I titled my blog using an iconic quotation from a Shakespearean Play "Hamlet" because it is profoundly based on what everyone has been trying, struggling or dying to be - their true selves. I am still searching for the answer to that question myself and amidst all the faint glimpses of truth and doubts, trudging through the labyrinth of daily life, maybe my blogging will help me unravel my destiny in time to come...
About Me
- Sean Ho
- Singapore
- Let me have... the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, the strength to do the necessary, the love to give to the deserving, the wisdom to perceive such differences.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Highly Anticipated! 《你最珍贵》Duet Between Teresa Tseng and Chen Weilian on SPoP

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
October 29th: MusicDreamer Live Cafe "Audience Night" - Three Satisfactory Performances
After learning from the previous Audience Night fiasco, I attended last night's Audience Night with an entirely different mentality - a completely carefree one.
The end result was three very successful and satisfactory performances and I left the place with great joy and contentment about how well I had done.
Using this new mentality, I successfully performed three relatively difficult Mandarin contemporary pop songs. Indeed, in order to perform up to my desired standards, after finishing practising on the songs before I leave home, I need to completely let go of all my worries onstage. With the new way I treat my onstage songs, I am also able to better enjoy my singing and performances and subsequently bringing fun and enjoyment to the listeners as well. Gaining this valuable insight about live singing, I believe I can only get better in my future performances. Level up for me! =)
I would like to make use of this opportunity to thank the two musicians, Xue Feng and Ying Ying, who helped everyone last night with the live music accompaniment. Both of them are really competent, playing their instruments, looking for lyrics, giving impromptu accompaniment to some of the really new or really old songs chosen by the performing audience members. I would like to express my special thanks to the two of them for helping me with the music accompaniment of my three difficult-to-play songs. Frankly speaking, their voices are actually very good whenever they were asked to sing with the performing audience members and I would really encourage my blog readers to go down and support them whenever you can and see for yourselves how good they are!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Learning How To Sing 2 New Songs: 《牛仔很忙》By 周杰伦 and《落叶归根》By 王力宏
呜啦啦啦火车笛 随著奔腾的马蹄 小妹妹吹著口琴 夕阳下美了剪影
我用子弹写日记 介绍完了风景 接下来换介绍我自己
我虽然是个牛仔 在酒吧只点牛奶 為什麼不喝啤酒 因為啤酒伤身体
很多人不长眼睛 嚣张都靠武器 赤手空拳就缩成蚂蚁
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了
你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗观眾都累了 英雄也累了
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了
正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的
我啦啦啦骑毛驴 因為马跨不上去 洗澡都洗泡泡浴 因為可以玩玩具
我有颗善良的心 都只穿假牛皮 喔跌倒时尽量不压草皮
枪口它没长眼睛 我曾经答应上帝 除非是万不得已 我尽量射橡皮筋
老闆先来杯奶昔 要逃命前请你 顺便餵餵我那隻小毛驴
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了
你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗观眾都累了 英雄也累了
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了
正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 不用麻烦不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了
你们一起上 我在赶时间 每天决斗观眾都累了 英雄也累了
不用麻烦了 不用麻烦了 副歌不长你们有几个 一起上好了
正义呼唤我 美女需要我 牛仔很忙的
Afterthought: It's a very humourous song because of the lyrics and I really like the fast chorus, which adds to the traditional mood of cowboy songs. It's not easy for me because I keep missing a word here and there but I am trying hard. Hopefully, I can get it in a couple of weeks. =P I think this will be a really amusing song to have fun with friends during KTV sessions. Hahahaha...
