I titled my blog using an iconic quotation from a Shakespearean Play "Hamlet" because it is profoundly based on what everyone has been trying, struggling or dying to be - their true selves. I am still searching for the answer to that question myself and amidst all the faint glimpses of truth and doubts, trudging through the labyrinth of daily life, maybe my blogging will help me unravel my destiny in time to come...
Let me have...
the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the courage to change the things I can,
the strength to do the necessary,
the love to give to the deserving,
the wisdom to perceive such differences.
Take a break from your books and immerse yourself in the original tunes of the Top 12 compositions from S-POP HURRAY's Songwriting Competition! Meet with the song composers in person and play exciting games and stand to win limited edition S-POP HURRAY! Premiums!
S-POP HURRAY! is moving out of the studio bringing you the Top 12 compositions from S-POP HURRAY's Songwriting Competition. Catch also the song composers in person as well as play games with our host and win limited edition S-POP HURRAY! Premiums!
Host: Lin Cuifang
Performers: Diya, Nat Tan, Carrie, Lingyi, Mingyao, Keely and more!
(Information and Image sources: SPOP official events webpage) Recent Duet By Teresa Tseng and Geraldine See at MusicDreamer Live! Cafe:
I would like to thank skyvel of TFC and of course the video originator, eileen5537 (possibly a Geraldine supporter) for the provision of this exclusive video of our Campus Superstars singing!
Screenshots of Rome: Total War:
Okay, as promised, here are the screenshots of the classic computer game that I am currently entertaining myself whenever I am not working.
That is one of my generals, Victor, in red near the coastal ancient city of Sidon. Although he is well-accompanied by eight units of Roman archer auxilia, four units of Roman heavy calvary, 4 units of Roman Legionary heavy infantry, 2 units of Praetorian heavy infantry, poor Victor is stuck with two major enemy armies (in blue) from the front and back, not to mention the enemy garrison in Sidon city and another incoming reinforcement enemy army at the bottom of the screen. Victor needs to break the encirclement or risk being wiped out completely. This is the battle screenshot where Victor tackles the army behind his back. I adopted the box formation because the enemy army has more calvary units than Victor's army and those could easily outflank my infantry and archers so the box formation will protect them as best as possible compared to other army formations. All my calvary units are placed behind, ready to charge at the enemy units which will be pounding at my box formation later on when the battle starts. Engaging the enemy army. I am currently doing the calvary run, which involves harassing the enemies so that their ranged units, especially artillery and archers cannot concentrate on my main body of archers in the box formations. This, of course, puts that particular calvary unit doing the run in great danger but it fulfils a greater objective of keeping the box safe so that my ranged units can shower arrows on the moving and frustrated enemy units. Of course, the calvary run tactic can only achieve that much effect before the enemy units finally lose their patience and charge at my box formation. By then, their numbers and morale have been greatly reduced by the arrow showers. The infantry charge is braced by my fresh and ready infantry units surrounding the box and thus will withstand the enemy's attacks long enough until they start to rout and retreat from the box. From there, my calvary would be chasing them down from behind and cutting them down. The battle was won and General Victor broke the encirclement with over 100 casualties whilst the enemy army lost over 1000. With the routing of that enemy army, General Victor broke through and suddenly changed his route, attacking the neighbouring city of Damascus and taking it so that the army can rest within the city's walls. Meanwhile, my reinforcement army arrived in the next turn, went around the city of Sidon, successfully survived an ambush by 300 enemy soldiers and has now besieged Sidon instead. By this time, the city garrison, though has increased due to the influx of escaped soldiers from all these nearby battles, is of lesser threat because they have incomplete units, which have suffered casualties of varying degrees. Those enemy units could not recover during the siege because my spies and assassins have already sabotaged those re-training facilities. The city of Sidon fell in the next turn.
There you go. Hope those interested in this game enjoyed my little story telling. Have a good week ahead and thank you for frequenting my blog all these time! =)
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