Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day 2008!, Blog Modifications

Happy Valentine's Day 2008!

Alright, I don't exactly have any romantic celebrations with any beautiful girl today because I have to work. Yes, yes, Sean Ho has no life but some people have to work today so that the world will not come to a standstill just because the couples in love are celebrating.

Anyway, couples or singles, I suppose we can still celebrate L.O.V.E because it is one of the few emotions that separates us from beasts and monsters. Following the songs from my IMEEM player, I have also compiled a playlist using those songs by looking for their music videos on Youtube. For those with celebrations, maybe you can listen in while waiting for your partner to come and join you. For those without celebrations, you can still listen in and have fun looking through all the renowned love duets made throughout the past decade.

Have fun!

Blog Modifications:

1) Online Buying and Selling Shop:

No. The shop is not mine but I am merely helping a friend to advertise it out of goodwill. The thing I see in the shop is that the items are selling for quite reasonable prices. The bad thing is that the photos taken of those items are not very clear and without multiple angles. Anyway, I believe this friend of mine is responsible enough to make sure all the items and transactions come clean and hassle-free.

2) Removal of Slideshow and Performance Playlist of Teresa Tseng:

I have removed these two items because they seem to be causing quite a lot of lag on my blog recently, resulting in very slow page loading times and even hanging computers of certain visitors. Unless I have an overwhelming number of visitors requesting me to put them back up despite the inconvenience caused, I will have to stash these two features away temporarily.

Okay, time to run. I still have my regular gym session and maybe will go eat something nice for lunch as a token to celebrate Vday ba. Take care everyone! =)

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