《落叶归根》By 王力宏
*舉頭望 無盡灰雲
那季節 叫做寂寞
背包 塞滿了家用
路就 這樣開始走
日不見 太陽的暖
夜不見 月光的藍
不得不 選擇 寒冷的開始
留下 只擁有 遺憾
命運 的 安排
遵守 自然 的邏輯
誰都 無法 揭謎底
喔~ 遠離家鄉 不甚唏噓
而我卻像 落葉歸根
幾分憂鬱 幾分孤單
我的愛像 落葉歸根
Repeat * Once
但願陪你找回 所遺失的永恆
我卻像 落葉歸根 墜在你心間
幾分憂鬱 幾分孤單
我的愛像 落葉歸根
Afterthoughts: I like simple ballads at times and I am really impressed by the simplicity behind this song. It is exactly written as what the title wants to convey - back to roots of music. Simple tune, simple lyrics and simple way of touching the listeners. I am almost close to finishing learning this song. Another ten more practices should do it. Woohoo~~~
Friday, October 26, 2007
Teresa in MediaCorp's Christmas Album 2007! Woohoo!

Hi faithful supporters of Teresa!
This is one of the two events that I spoke of! Finally I am allowed to speak openly about it!
Channel U website has officially released news of the album and even two group shots with Teresa and three other CSS 1 Superstars such as Renfred, Geraldine and Alejandro as well.
The URL link is http://u.mediacorptv.com/storylanding.htmIn the Christmas album, Teresa will be singing a group song as follows
组曲:Medley: Deck The Hall + Feliz Navidad By 曾咏霖、黄业伦、史心莹、侯卓荣
and according to Thomas, here are some more exciting news about Teresa coming right up but I am given the gag order again! -_________-
Some of you must be wondering why does poor Sean have gag orders all the time? Well, it's because Teresa wants to make sure everything is in order before announcing any news but I think all these news are worth getting excited already. She's the kind of person who does not want people to get ga-ga over things when the final piece of the work is not completely put into place.
Another common question I faced is: Why do they only tell Sean about those first-hand updates? Well, I suppose it's because they trust me enough and believe I am not the kind of person who will spill the beans prematurely under temptation, lure or threat. I am also a more organized person, familiar with publicity and such so I get to prepare the groundwork before any piece of update becomes official news. The good thing is I know some things earlier than the public. The bad thing is I must keep my mouth shut until permission is given to release the news.
Anyway, I managed to get permission from Teresa's family to write about the following exciting events in another indirect way without officially spilling any beans on anything yet. Decipher it yourself. Remember, I didn't say anything ah!
Here it goes...scream if you can decipher them all! It's good news all the way!
1) Teresa will be scheduled to appear on n....... t......... very soon
2) Teresa will be scheduled to appear on the S... C.......... in early N.......
3) Teresa has been invited by C... W...... to sing on the S... C..........
4) Teresa will be performing a new song on the S... C..........
And for those who are observant enough, there is something else hidden within one of the lines of the article in "陈凤玲穿上性感白色小礼服、白薇秀的俏丽绿色丝质连身裙、曾咏霖的优雅贵气的黑裙". Go figure out ba. I am not telling. =P
(Image source: MediaCorp Singapore Channel U's website)
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Facebook Game: Warbook, Book Review: Tuesdays With Morrie, Song Recommendation: 《旋转门》 By 苏慧伦, Tarcy

The game itself revolves around the player trying to expand his/her kingdom (measured by acres of land) and expanding it through exploration (which costs money) or conquest (which costs troops). The kingdom generates income hourly, based on the amount of land, the number of mines and the number of trade agreements one has at the end of each hour.
The amount of land a player has can be further used to build mines (which generate gold), forts (which increases physical defense of kingdoms), training grounds (which increases physical attacks of troops), barracks (which reduces training costs of troops), amplifiers (which increases magical attacks of magic-using players), and barriers (which increases magical defense of kingdoms).
The available troops are normal soldiers (which are pretty useless unless you have them in the millions), knights (primary attack troops), pikemen (primary defense troops) and elites (versatile but expensive troops).
What both The Changed Man and myself have difficulty in is defending our kingdoms because there are so many powerful players with tens of thousands of elite troops and every time they invade our small, fledging kingdoms, they kill valuable troops, take away valuable gold and land, thus weakening the overall strength of our kingdoms. The Changed Man and myself have just suffered another round of losses in our absence (there is no manual control of the battles themselves as the game automatically runs and calculates battles around the clock 24/7). He lost around 2000 acres of land and I lost about 500 acres and 500 elite soldiers.
