Beowulf was a competent but arrogant warrior who fought bravely but had a soft spot for beautiful women. He made a pact with the seductive demoness and managed to take over a kingdom but the child he had with the demoness turned out to be a malevolent dragon, which terrorized his kingdom. Realizing it was his mistake alone, he fought his own son in order to redeem his mistake and save what he truly wanted but had warped all along - genuine respect from all those around him.
Acting: ***
Direction: ****
Visuals: ***1/2
Overall: ***1/2
I was invited by The Married Soldier to take a look what he believes to be one of the best PS 2 games that he had played, God of War II. And after playing a few scenarios and watching the movie clips within the game, I am indeed won over by the very compelling plotline, the amazing graphics, and the very intensive combat.
The game, however, has a strong learning curve for non-PS2 players (like me who was struggling pathetically at trying to get the controls right, especially with the fights against the goddess, Athena). It is also quite violent with a lot of blood and gore and is definitely not for those with weak stomachs. Nevertheless, the stunning background, the weapon skills and the intelligence needed to solve the puzzles within the games more than make up for its limitations.
I'll definitely be trying it again in my next visit to The Married Soldier's house.
Armed with all-new brutal combat moves and magic, players retake the role of Kratos and embark on a new epic adventure to change the fate of mortals and Gods alike. The original God of War saw Kratos, a mortal warrior, set upon an epic quest to dethrone a God. But his journey did not end there. In God of War II, Kratos sits atop his Olympus throne, as the new God of War – far more ruthless than Ares ever was. To end his continued torment, Kratos must journey to the far reaches of the earth and defeat untold horrors and alter that which no mortal, or god has ever changed: his fate. God of War II sets an epic stage for a devastating mythological war to end all wars.
--- Brief outline by IGN.com
Song Recommendation: Rie Fu - Life is like a boat
The Holy Bitch sent me the following song over the MSN and after listening to it, I thought it was a light and insightful song about life and identity. I don't understand the Japanese lyrics portions but I think those lyrics must be about those themes as well.
We are beset by many things way beyond our mortal control but I suppose if there is always people supporting what you are doing or have empathy about how you are feeling, things will always look brighter. Hope all of you will enjoy the song!
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