I was teaching a student today and one of the conversations went on like this:
Me: "So it's important to keep good relationships with people around you."
Him: "Not everyone. I don't like my sister."
Me: "Why? She is your sister and part of your family."
Him: "She is a total tyrant in the house but I always show her who is boss. I punched her real hard the other time."
Me: "Punched her? Why? She is like four years younger than you. Is that such a need to use force on her?"
Him: "I have to. Because being vicious and cruel is the only way to survive in this world."
Me: "Huh? What makes you think that being vicious is necessary to do so?"
Him: "I saw on television and during computer games that if one is nice, one will be bullied and taken advantage of, so it's better to be vicious."
Me: "But TV and computer games are only a small fraction of what is possible in the real world. I hope you don't form such an early judgment of the world with so little exposure to the real things."
Him: "..... But that is what I believe in."
Me: "Of course. I am not trying to dictate how your perception of the world should be. But I am just trying to tell you to postpone any judgement of this world until you have seen enough for yourself. Such an early judgement may close up your mind about things and people and you won't really see everything as what they may have be. That includes your treatment of your sister."
Him: "......"
Facebook Human Pets:
There is an application within Facebook where one buys, sells and keeps profile pictures and associated pet images and competition between users within that application are mighty stiff. Even though I am not some sinister human slaver of pets, I keep my fair share of pets because I think some of them have very beautiful profile pictures on their Facebook accounts.
The following are a few of my favourite Human pets and I treat them well - petting them often and bringing them treats and trips, using "points" accumulated in that application. Some of them are really expensive as they are fought hard over against very competitive players but I suppose I am their owner (for now at least). Just feel like sharing their pictures with my blog readers. Pretty hor?

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 2

Yesterday, I was invited by The Married Soldier for a homecooked dinner and a round of Playstation 2 gaming at his house so I accepted the invitation happily. It's been so long since I was there.
I was tasting the home cooking of The Married Soldier's wife for the first time and it was really delicious. We had omelette with ham, cabbages with onions, pork in black sauce and beefballs soup. The soup was exceptionally delicious because the soup was thick and the beefballs were juicy and fresh.
The Playstation 2 gaming was, however, with lots of glitches. Firstly, The Married Soldier accidentally deleted a saved game file due to a faulty game controller, causing a loss of 6 hours of gameplay that we had together in a previous gaming session. Secondly, we had to drive around the neighbourhood for nearly 2 hours to secure another working game controller. Yet, despite all of these, the session was just as fun because we had cleared the quests before so both of us had a much better idea of how to complete them more efficiently. Of course, our complacency did land us into a couple of messy battles. Thankfully, there is a "Load Game" function. Heehee.
Oh yes, in that game, I chosed a female Dark Elf character called Vhaidra Uowiir whose class is a monk (actually The Married Soldier said my character should be called a nun and I was like -_-). Anyway, my character, Vhaidra, is very cool with her kung-fu style of fighting. The good thing is that she can move quickly to the flank or back of any opponent and drop a series of rapid punches, which will bring them down faster than they can scream out. The bad thing is that she is quite helpless against magical ranged attackers but that is where The Married Soldier comes into play - he is a Moon Elf magician. =) We have just gotten to Act III but I think our combination will do well to finish the game, that is, when we eventually meet up again.
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