Haiz..I had expected my army to successfully repel any attacks since I had built quite alot of forts but I supposed I had underestimated the tenacity of those powerful players. Oh well, war is hell and there is no quarters given or taken between any non-friendly players.
I am still an experienced enough strategy gamer so I am not about to let today's horrific losses daunt me. I'll just go busy myself with other things until the next hour's income is inside my kingdom coffers and I'll spend every single coin inside building up my elite army. Hopefully, it will be sizable enough to help my young kingdom survive until the next morning. There are, of course, big sharks out in Warbook but I just hope I can somehow evade under their invasion radars. Wish me luck!
Book Review: Tuesdays With Morrie By Mitch Albom
I was reading this book called "Tuesdays With Morrie" and I find the book worth mentioning in my blog because it covers quite some pressing issues about the human world today.
The following are my most favorite extracts from the book. See if you can grasp whatever wisdom between the lines of those extracts?
"Wherever I went in my life, I met people wanting to gobble up something new. Gobble up a new car. Gobble up a new piece of property. Gobble up the latest toy. And then they wanted to tell you about it. "Guess what I got? Guess what I got?" You know how I always interpreted that? These people are so hungry for love that they were acepting substitutes. They were embracing material things and expcting a short of hug back. But it never works. You can't substitute material things for love or for gentleness or for tenderness or for a sense of comradeship." - pg 125
"Devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning." - pg 127
Song Recommendation:《旋转门》 By 苏慧伦, Tarcy
I always liked Tarcy's songs. Although she does not exactly have the best singing amongst all the female singers but her songs are always imbued with a sense of beauty and innocence that rings so clearly and differentiates her from most of the songs. The following is one of her latest songs but I feel that it is quite well-written. The tune is a bit bland but it's still nice anyway.
这分钟命运的旋转门 进来的是否是住下的人
都搁置幸福可不可能 渴望时间停顿
下分钟谁推动旋转门 是路过还是以恋人的身份
这分钟命运的旋转门 进来的是否是住下的人
都搁置幸福可不可能 渴望时间停顿
下分钟谁推动旋转门 是路过还是以恋人的身份
这分钟命运的旋转门 进来的是否是住下的人
都搁置幸福可不可能 渴望时间停顿
下分钟谁推动旋转门 是路过还是以恋人的身份
Monday, October 22, 2007
Japanese Funny Game Shows: Silent Library 3, Wake Up Pranks and 张学友《如果 爱》Home Performance
Japanese Funny Game Show: Silent Library 3
Here's another dose of humour from my blog - some funny game shows from Japan and I must say they are really daring in trying out some of the pranks, especially the tarantula on face library prank and the horse-pulling wakeup prank. Enjoy and happy laughing!
Japanese Game Show: Wake Up Pranks
张学友 《如果 爱》Home Performance:
Well, the following home performance video was made after I recorded my song gift for Teresa. I did not choose this as the gift because I am not sure if she liked Jacky Cheung. Moreover, I only have had three full practices with this song so I am not confident if I got the song's essence correctly.
Anyway, since there are a handful of peope who find my home performances palatable, I hope this song will provide enough entertainment as well. However I sound, I think the song was beautifully written and excellently sung by Jacky himself. =)
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Friday, October 19, 2007
Teresa's Latest Message To Supporters on 19 Oct 2007
Thank you for your kind wishes today, is the day that I'm born. I would like to thank my mum for bringing me into this world.
Next, I would also like to show appreciation to all those precious gifts that were being sent to me by Michelle. John, thank you very much for your kind thoughts. Michelle, many thanks for bringing all these precious gifts to me, it was really sweet of you, and also thank you very much for your present as well. To the rest of the gifts which I had received from Michelle, there were no names left behind. I really appreciate all your kind thoughts.
The exams had finally ended. I will be leaving Singapore for a short while. Thereafter, Mediacorp had some activities line up for me. Till date, I am still not sure of the activities mentioned. I will update or Thomas will update you guys. So, stay tuned.
As for myself, I will continue to work hard and horn my singing skills. Should there be a chance to present my vocal to everyone out there, I will give my best. Am really looking forward to such a day if there is.
