Hi faithful supporters of Teresa!
This is one of the two events that I spoke of! Finally I am allowed to speak openly about it!
Channel U website has officially released news of the album and even two group shots with Teresa and three other CSS 1 Superstars such as Renfred, Geraldine and Alejandro as well.
The URL link is http://u.mediacorptv.com/storylanding.htmIn the Christmas album, Teresa will be singing a group song as follows
组曲:Medley: Deck The Hall + Feliz Navidad By 曾咏霖、黄业伦、史心莹、侯卓荣
and according to Thomas, here are some more exciting news about Teresa coming right up but I am given the gag order again! -_________-
Some of you must be wondering why does poor Sean have gag orders all the time? Well, it's because Teresa wants to make sure everything is in order before announcing any news but I think all these news are worth getting excited already. She's the kind of person who does not want people to get ga-ga over things when the final piece of the work is not completely put into place.
Another common question I faced is: Why do they only tell Sean about those first-hand updates? Well, I suppose it's because they trust me enough and believe I am not the kind of person who will spill the beans prematurely under temptation, lure or threat. I am also a more organized person, familiar with publicity and such so I get to prepare the groundwork before any piece of update becomes official news. The good thing is I know some things earlier than the public. The bad thing is I must keep my mouth shut until permission is given to release the news.
Anyway, I managed to get permission from Teresa's family to write about the following exciting events in another indirect way without officially spilling any beans on anything yet. Decipher it yourself. Remember, I didn't say anything ah!
Here it goes...scream if you can decipher them all! It's good news all the way!
1) Teresa will be scheduled to appear on n....... t......... very soon
2) Teresa will be scheduled to appear on the S... C.......... in early N.......
3) Teresa has been invited by C... W...... to sing on the S... C..........
4) Teresa will be performing a new song on the S... C..........
And for those who are observant enough, there is something else hidden within one of the lines of the article in "陈凤玲穿上性感白色小礼服、白薇秀的俏丽绿色丝质连身裙、曾咏霖的优雅贵气的黑裙". Go figure out ba. I am not telling. =P
(Image source: MediaCorp Singapore Channel U's website)
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