On Wednesday night, The Changed Man said, "Sean, let's go for a night run at West Coast Park."
I said, "Orrh. But I still trailing a cough ley. Don't run too fast, wait I die then how? Hahaha."
And he drove both of us to West Coast Park after we finished up with our respective work. We reached there around 10pm and started running. It was wonderfully cooling and quiet. I could not really remember how far we ran but it was a good run, sweating out all the day's pressure and coming back to the starting point refreshed in a way.
We went into the West Coast MacDonald's and had a light supper there (late dinner for The Changed Man). While eating, we were joking about how hard and crazy we had studied during our school days, and how all of that studying was both fun and madness at the same time.
We left the place at around 11.30pm and went home. Both of us still had work the next day.
Wednesday: Money is In - Yay:
Someone owed me nearly $400 and went missing. I was about to give up recovering the money because the person did not seem to have a shred of intention of paying up after he defaulted payment for nearly two days, not answering any of my sms or calls.
Then, someone he knew found out about the sum of money and forked out the cash on her own and sent the money to me. It was so nice of her to do so and I considered the money to be a bonus since I had long given up on it that I treated my parents to pork satay. I ordered 30 sticks altogether and was simply pleased to see my parents nibbling on the satays contentedly.
Thursday: MSN Virus Attack:
I was one of the itchy-fingered MSNers who clicked on the stupid image23 virus on MSN that night while I was talking to two of the fanclub members on the MSN. Considering that it was my rest day, I wasn't really resting for the next four hours as I tried frantically to remove the virus before it could ruin any of my vital files on my computer.
I would like to extend my appreciation and thanks to Pauline, Blanket and Renfred for helping me find the various effective measures to counteract the virus timely and saved those files. You folks probably have no idea how many people you just saved but my thanks to all three of you. =)
Friday: Visit to MusicDreamer
November is a rest month for me and I thought it would be a good idea to relax at MusicDreamer Live! Cafe since the cafe had lined up two groups of excellent singers on 02 November Friday night.
The first group was one of my favourites - Mingyuan, Yiling and Jianli because the three of them usually crack really funny jokes and can of course sing very well. I have performed twice onstage before with the help of Jianli, a senior keyboardist and vocal teacher there and I thought it would be nice to give him my show of support too. He was very nice to recognize me at first sight and greeted me when I stepped into the cafe on Friday night and I was pleasantly surprised by his recollection of me. They sang and joked and sang from 7.30pm until 9.30pm, and ended with my dedication of the song 《牛仔很忙》. =)
The second group came as a surprise because I initially thought it was Zhongwei and Junxin but it turned out to be another group altogether at the last minute and even though I was disappointed that another favourite group did not appear that night, the disappointment was slightly miffed by the second group of Jiehao, DuJin and Peipei. The three of them got the running joke about the pint-sized Peipei being an ET and Jiehao was also very good in teasing the other two singers and coaxing the laughter from the audience as well. They sang very well too for my first impression of them but a little bit less talking and more singing would have been better. They were a little short on fast and happy tracks so I sent them 《制造浪漫》, which they improvised quite well and brought more fun from 9.30pm to 11.30pm.
In any case, it was still an enjoyable evening at MusicDreamer. Here are some photos which I have taken. Unfortunately my phone is not cooperating so I could only transfer some of them which I have taken on Friday night.
While waiting for the 7.30pm to start, I took this photo of an office building with many of the offices still brightly lit. Poor souls, still working so late into the evening.
This is the only photograph which I successfully transferred to the blog. It shows Yiling preparing for her next song and Mingyuan singing one of his favourite songs 《你是我的眼》.
That's all for now. Have a good weekend everyone! =)
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