Finally, I would like to wish each and everyone of you all a bright and successful days to come in your lives.
With Love
Teresa Tseng
(extracted from fanclub forum at http://idollic.com/teresa from thread "Happy 17th Birthday To Teresa!" at 05:15:06 PM )
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Teresa's Remixed Song in Latest 881 Dance Track, Exclusive Photos of Ang Mo Kio Wet Market Fire
Way to go, Teresa! A Campus Superstar who continues to shine again and again and again! Stay tuned to her because I am expecting more good things coming from this girl!
Exclusive Photos of Ang Mo Kio Wet Market Fire:
I was in the vicinity for work when I heard a lot of sirens wailing past and before I knew, Xiangrui of TFC smsed me about the fire. When my work was done, I headed in the direction of the Ang Mo Kio Wet Market and took the following exclusive photographs with my camera phone. The shots were taken faraway because the police cordoned off quite a big area but still, I managed to slip in these two:
What you see is just a fraction of the number of heavy duty fire engines and numerous police patrol cars completely surrounding the wet market. There goes my favourite BBQ chicken wings stall and my nasi lemak stall. Haiz...
This shot is special because you can still see fire burning inside the charred wet market (see the red spot at the right-centre of the photograph above). The angle was taken through a HDB flat towards one of the long rows of food stalls, which sadly are now completed gutted. As I ploughed through the hundreds of onlookers, I could still hear the explosions coming from somewhere inside the wet market. What a fire!
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Teresa's Winning Entry For CHIJ KC Chinese Composition Writing Competition 2007
Have fun reading! =D
Position: 第一名
Title: 尴尬往事
Name: 曾詠霖 Tseng Yung Lin (Chinese & Eng)
Class: SEC 302
Stream: 普通学术
“五、四、三、二、一!舞会正式开始!” 大会司仪高声倒数着。时间终于到了,音乐开始响起了,每个人都开始疯狂地跳起舞来,有的还跟着音乐唱起歌来呢。我好紧张,怕自己衣服没有其他人的好看、亮丽。但谁知道,当我一踏进礼堂,所有的目光都盯着我,注视着我,那眼神中有羡慕、有渴望、有惊奇、有赞叹……每个人一看见我就好像整颗心都溶化了。我好高兴,好开心啊,整个人就像飘在云朵之上。
张桂花老师点评:文章写得曲折有致,跌宕生姿。 开篇蓄势很足,作者用大量笔墨来写自己对化妆舞会焦急的等待与渴盼,以及进了会场之后的陶醉“所有的目光都盯着我,注视着我,那眼神中有羡慕、有渴望、有惊奇、有赞叹……每个人一看见我就好像整颗心都溶化了。我好高兴,好开心啊,整个人就像飘在云朵之上。” 紧接着故事急转而下,“哇!大家来看! 她的后背!她后面的拉链没有拉!”前面的兴奋和飘飘然为下文自己的颓丧懊恼做了很好地铺垫映衬。 对比手法也很好的起到很好的表达效果,比如开始时的快乐与后来的沮丧对比,大家的欢乐与自己悲伤的对比等等。
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Movie Review: Resident Evil - Extinction, Funny Videos: 《欠我十块》- 《千里之外》的搞笑版 and Japanese Game Show - Silent Library

《欠我十块》- 《千里之外》的搞笑版
My thanks to Munich for sending this very funny rendition of the song. I decided to share the video with all of you readers because it's really creative. Warning to the younger readers though - it still contains phrases of violence and bloodshed in some of the amended lyrics so take heart.
Japanese Game Show: Silent Library with Ernesto Hoost
The video was posted more than a year ago and has garned over a million hits. I don't know if some of you have already seen this but I suppose really hilarious game shows won't go stale, no matter how much times one has seen them. Warning: Do not try watching this video with a full stomach or you will risk indigestion from laughing too hard. Do not also try doing some of the forfeits or you may risk injuring your friends or yourself. XD
Monday, October 15, 2007
Latest Update On Teresa Tseng: Teresa's Song in 新加坡金曲獎2007 (Star Awards) Tabulation Full Results Yay!
