Teresa sincerely emoting her songs onstage.
Teresa answering questions from the emcees.
I went to the NEA's Youth Eco Concert this evening along with two TFC-ians who managed to contact me in time for the event - Junren and Michelle. I met Junren first and both of us were watching some dance competition before Michelle joined us. The three of us waited patiently for Teresa's turn to perform while the dance groups gave their environmentally-themed performances in front of three judges.
From a distance, we managed to spot Teresa and Geraldine walking out of the celebrities' white tent to watch the dancers perform. Junren wondered if it was possible to get Teresa near the barriers so that he could take a photograph of her and I encouraged Junren to try and talk to the security personnel in getting Teresa out of the tent. After a minute of persuasion, Junren successfully got Teresa out and took an exclusive photograph of Teresa. On seeing Teresa approaching the barrier, Michelle also went over and waved to Teresa, much to the latter's delight. As the security was tight due to the presence of a Member of Parliament, Teresa had to return to the tent but for the TFC-ians who managed to get a close-up encounter with Teresa, it was well worth the wait.
There was this impressive percussion group called Wicked Aura and they gave a stunningly good performance using all sorts of percussion instruments. This was followed by two song items from Jonathan Leong and then two song items from Geraldine See. Teresa appeared as the third celebrity to sing onstage at around 7.45pm. When Teresa's name was called, applause was enthusiastic enough and response was far better than her previous performances. I suppose this would mean that she is finally gaining public recognition for her efforts as time goes by. Teresa was dressed in a smart casual attire of a pinkish top and blue jeans with her hair tied behind in a ponytail.. She sang two Sandy Lam's songs.
Teresa's first song sounded robotic and funny and I quickly deduced that it must have been some wrong equalizer from the sound booth behind the whole audience section. Unfortunately, the sound personnel did not rectify the problem in time and the first song's audio quality was quite marred. What was reassuring was that Teresa still gave her utmost in her performance even though she could probably detected the odd expressions from the audience around her about how she sounded from the speakers. Professionalism and calmness were obviously two of her attributes that contributed to her rise to superstardom.
Teresa's second song finally did justice as the sound personnel must have overcame the problem because she sounded distinctively clearer and more normal from speakers and she proceeded to give a superb performance of the song "Better Man". The audience also lightened up from the previous odd-sounding performance and settled down to enjoy her second performance. Sporadic cheers broke out amidst applause after her second song and I had to rush off to another appointment at Plaza Singapura but both Junren and Michelle stayed back to continue to enjoy the concert. Renfred was the next in line to sing.
To Teresa: You are already an established Superstar and thus I won't be grading you like in your previous performances in great detail though these are still made available to you if you really wanted to know how your performances went. You know how to reach me. Just two things to note: your control of voice during your repetitions of choruses and your opening and trailing notes of the verse "Be A Better Man" sounded a little bit muffed.)
I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank Junren and Michelle for turning up and meeting together to show their support for Teresa. I would also like to compliment their initiative to make contact with Teresa and of course brighten Teresa considerably as they waved their support when they meet up with Teresa across the barrier.
I could also pick out a few more clusters of supporters for Teresa but I suppose the news to meet up together did not manage to reach those supporters in time. Perhaps there is still much work to be done to unify all the scattered clusters of supporters into one larger and more distinctive fan group during future public appearances of Teresa.
Although I took some photographs of Teresa with my camera phone, but Junren brought along a much better digital camera so I'll be expecting him to upload those as soon as he is ready. I won't be in front of my terminal for most of tomorrow so could any of the faithful supporters of Teresa inform the rest once the photographs are uploaded? I would then transfer some of those onto this blog for the viewing pleasure of others who do not have access to the fanclub photo-database.
That is all for now. Have a good Sunday ahead.
(Image source: blanket_ma of TFC and idollic.com/teresa)
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