My Thank-You List for 2006:
I have been surfing the blogs tonight and I realized it is a tradition amongst many blogs to do such thank you blogs at the end of each year and I suppose as a newbie in blogging, it will be appropriate for me to follow this blog tradition as well. So here's my thank-you list for 2006. Unfortunately, I cannot publicly name some of the folks here on this public blog so I'll have to make do with codenames and for those who know who I am talking about, go ahead and smile. Here we go:
The Changed Man (VIP) --- My buddy has had many changes in 2006 and whatever happens, I'll be there for you just as he has been there for me for the past...hmm...13 years. I hope he finally knows what he wants in 2007 and go ahead. Right now, enjoy your ultra-high self-confidence but don't mess with troubling waters - you know what I mean.
The Directionless Girl (VIP) --- My close friend from my university days because she is one of the few who truly understands my point of view and how I feel about things without spelling it out. Methinks she is working too hard just to numb herself from finding her true love but she's a good girl in her own ways and I am sure there'll be somebody suitable for her hopefully in 2007.
The Sushi Rabbit (VIP) --- Another ultra-close friend of mine because like the previous two VIPs, she knows when to stand behind me, when to stand beside me and when to stand in front of me depending on the prevailing situations or dangers. Definitely one of those VIPs whom I would like to keep beside me for the rest of my life. Stay safe and don't hop into unnecessary dangers just for the fun of it.
Teresa Tseng (Campus Superstar) --- At one point of time, I was quite stagnant in my music pursuits because I was demoralized by the quality of singing during the early 2006 months until this girl sang on national television during the competition period. Unknowingly to her, she brought back the spark from the music embers inside me and I owe that breath of rejuvenation to her. I will continue to help her towards Superstardom within my possible means - as long as she continues to help herself.
Samantha (TFC) --- An intelligent and hardworking girl. She's been quick to update news of the Campus Superstar, Teresa and has been working overtime to provide the information to everyone else in all the possible channels recently. If someone is to organize an elite team of publicists, I would put in my letter of recommendation in for this girl.
Jinfu (TFC) --- From the way he blogs, he is a funny man in his own right. However, this guy knows what he is talking about and definitely has the capability to do what he says if he wants to. If an event or concert is to happen, he is the man to look for and I am still holding on to his promise for professional help if Teresa gets her own concert sometime in the future..haha.
Chengsong (TFC) --- A well-travelled guy but extremely shy. So shy that he still refuses to let me link his blog to mine. Other than that, he is really helpful and polite and I wish there are more people like him around. He has contributed much in many unseen ways to TFC and is one of those rare gems around. Good luck in his work in the new year!
Idollic.com Administrator (Idollic.com/teresa) --- An extremely mysterious fellow whom I don't think he would even want me to name him in this blog or anywhere else. This guy is another workhorse behind the scenes, supporting Teresa with his efforts on idollic.com. He is also very quick with those performances videos, clips and all the techie things that I am unfamiliar with and he has been very dependable in providing all those without a single word of complaint. Teresa is lucky to have someone working hard behind his back. Hope the girl can visit his webbie and give him a pat on his back for his hard work throughout 2006.
Blogger.com (Inanimate) --- I never actually thought of blogging even though it has been around for quite a number of years, but blogger.com actually made it really convenient for a beginner like me to start. And when I did, I realized how much fun there is in blogging and it has become a passive form of online communication between my friends and I, especially when we are too busy to chat on MSN. Hope to continue my blogging for a long time to come.
My Computer Games (Inanimate) --- I would like to thank those computer games that kept me company throughout 2006 whenever I was bored at home but did not feel like talking to another human being. Maple Story, Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, Sacred, Port Royale, Titan Quest, Soldier of Fortune, Rome: Total War. Most of them are role-playing or strategy games but I love all of them for what they can bring to me - a mental sweat and hours of concentration away from the real world when I needed it.
My Gym Mates (Fitness Club) --- I don't know their exact names because I only recognize my fellow gym-mates by their faces - I think everyone else there does that too. These peope gave me the necessary concentration and motivation to exercise and keep myself healthy. They don't really talk much but their gritted determination and bulging muscles whenever they concentrate on their weights reminded me to keep my mind clear and focused when I lifted mine. Thanks for being there to push me in an indirect way and keep my life balanced through motivating me to exercise.
My list could probably go longer than this but my heavy eyes are not helping me carry on. For those names that I miss, I seek your forgiveness. I did not forget all of you but my fatigue prevents me from typing further. My thanks anyway to all those who have been with me for 2006 and may all of you have a great year ahead.(Image source: clafouti, 06 Jan 2006, stock.xchng)
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