I have found out from an anonymous faithful supporter of Teresa that Teresa's song was amongst the results of Most Popular Female Singer 最受欢迎女歌手 category. Hurray~~~~~
Although Teresa is ranked at position 31 with the following song:
31. 曾咏霖 1.5
代表作: 说不出的浪漫 [1.5]
I believe this is actually a GREAT piece of news for all faithful supporters of Teresa because our dear Teresa is ranked amongst the titan level singers of Mandarin contemporary music in the region!!
Although there is no official word yet if Teresa is going to be officially nominated in the upcoming Star Awards, I would like faithful supporters of Teresa to help in the following things:
1) Publish this piece of good news on the fanclub friendster!
2) Publish this piece of good news on the fanclub blog!
3) Publish this piece of good news on your personal blogs!
4) Find out as much as you can on your ends about how the Star Awards nominations are going on and update the other faithful supporters of Teresa about it!
Other notable local female singers in the list include:
1. 孙燕姿 660
代表作: 雨天 (2周榜首) [209];
逆光 (2周榜首) [123];
我怀念的 (3周榜首) [207];
咕叽咕叽 [121]
6. 何耀珊 232
代表作: 还是会想他 [54];
春天的微笑 (2周榜首) [162];
拥抱 [16]
8. 石欣卉 165
代表作: 从台北到北京 [84];
你给的 [81]
10. 蔡健雅 105
代表作: Beautiful Love [35];
障眼法 [70]
24. 陈迪雅 16
代表作: 触摸 [16]
29. 龚诗嘉 3
代表作: 放不下 [3]
Go on! And spread the great piece of news that Teresa as well as a number of our local female singers have made it to the list at the Star Awards! XD
Information Source: http://forum.g-music.com.tw/Default.aspx?g=posts&t=6033
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Birthday Celebrations, Videos n Songs Recordings, and Updates To My Blog
Yesterday was The Married Soldier's birthday and her wife, whom I decided to call The Thrower of Plastic Dogs (you will know the reason behind the nickname later), had organized a surprise birthday dinner at Mellben Seafood Resturant, as well as a board game session at Settlers' Cafe.
The Changed Man and I went to the Mellben Seafood Restaurant at around 6pm and started an hour's worth of wait before we finally got ourselves a table for four. We ordered the house special's claypot soup crab, a black pepper crab, some vegetables, fried beancurd, BBQ chicken wings and chicken satay. It was quite a spread and all four of us tucked in heartily.
After dinner, at around 8.30pm, we went to the Settlers' Cafe at Holland Village because it was one of the favourite activities for The Married Soldier. The Thrower of Plastic Dogs initially suggested KTV but I was still nursing the sore throat so we had to settle for games, which turned out to be a good idea too. We tried out as many board games as we could at Settlers' Cafe and the following photographs showed some of the more memorable ones that we played last night.
We tried playing this game about planning a 10-day journey across Africa but it was too much brainwork for the four of us, especially after such a heavy dinner. We gave up after two rounds because The Changed Man won two consecutive rounds without manoeurving because he had such good cards in his deck.
This was one of the interesting games that we played called "Walking The Dogs" where we had to get as many dogs in line as possible to earn points. The Changed Man won one of the rounds marginally over The Married Soldier's wife, whom the latter threw a few plastics dogs at the former in jest. Hence the name The Thrower of Plastic Dogs. Hahaha... XD
This was a reflex game about getting the correct dinosaurs with the correct background pictures. Although I was slowed down considerably by medication for my sore throat, my auto-reflexes were actually to my surprise much faster and thus I was the winner in this board game.
The Settlers' Cafe gaming session ended with a delicious brownie cake as a mini-birthday cake for The Married Soldier who insisted on sharing with the rest of us. Compared to the iced coffee and the iced honey drinks, the brownie cake was much tastier. Highly recommended.
