Before anyone of you click the video below, please take note that the video was recorded with sporadic sudden volume bursts so don't put your ears too close to the speakers or earpieces or you may suffer a few shocks like I did when I first listened to it.
Samuel, since I have promised you that I will comment on this song so that you can improve, so here it goes:
Given the audio quality of the recording, I can only comment on what I could hear amidst the background music and static. The following is what I found out:
1) Male's starting part was too weak. There was no clear input of variation in the singing of the lyrics. Male sounds like reading the lyrics rather than singing them.
2) Female's starting part was quite clear. However, her endnotes are not very clean as if the lines just run-on to the next line without a specific break.
3) Female's second part was over-done with the endnotes. This time, she breaks the endnotes too hard, sounding as if she was chomping on the last word of each line of the lyrics. Control of endnotes and end lyrics is very important.
4) Harmonization is not good because both male and female are not communicating enough to decide on which key to rest on. Hence, the parts sounded uncompatible to blend into the song.
5) I admire the courage of both singers to jump enthusiastically into the crescendo part of the song. That is the spirit - keep that burning. However, control is the key word. Singing high and singing with control are two ends of the singing skill spectrum. To prevent screaming into the mics during crescendo portions of songs, allocation of enough breath and awareness of when to stop should be made known to oneself first.
6) When the song is supposed to fade after reaching its peak/finale, one's singing volume and emotions must adjust accordingly. By the end song, I could not really hear that difference. If a male singer is to participate in this song, he should know when to sustain his part because I find the male's voice disappearing for extended time with no reason when he should be following through with the female for some parts of the song.
That's all, Samuel. Hope my commentary can help you improve somehow. Have fun learning!
More Photos from Today's Health & Wellness Expo 2008:
As I was saying in my previous post, before I started reporting on Teresa's performance, I was hanging around the abovementioned exhibition and I must say it was very interesting. Full of stalls selling and promoting and introducing new healthcare products, giving free health tests and checks. A pity I did not have much time there but I did manage to take a few shots of a couple of performances onstage then. This is Dongfang Billy, a famous and popular artiste amongst the middle-aged populace of Singapore and similarly so in a number of countries. He is a cancer survivor, and he now works even harder to entertain, after dancing with Death itself before. He is seen here demonstrating some healthcare food and is later going to distribute those food to the audience. I did not eat because I don't want unfamiliar food to interrupt my report on Teresa's performance then.
This is him promoting some powerful blender that he is the spokesperson for. He said it could spin 30,000 times a minute and he uses it liberally to make all his healthcare food onsite. I must say his cooking skills are very well-honed. Precise and decisively confident.
This is the first time I hear Billy sing live onstage. His singing skills are not on par with the various Superstars but considering his multiple skills in hosting, cooking, entertaining, it will do.
The is the end part of his song. He ends it with a rather amusing pose but at least he is enjoying himself onstage. I remembered Billy before he was diagnosed of cancer was quite a hot-tempered celebrity, now he is a much more humble and better artiste.
This is the immediate yoga performance before Teresa started singing. I could not remember the name of the yoga centre but I remembered what this yoga instructor said "Yoga is not about the postures, not about the time you spent doing it, but it's about connecting yourself with your body, having time being yourself." How true, I am not a yoga person but most of the time, many people aren't even aware of themselves, just busying away from activity to activity. No wonder they don't enjoy themselves much.
Teresa's Performance of Yu San at Ngee Ann Polytechnic 18 January 2008:
(Video source: Ada from TFC and matsufuyu , 18 January 2008)
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