一支独秀
3) I have updated the slideshow for Teresa so that two of her recent public events photographs are included inside. Hopefully, by this weekend, I will have even more beautiful shots of her on the slideshow.
4) I understand that some of the songs on the main playlist are not working. Repairing them takes some time so do be patient. I will work on them as soon as I can.
Jungle Trekking Taboos:
One of my students is going to the Outward Bound School for some enrichment camp and I was telling her about some of the jungle trekking taboos that I was taught during my training days. Apparently, she just laughed them off and even though I am not that kind of superstitious person, I believe these long-established taboos must be there for a reason. Out of sheer knowledge, regardless if you believe in them or not, I decided to put them up here for fun. Read and see if you have actually heard of such taboos whenever one is to trek through jungles.
1) Do not comment on strange whiffs of fragrances or smells whilst in the jungle. It is said that sometimes "dirty things" will put on such smells to attract the unwary and those who speak of these on the trail will be followed. The most common encounters of strange smells are frangipani and pungent decay.
2) Do not shine torchlight onto the treetops above. It is said that those belong to the domains of the night creatures as well as "dirty things". There have been unexplained cases of mania and frenzy when a few shone their torchlights to the treetops (It happened during one of my jungle training trips when some chosed to challenge this taboo knowingly). These people are said to revealed they saw "dirty things" hanging onto the treetops.
3) Do not suddenly turn around if someone taps on your shoulder while you are on the trail. It is said that each human being has three "lamps", which are supposed to be protective lights against "dirty things". A sudden turning around will extinguish at least two of those "lamps", leaving the person extremely vulnerable to unimaginable horrors standing behind. Should one be tapped, one should keep moving and requests his/her name be announced loudly. If the person/thing refused to answer, continue walking until the whole group is informed and proceeds to a safe place out of the trail.
4) Always remember to say "excuse me" if you need to urgently answer the call of nature. It is said to be necessary in case one relieves oneself atop of the resting place of "dirty things". It doesn't really matter the "excuse me" is uttered in what language, as long as the deferential tone is there. It is said that those who broke this taboo would have "dirty things" following them around until an apology was made.
Okay. That's about all I know of. I choose to follow them whenever I need to enter jungles because these are small things which usually do not interfere with the major flow of programmes. Whatever one's religion or culture is, I suppose the people who taught me these taboos had their rationale:
"Better respect such ettiquette in the jungle. After all, our safety is more important than being obstinate and we are just guests in the jungle, which plays host. We should give this minimum respect."
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
More SPOP Public Appearances By Teresa in Jan 2008, Recent Duet By Teresa and Geraldine at MusicDreamer Live! Cafe, Screenshots of Rome: Total War

日期:1月18日(星期五) 时间:下午4时 地点: 义安理工学院 Atrium
Date: Friday, 18 Jan Time: 4pm Venue: Ngee Ann Polytechnic Atrium
S-POP 万岁!首次走入校园!Super系列参赛者将带来12首“原汁原味”的本地创作,势必让你听出耳油!我们约定你了,不见不散!
Take a break from your books and immerse yourself in the original tunes of the Top 12 compositions from S-POP HURRAY's Songwriting Competition! Meet with the song composers in person and play exciting games and stand to win limited edition S-POP HURRAY! Premiums!
Host: Lin Cuifang
Performers: Diya, Nat Tan, Carrie, Lingyi, Mingyao, Keely and more
日期:1月19日(星期六) 时间:下午3时 地点: 东福坊
Date: Saturday, 19 Jan Time: 3pm Venue: Eastpoint Mall
想一口气听完12首【S-POP 万岁!】创作大赛的作品吗?那就别错过这场热闹的S-POP 万岁!飚唱会。除了多位本地歌手之外,参赛的词曲创作人也将和大家见面。主持人林翠芳也会在现场和你一起玩游戏,送出超限量发行的S-POP T恤和公仔。以实际行动支持本地创作,S-POP 万岁!飚唱会等你一起来狂欢!
S-POP HURRAY! is moving out of the studio bringing you the Top 12 compositions from S-POP HURRAY's Songwriting Competition. Catch also the song composers in person as well as play games with our host and win limited edition S-POP HURRAY! Premiums!
Host: Lin Cuifang
Performers: Diya, Nat Tan, Carrie, Lingyi, Mingyao, Keely and more!
(Information and Image sources: SPOP official events webpage)
Recent Duet By Teresa Tseng and Geraldine See at MusicDreamer Live! Cafe:
I would like to thank skyvel of TFC and of course the video originator, eileen5537 (possibly a Geraldine supporter) for the provision of this exclusive video of our Campus Superstars singing!
Screenshots of Rome: Total War:
Okay, as promised, here are the screenshots of the classic computer game that I am currently entertaining myself whenever I am not working.
There you go. Hope those interested in this game enjoyed my little story telling. Have a good week ahead and thank you for frequenting my blog all these time! =)