Report on SPOP New Year Eve Mini-Concert @ Hougang Mall on 31 Dec 2007:
I was there at around 1pm and found Jolyn already sitting at the main audience area in front of the stage. However, the stage was elevated on two platforms and I thought the viewing of the performances would be rather difficult because of the stretched necks since the stage was so high up. So I took the liberty to find a seat on the second floor at Gelare and subsequently, Jolyn and Michelle joined me at the table.Both Michelle and myself had not eaten our lunch so we ordered spaghetti and dessert to fill our stomachs whilst waiting up there. Blanket and JR, two of our fabulous fanclub photographers, arrived shortly and joined us for a while before they took up their positions to capture the best shots of Teresa's performances onstage.
At around 2.20pm, the Mini-Concert finally started and each of the twelve song compositions' singers came up onstage one by one to perform the SPOP songs. Here are some of the photos I have taken from my position. Some of them are blocked by a decorative tree by the side of the stage but at least it was a comfortable position to sit and watch the performances. With Blanket and JR around, I could relax abit without worrying too much about the photo-recordings of the event itself. =)
Yes, I know the photos I took of Teresa are no good but thankfully, both Blanket and JR have done their work well. JR has not uploaded all his photos yet but Blanket has finished his. Below are extracts of some of their work. Want to see more? Don't go Mocca, go to the Official Teresa Tseng Fanclub Forum Site on my Blogroll on the left and view all the excellent photos of the beautiful and talented Teresa.
Teresa's Latest Photographs and Message to Her Supporters: Turning and facing different groups of audience at Hougang Mall, Teresa knows not everyone can see her onstage so she makes the effort to allow people to see her better by moving around from platform to platform.
Teresa smiling for the photographers at Hougang Mall, including one which she looks directly at Blanket himself on the fanclub shots. As with most of her public performances, almost all the professional photographers were busy snapping photos of Teresa. I could see all the flashes shimmering away the moment Teresa was onstage from my position on the second floor.
After Teresa's performance, I brought Michelle and Jolyn down to the first floor to wait for Teresa because Jolyn wants a photograph with Teresa and her autograph (Lucky her, she got both of them). Teresa did not leave Hougang Mall with the rest of the celebrities but she made her way to the escalator lift with her family, Thomas and Mdm Tseng instead. JR followed the three of us and we managed to get hold of Teresa whilst she was waiting for the lift.
Below is the fanclub exclusive photograph of Teresa at the lift waiting area of Hougang Mall.
Teresa left after taking a few photographs but she knew her supporters really wished she could stay a little longer, so she left a fanclub message at around 9.24pm last night:
Jolyn Teng,也謝謝你送的禮物,我會好好珍惜它。
Below is last week's results of the SPOP voting contest as of 31 Dec 2007 9pm
编号 Song No. 05 雨伞
编号 Song No. 07 男人香水
编号 Song No. 08 婚礼
编号 Song No. 09 不再
编号 Song No. 10 爱的味道
编号 Song No. 11 发烧
Teresa's SPOP song "Yu San" is currently STILL on the leaderboard for the votes! Hurray!
I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of Teresa to thank every single supporter who has been voting for the song all this while to make it happen and appeal to them to continue to vote for the song to keep it going through the competition.
Once again, thank you and keep on voting!
My Christmas and New Year Celebrations:
I was really busy for the past week because most of my free time was spent celebrating Christmas and New Year with my VIP friends and family. Below are the photographs I have taken for my gatherings with my VIP friends for the past week.
What is this? Mashed potatoes. Why take this? Because I was doing all the mashing. Why am I mashing potatoes? Because I was part of the team preparing food at The Changed Man's house for a Christmas celebratory dinner gathering of the VIP friends. Mashing potatoes is not easy work but the end result earned praises because it tasted really smooth and yummy. Hahaha.
Another dish prepared on that night. It's carborona spaghetti with ham, peppers and bacon bits. Very nice and delicious and everyone ate their fill that night.
More dishes taken just before the dinner. Sausages from Germany, Mushroom soup from Campbell. The missing dish was the mashed potatoes, which I was taking a break from mashing it then. Hahaha
This was taken from another KTV session with my VIP friends. Sam Lee was one of our favourites and happy to say, I am getting the hang of singing his difficult and challenging songs. When I feel up to it, I may even post another performance video of myself singing his songs on this blog. Stay tuned! Wahahaha...
This is Landy on the KTV screen. Pretty hor? She is talented but unfortunately not a bright star yet because she has too few songs under her name so far.
The Chinese temple at Si Ma Lu. Yes, my VIP friends pray at that place and I followed them. Although I am a free-thinker, I pray for strength to continue my work to save the world whilst I was there too. I heard the temple was the only building left on that street during World War II. Apparently, even the Japanese bombers did not dare to offend the gods inside by bombing the temple.
This was where I was last night - St James Power Station - Boiler Room with twenty other young elites. It was by invitation and I was honoured to be part of them last night, partying away at that place. I have never been to that place and it was very nice - lots of live performances, lots of drinks and lots of beautiful people to look. Hahaha
As the night approached 0000hrs, the party got wilder and the lights got crazier. The end effect? A very high crowd jumping around, toasting around and dancing around. By that time, I was already 50% drunk. Haha.
A photograph of how much we had drunk last night. We ordered a 8.5litres of Chivas, two bottles of Absolute Volka, two bottles of Cordon Bleau and two tanks of beer - and we finished everything at night. I heard the bill footed by the two hosts was more than $2000. Woohoo~
By 1.40am, I was nearly 80% drunk and it was time for me to go because I had to some blogging and work to do today. Oh, I was the first to leave as the rest continued to party until daybreak. Those folks were simply amazing party animals.
Alright. That's the end of the long post. I have got to grab my lunch before my New Year Day continues.
Happy New Year everyone and may it be a bountiful year of joy, love and happiness for all! =)
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