Ever since Campus Superstars Season 1, I have received occasional videos and audio recordings of songs and performances, which singing enthusiasts have recorded and sent to me, hoping that I can comment on them. I hope I have been providing constructive enough comments for these brave individuals. Although I am definitely not an officiated person to comment on music, but do keep those self-recorded performances and songs coming in and I'll do what I can to help. After all, one of the objectives of this blog is to help people in their singing in whatever little ways it can.
I have read the tagboard comments about posting my own performances up and I will seriously consider doing so - recording audio performances using Youtube so that people can listen to my renditions of songs and have some fun laughing and learning through those as well. However, recent intense work has drained my voicebox and I am still nursing a sore throat (with heavy medication). When I recover, I promise I'll get to work on those audio performances and upload them here.
Updates and Modifications To My Blog:
I have put up more new songs (okay, some of them are not so new at all but nevertheless beautiful songs in my opinion) on my blog's main playlist for the listening pleasure of all the music enthusiasts and kind visitors to my humble blog. I hope everyone likes the new songs and continues to participate constructively and actively on the tagboard or comments section.
Frankly speaking, I do hope that this place will grow and nurture into a place where music lovers can come and share their thoughts and feelings about songs and music-related events.
Here are the new song additions on the main playlist:
01. 飞儿乐团, F.I.R. - 月牙湾
08. 陈伟联 - 火柴天堂
11. 孙燕姿, Stefanie - 雨天
20. 陈绮贞 - 还是会寂寞
24. 陈绮贞 - 旅行的意义
34. 张惠妹, A-Mei - 你是爱我的
35. 王力宏 - 落叶归根
40. 林忆莲, Sandy - 为你我受冷风吹
47. 苏永康, William - Sorry
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Song Recommendation: 《你是爱我的》By 张惠妹, Teresa Tseng's Fanclub Friendster and Blog, Successful Home WebcamVideos
同样的一场日落 同样你还是没说
只是抱紧我 时间一到就松手
你用一万个理由 都比沉默还温柔
你害怕的是什么 你想要的是什么
站在你背后 我连呼吸都痛
我要相信你是爱我的 我要相信你是勇敢的
我烦时间是最残酷的 我怎么等
我要相信你是爱我的 不要当我每次唱情歌
眼里总有太多泪 不停拉扯
我用一万个答案 解释我们的距离
你害怕的是什么 你想要的是什么
站在你背后 我连呼吸都痛
我要相信你是爱我的 我要相信你是勇敢的
我烦时间是最残酷的 我怎么等
我要相信你是爱我的 不要当我每次唱情歌
眼里总有太多泪 不停拉扯
你怀里有太多问号 告诉我怎么依靠
我要相信你是爱我的 我要相信你是勇敢的
我烦时间是最残酷的 我怎么等
我要相信你是爱我的 不要当我每次唱情歌
眼里总有太多泪 不停拉扯
Teresa Tseng's Fanclub Friendster and Blog:
Besides the official fanclub and forum at http://idollic.com/teresa and my blog here, supporters of Teresa Tseng (曾咏霖) of Campus Superstar Season 1 have come up with a fanclub friendster and a fanclub blog for the talented and beautiful young Superstar singer as well. The fanclub friendster is at http://profiles.friendster.com/28484157 and the fanclub blog is at http://www.teresaloveyou.blogspot.com/. So for all those people who are keen to drop a message of support to Teresa Tseng,you are most welcome to visit any of these places!
And yes, Teresa's birthday is on the coming 19 October 2007 so come on down and get your birthday wishes across to her!
Successful Home Webcam Videos:
After the Monday night's fiasco performances, I went home with a vengeance and on the very next morning, I used my desktop webcam and created a total of six homemade performances of my singing of the following songs:
1) 《苏丽珍》By 方大同
2)《最近的距离》By 陈晓东
3)《Sorry》By 苏永康
4)《记得》By 张惠妹
5)《雨天》By 孙燕姿
6)《爱的就是你》By 王力宏
Well, although there are some mistakes made in the videos (I was laughing at myself when I saw the replays), but I was glad that they came out pretty alright (at least much better than what I did on Monday night) and comments made by those whom I sent the videos too was generally positive.
The verdict - I am capable of doing better onstage so I am going to try harder the next time I get to sing with live music again. My thanks to all those friends who have encouraged me over the MSN and the blog's tagboard.
Monday, October 08, 2007
爱琴海观众之夜 - 我的两场很烂的表演 哈哈
我现场唱了两首我非常有自信的歌曲∶ 陈晓东的《最近的距离》和方大同的《苏丽珍》。结果却是残不忍度的表演,让我对自己感到非常失望。这两首歌曲我也唱了不下五十次,而每次唱都有一定的水准。虽然我唱得并非绝世动听,但是也不致于难听到作呕,
1) 我今晚的得失心太重了,越是想把歌唱好,越不能完全放松,导致歌曲发挥不出来。虽然技巧重要,我得在开唱时把重心移到零的位置,方能发挥出来。在家里练唱和在朋友K歌时,我只顾尽情一唱。我得把这心情带进现场歌唱里。
3)以后唱歌之前要戒口。今晚我还天真地以为吃晚餐后应该能挤出嗓子唱歌 - 我错了。笔记∶唱歌两小时现严禁进食,以方便开声带。
Saturday, October 06, 2007
SPoP Competition, Leg Cramp and A New Beginning
This is actually a songwriter competition held by MediaCorp Singapore where songwriters can submit their song demos for judging and if selected, even get their songs sung by celebrity singers.
You can click on the subtitle above to go to the official website and even listen to the 15 seconds demo clips uploaded by the songwriters. Although the judging is done privately without public opinion, I personally think it's still fun to listen to those clips because one can hear what the songwriters are doing about music.
Yes, admittedly, some of the demo clips did not really use good singers (maybe it's budget, maybe it's availability of good demo singers) but it's even more challenging to try and listen beyond the quality of the singing to find the quality of the song instead. Lyrical content, song tune, song variation come into play instead of singing techniques and quality of voice.
So, for singing enthusiasts who wish to have a look at what these budding songwriters are writing, do take a look!
Leg Cramp In The Middle of The Night:
It's been years since I have a leg (more specifically, calf) cramp and last night, it felt like a grenade has imploded inside my calf. The result - excruciating pain beyond words. I was totally jolted awake by the pain and because it's already 4 a.m. I kept my mouth shut for fear of waking up the whole family and struggled on the bed to stretch the leg out. 15 minutes later, the pain finally subsided and I eased back to sleep. I hate cramps because it drained my sleep and fouled a perfectly good Saturday morning. My calf was still throbbing even as I walked around trying to find breakfast for myself. For emphasis' sake, I hate cramps.
A New Beginning:
Ah, a piece of good news to brighten up the Saturday! I have finally received official word that I am invited to become a trainer for some holiday enrichment programme. This will mean a whole new experience beyond home academic tutoring because I now get to interact with students on an intense programme context. Hopefully, I can bring along whatever skills and experience I have acculmulated over the years to the enrichment programme and do a good job of it.
If everything goes on smoothly, I may become a trainer for such programmes or even camps on a more permanent basis, which means another income source, more experience and hopefully even more interactive and fun learning processes.
Wish me luck! =D
Thursday, October 04, 2007
陈绮贞 - Why does she have five encores?
Enough talk. It's best to just listen to her songs and decide for yourself about whether she is good enough to be loved by her fans. I am not a fan of hers but I am a lover of good songs so I am including those which I believe to be some of her best. Hope you can enjoy them too!
词 曲:陈绮贞
看沉默的电话 它什么都不说
看电视的画面 它无声的闪动
整个世界太冷漠 我没有力气再往前走
看你紧闭的嘴唇 它什么都不说
看你飘忽的眼神 它无情的闪躲
你的改变太冷漠 我没有勇气大声地说
告诉我 你不是真的离开我
告诉我 你不是真的离开我
别对我小心翼翼 别让我看轻你
别劝我回心转意 这不是廉价的爱情
都是你离开的原因 你离开我 就是旅行的意义
Monday, October 01, 2007
Song Recommendation: 雨天 By 孙燕姿
孙燕姿 - 雨天
是否太晚 路已走远